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English-German translation for: research-based curriculum
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Dictionary English German: research based curriculum

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educ. curriculum researchCurriculumforschung {f}
acad. research-based {adj}forschungsbasiert
educ. curriculumBildungsplan {m}
acad. educ. curriculumCurriculum {n} [Lehrplan]
educ. curriculumFächerkanon {m}
educ. curriculumKurrikulum {n} [Lehrplan]
acad. educ. curriculumLehrangebot {n}
educ. curriculumLehrplan {m}
educ. curriculumStudienplan {m}
educ. basic curriculumBasislehrplan {m}
med. clinical curriculumKlinikum {n} [Teil des Medizinstudiums]
educ. core curriculumKerncurriculum {n}
educ. spec. curriculum developmentCurriculumentwicklung {f}
educ. curriculum reformCurriculumreform {f} [auch: Curriculum-Reform]
educ. curriculum reformLehrplanreform {f}
curriculum vitae <CV>Curriculum Vitae {n}
curriculum vitae <CV>Curriculum vitae {n} [alt]
curriculum vitae <CV>Lebenslauf {m}
educ. national curriculum [Br.]zentraler Lehrplan {m}
educ. on the curriculum {adv}im Bildungsplan
educ. outside the curriculumnicht an den Lehrplan gebunden
educ. core-curriculum subjectKernpflichtfach {n}
educ. pol. framework curriculum [e.g. for a subject]Rahmenlehrplan {m} [Rahmenplan]
educ. pol. framework curriculum [e.g. for a subject]Rahmenplan {m} [z. B. für ein Fach]
chem. polyurethan-based {adj} <PU-based>auf Polyurethan-Basis <auf PU-Basis> [nachgestellt]
educ. educational curriculum vitae <educational CV>schulischer Bildungsverlauf {m}
based {adj} {past-p}basiert
based {adj}basisbezogen
based {past-p}gegründet
acid-based {adj}auf Säurebasis [nachgestellt]
chem. acid-based {adj}säurebasiert
activity-based {adj}aktivitätsbasiert
activity-based {adj}aktivitätsbezogen
activity-based {adj}tätigkeitsbezogen
psych. affect based {adv} {adj}aus dem Affekt heraus
biochem. med. antibody-based {adj}antikörperbasiert
tech. tools appliance-based {adj}gerätebasiert
based inansässig in
based inmit eingetragenem Firmensitz in
based inmit Firmensitz in
based inmit Hauptsitz in
based inmit Sitz in
based on {prep}angelehnt an [+Akk.] [beruhend auf, z. B. Roman]
based on {prep}anhand von [+Dat.]
based on {prep}auf Grund [+Gen.]
based on {prep}aufgrund [+Gen.]
based on {prep}basierend auf [+Dat.]
based on {prep}beruhend auf [+Dat.]
based on {prep}bezogen auf [+Akk.]
based on {prep}frei nach [+Dat.]
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