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English-German translation for: research expedition
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Dictionary English German: research expedition

Translation 1 - 50 of 1062  >>

NOUN   a research expedition | research expeditions
acad. research expeditionForschungsexpedition {f}
Partial Matches
expeditionExpedition {f}
TrVocab. expeditionExpeditionsreise {f}
mil. expeditionFeldzug {m}
expeditionForschungsreise {f}
mil. (armed) expeditionKriegszug {m} [veraltet]
mil. (military) expeditionHeerfahrt {f} [veraltet]
geogr. Antarctic expeditionAntarktis-Expedition {f}
geogr. Antarctic expeditionAntarktisexpedition {f}
Antarctic expeditionSüdpolexpedition {f}
climbing expeditionBergexpedition {f}
conquering expeditionEroberungsfeldzug {m}
geogr. hist. expedition cartographyExpeditionskartographie {f}
jobs med. expedition doctorExpeditionsarzt {m}
expedition leaderExpeditionsleiter {m}
climbing expedition mountaineeringExpeditionsbergsteigen {n}
travel expedition organizerExpeditionsreiseveranstalter {m}
expedition participantsExpeditionsteilnehmer {pl}
expedition reportExpeditionsbericht {m}
expedition teamExpeditionsmannschaft {f}
expedition teamExpeditionsteam {n}
fishing expeditionAngelausflug {m}
hunting hunting expeditionJagdausflug {m}
mercantile expeditionHandelsreise {f}
mil. military expeditionKriegszug {m} [veraltet]
mil. military expeditionMilitärexpedition {f}
polar expeditionPolarexpedition {f}
acad. travel polar expeditionPolarforschungsreise {f}
mil. punitive expeditionStrafexpedition {f}
scouting expeditionErkundungstour {f}
shopping expeditionEinkaufsbummel {m}
hist. Sicilian expeditionsizilianische Expedition {f}
hist. Sicilian expeditionSizilienexpedition {f}
astronau space expeditionWeltraumexpedition {f}
with due expedition {adv}mit gebotener Beschleunigung
to conduct an expeditioneine Expedition durchführen
to equip an expeditioneine Expedition ausrüsten
to finance an expeditioneine Expedition finanzieren
to finance the expeditiondie Expedition finanzieren
to make an expeditionauf Expedition gehen
to prepare an expeditioneine Expedition vorbereiten
to project an expeditioneine Expedition planen
to undertake an expeditionauf eine Expedition gehen
to undertake an expeditioneine Expedition wagen
fish geol. mining deep-sea expeditionTiefsee-Expedition {f} [auch: Tiefseeexpedition]
expedition of discoveryEntdeckungsfahrt {f}
hist. mil. Imperial Military ExpeditionReichsheerfahrt {f}
geogr. North Pole expeditionNordpolexpedition {f}
hist. Sino-Swedish ExpeditionChinesisch-Schwedische Expedition {f}
South Sea expeditionSüdsee-Expedition {f} [auch: Südseeexpedition]
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