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English-German translation for: requirements
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Dictionary English German: requirements

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NOUN   a requirement | requirements
Anforderungen {pl}
Voraussetzungen {pl}
Erfordernisse {pl}
Notwendigkeiten {pl}
requirements {pl}
Bedarf {m}
tech. requirements
Bedingungen {pl} [Voraussetzungen]
Auflagen {pl}
Belange {pl}
Bestimmungen {pl}
Bedarfe {pl} [nur fachspr.] [Bedürfnisse]
2 Words: Verbs
to cover sb.'s requirementsjds. Bedarf decken
to meet requirementsAnforderungen erfüllen
to meet requirementsBedingungen erfüllen
to meet requirementsErfordernissen genügen
to meet requirementsErfordernissen nachkommen
to meet requirementsden Bedarf decken
to meet requirementsden Vorschriften entsprechen
to meet sb.'s requirementsjds. Wünschen entsprechen
to meet sb.'s requirementsjds. AnsprüchenDat. gerecht werden
to satisfy requirementsAnforderungen bestehen
to satisfy requirementsder Nachfrage nachkommen
2 Words: Nouns
econ. ind. QM additional requirementszusätzliche Anforderungen {pl}
additional requirementszusätzliche Auflagen {pl}
additional requirements {pl}zusätzlicher Bedarf {m}
addressing requirementsAdressiervorschriften {pl}
admission requirementsAufnahmebestimmungen {pl}
admission requirementsZulassungsbedingungen {pl}
admission requirementsZulassungsvoraussetzungen {pl}
admin. educ. admission requirementsZulassungsvorschriften {pl}
fin. amortization requirements {pl}Tilgungsbelastung {f}
anticipated requirements {pl}voraussichtlicher Bedarf {m}
application requirementsAnmeldevorschriften {pl}
assets requirements {pl}Vermögensbedarf {m}
basic requirementsGrundanforderungen {pl}
basic requirements {pl}Grundbedarf {m}
bidding requirementsBedingungen {pl} für ein Angebot
fin. borrowing requirements {pl}Finanzierungsbedarf {m}
fin. borrowing requirements {pl}Fremdmittelbedarf {m}
comp. business requirementsGeschäftserfordernisse {pl}
caloric requirements {pl}Kalorienbedarf {m}
calorie requirements {pl}Kalorienbedarf {m}
admin. fin. capital requirementsEigenmittelanforderungen {pl}
capital requirementsKapitalanforderungen {pl}
fin. capital requirements {pl}Kapitalbedarf {m}
fin. cash requirements {pl}Geldbedarf {m}
cleanliness requirementsSauberkeitsanforderungen {pl}
commercial requirementswirtschaftliche Erfordernisse {pl}
ecol. conservation requirementsSchutzanforderungen {pl}
ecol. conservation requirementsSchutzerfordernisse {pl}
fin. control requirementsÜberwachungsanforderungen {pl}
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A 2023-01-09: oder vielleicht: to demand their small suppliers' self-commitment to meet ...
A 2022-07-28: maybe: pass requirements
A 2021-02-11: We specialize in bespoke solutions for your specific participation and com...
A 2020-04-04: The organization may make requirements of its members.
A 2020-04-01: to meet the requirements , the dischargement of duties
A 2019-10-01: Missing market demand or its requirements is equally fatal
A 2019-04-06: without any requirements as to (its) form
A 2019-04-02: In legal parlance, often +without any form requirements+
A 2018-05-04: https://iapp.org/news/a/how-should-i-respond-to-californias-do-not-track-r...
Q 2017-09-28: homework requirements
Q 2017-09-15: Grammar requirements
A 2017-06-29: norms / requirements / rules of a legal nature
A 2017-06-27: Vermutung: clearance requirements
A 2017-01-16: Requirements shall be met
Q 2017-01-16: Requirements shall be met
A 2016-08-21: absence of formal requirements = Formlosigkeit {f} (?)
A 2016-08-01: We hope these colours match your requirements
A 2016-03-03: I'll square the draft with our client / our client's ideas, requirements, ...
A 2016-02-04: additional needs / requirements (to be met)
A 2015-09-12: This is particularly the case in ... in [country name 2] there are not as ...

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