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English-German translation for: responsibilities
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Dictionary English German: responsibilities

Translation 1 - 33 of 33

English German
NOUN   a responsibility | responsibilities
Verantwortlichkeiten {pl}
admin. responsibilities
Kompetenzen {pl} [Verantwortungsbereiche]
Verbindlichkeiten {pl}
responsibilities {pl}
Verantwortung {f} [Verantwortlichkeiten]
2 Words: Verbs
to allocate responsibilitiesAufgaben zuteilen
to meet responsibilitiesVerpflichtungen nachkommen
2 Words: Nouns
pol. spec. departmental responsibilities {pl}Ressortzuschnitt {m}
family responsibilitiesFamilienpflichten {pl}
jobs job responsibilitiesArbeitspflichten {pl}
key responsibilitiesHauptzuständigkeiten {pl}
econ. QM management responsibilitiesVerantwortlichkeiten {pl}
mixed responsibilitiesgemischte Zuständigkeitsbereiche {pl}
tech. operator's responsibilitiesVerantwortlichkeiten {pl} des Betreibers
jobs professional responsibilities {pl}berufliche Aufgabe {f}
respective responsibilitiesgegenseitige Verpflichtungen {pl}
acad. teaching responsibilitiesLehraufgaben {pl}
3 Words: Others
against all responsibilities {adv}gegen alle Verantwortlichkeiten
3 Words: Verbs
to avoid all responsibilitiesjeglicher Verantwortung aus dem Weg gehen
to meet one's responsibilitiesseiner Verantwortung nachkommen
3 Words: Nouns
allocation of responsibilitiesAufgabenverteilung {f}
allocation of responsibilitiesAufgabenzuteilung {f}
definition of responsibilitiesDefinition {f} der Pflichten
distribution of responsibilitiesAufgabenverteilung {f}
division of responsibilitiesArbeitsteilung {f}
range of responsibilitiesVerantwortungsbereich {m}
schedule of responsibilitiesGeschäftsverteilungsplan {m}
schedule of responsibilitiesVerteilungsplan {m} der Zuständigkeiten
scope of responsibilitiesVerantwortungsbereich {m} [fig.]
QM top management responsibilities {pl}Verantwortung {f} der obersten Leitung
4 Words: Others
Ownership has its responsibilities.Eigentum verpflichtet.
4 Words: Nouns
responsibilities of spatial planningAufgaben {pl} der Raumordnung und Landesplanung
5+ Words: Verbs
to fail to live up to one's responsibilities as ... [e.g. a parent, vendor, journalist etc.]seiner Verantwortung als ... nicht nachkommen
to live up to one's responsibilities as ... [e.g. a parent, vendor etc.]seiner Verantwortung als ... nachkommen
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A 2023-01-10: make them accept their responsibilities
A 2015-10-26: special rights and responsibilities of the Allied Powers (Alliierte Vorbeh...
A 2014-07-24: ...receives / will receive phased training relating to the new position / ...
A 2013-02-06: politicians with (special) responsibilities/-ty (for health, defence, etc.)
A 2012-12-04: Darunter meine ich meine 'Roles of Responsibilities' (z.B. in Studentenclubs)
Q 2012-11-23: attend responsibilities
A 2012-10-05: We know XY to be an honest, hard-working and punctual employee, who has ca...
A 2012-06-01: overlapping tasks / responsibilities
A 2012-05-17: also for someone with global responsibilities for something.
A 2012-05-15: A man is not easy, tired. Family responsibilities
A 2011-10-18: Responsibilities instead of authorities
A 2011-10-18: Responsibilities instead of agendas
A 2010-04-27: ? http://www.google.com/#hl=en&q=%22organization+of+responsibilities&aq=f&...
A 2009-08-12: In that context, I tend to "duties and responsibilities".
A 2009-07-12: ... by defining duties and management responsibilities
A 2009-07-12: ... and management responsibilities
A 2009-07-12: delegation of duties and responsibilities, allowing for appropriate and in...
A 2009-07-10: The company has to meet its environmental responsibilities
A 2009-05-17: On the other hand, being Chair/chairing a meeting does carry with it certa...
A 2009-03-05: I quickly get used to / I quickly familiarize myself with new tasks / resp...

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