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English-German translation for: respiration
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Dictionary English German: respiration

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NOUN   a respiration | respirations
SYNO   cellular respiration ... 
NOUN   die Respiration | die Respirationen
Atmung {f}
med. respiration
Respiration {f}
biochem. med. MedTech. respiration
Veratmung {f}
respirationAtmungsvorgang {m}
2 Words: Nouns
med. abdominal respirationBauchatmung {f}
biochem. biol. aerobic respirationaerobe Atmung {f}
med. agonal respirationSchnappatmung {f} [i. S. v. agonale Atmung]
med. agonal respirationagonale Atmung {f}
biol. anaerobic respirationanaerobe Atmung {f}
med. artificial respirationkünstliche Atmung {f}
med. artificial respirationkünstliche Beatmung {f}
med. ataxic respiration [Biot's respiration]ataktische Atmung {f} [Biot-Atmung]
zool. basal respirationRuheatmung {f}
med. bronchial respirationBronchialatmen {n}
biol. cellular respirationZellatmung {f}
biol. cellular respirationzelluläre Atmung {f}
biochem. biol. dark respirationDunkelrespiration {f}
med. diaphragmatic respirationBauchatmung {f}
med. diaphragmatic respirationZwerchfellatmung {f}
med. external respirationäußere Atmung {f}
med. gasping respirationFischmaulatmung {f}
med. home respirationHeimbeatmung {f} [Beatmung zu Hause]
biol. internal respirationinnere Atmung {f}
bot. leaf respirationBlattatmung {f}
med. meningitic respirationmeningitisches Atmen {n}
biochem. mitochondrial respirationMitochondrienatmung {f}
bot. plant respirationPflanzenatmung {f}
entom. plastron respirationPlastronatmung {f}
biol. pulmonary respirationLungenatmung {f}
MedTech. respiration apparatusBeatmungsgerät {n}
med. respiration measurementAtmungsmessung {f}
biol. respiration mechanismAtmungsmechanismus {m}
MedTech. respiration pyelogramVeratmungspyelogramm {n}
med. VetMed. respiration rateAtmungsrate {f}
biol. respiration rateRespirationsrate {f}
med. sigh respirationSeufzeratmung {f}
med. slowed respirationverlangsamte Atmung {f}
biol. ecol. soil respirationBodenatmung {f}
med. spontaneous respirationSpontanatmung {f}
med. thoracic respirationFlankenatmung {f}
med. thoracic respirationThorakalatmung {f}
3 Words: Verbs
med. to give sb. artificial respirationjdn. beatmen
3 Words: Nouns
med. Biot's / Biot respirationBiot-Atmung {f}
med. Cheyne-Stokes respiration <CSR>Cheyne-Stokes-Atmung {f} <CSA>
biol. med. depth of respirationAtemtiefe {f}
difficulty in respirationAtmungsbeschwerden {pl}
med. disturbance of respirationRespirationsstörung {f}
VetMed. inspiratory paroxysmal respirationRückwärtsniesen {n}
med. Kussmaul's / Kussmaul respirationKußmaul-Atmung {f}
med. measurement of respirationAtmungsmessung {f}
biol. mechanism of respirationAtmungsmechanismus {m}
biol. mechanism of respirationRespirationsmechanismus {m}
anat. biol. muscles {pl} of respirationAtemmuskulatur {f}
med. rapid shallow respirationHechelatmung {f}
4 Words: Nouns
med. mouth-to-mouth respirationMund-zu-Mund-Beatmung {f}
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A 2009-05-11: agree with 'respiration.'
A 2005-05-09: stoma mechanism for gas exchange/plant respiration
A 2005-02-24: Spontanatmung: spontaneous respiration

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