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English-German Dictionary

English-German translation for: restriktive Chirurgie
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restriktive Chirurgie in other languages:

Deutsch - Englisch

Dictionary English German: restriktive Chirurgie

Translation 1 - 69 of 69

med. restrictive surgeryrestriktive Chirurgie {f}
Partial Matches
restrictive monetary policyrestriktive Geldmengenpolitik {f}
econ. tight monetary policyrestriktive Geldpolitik {f}
restrictive credit policyrestriktive Kreditpolitik {f}
restrictive practicesrestriktive Methoden {pl}
econ. restrictive economic policyrestriktive Wirtschaftspolitik {f}
med. restrictive cardiomyopathy <RCM>restriktive Kardiomyopathie {f} <RKM>
acad. med. surgery [branch of medicine]Chirurgie {f}
med. surgical wardChirurgie {f} [Abteilung]
acad. cosmet. med. aesthetic surgeryästhetische Chirurgie {f}
acad. med. cosmetic surgery [branch of medicine]ästhetische Chirurgie {f}
acad. med. ophthalmic surgery <OS> [branch of medicine]augenärztliche Chirurgie {f}
med. bariatric surgery [branch of medicine]bariatrische Chirurgie {f}
MedTech. image-guided surgerybildgeführte Chirurgie {f}
med. breast-conserving surgery <BCS>brusterhaltende Chirurgie {f}
acad. med. bypass surgery [branch of medicine]Bypass-Chirurgie {f}
surgery managementChirurgie-Management {n}
comp. med. MedTech. computer-assisted surgery <CAS>computerassistierte Chirurgie {f}
med. endocrine surgeryendokrine Chirurgie {f}
acad. med. cosmetic surgery [branch of medicine]kosmetische Chirurgie {f}
acad. dent. craniomaxillofacial surgerykraniomaxillofaziale Chirurgie {f}
med. laparoscopic surgerylaparoskopische Chirurgie {f}
med. laparoendoscopic / laparo-endoscopic single-site surgery <LESS surgery>LESS-Chirurgie {f}
med. malabsorptive surgerymalabsorptive Chirurgie {f}
med. microinvasive surgerymikroinvasive Chirurgie {f}
med. minimally invasive surgery <MIS>minimalinvasive Chirurgie {f}
med. scarless surgerynarbenfreie Chirurgie {f}
dent. orthognathic surgeryorthognathe Chirurgie {f}
med. orthopaedic surgery [Br.]orthopädische Chirurgie {f}
med. orthopedic surgery [Am.]orthopädische Chirurgie {f}
med. anaplasty [obs.]plastische Chirurgie {f}
acad. med. plastic surgeryplastische Chirurgie {f}
med. radical surgeryradikale Chirurgie {f}
med. reconstructive surgeryrekonstruktive Chirurgie {f}
med. MedTech. robot-assisted surgery [branch of medicine]roboterassistierte Chirurgie {f}
MedTech. robot-assisted surgery [branch of medicine]robotergestützte Chirurgie {f}
med. MedTech. robotic-assisted surgery <RAS> [branch of medicine]robotergestützte Chirurgie {f}
med. surgical safety checklist <SSC>Sicherheitscheckliste {f} Chirurgie
acad. med. vascular surgeryvaskuläre Chirurgie {f}
med. reconstructive surgerywiederherstellende Chirurgie {f}
dent. dental surgeryzahnärztliche Chirurgie {f}
med. cyclodestructive surgeryzyklodestruktive Chirurgie {f}
MedTech. high-frequency surgery <HF surgery>Hochfrequenzchirurgie {f} <HF-Chirurgie>
med. minor surgery room [as opposed to an operating theatre]kleine Chirurgie {f} [Raum]
med. refractive surgeryrefraktive Chirurgie {f} [Augenheilkunde]
med. MedTech. robotic-assisted surgery <RAS> [branch of medicine]roboterassistierte Chirurgie {f} <RAC>
med. department of surgeryAbteilung {f} für Chirurgie
med. Bachelor of Surgery <BChir, MB BS>Bakkalaureus {m} der Chirurgie
med. adult cardiac surgeryErwachsenen-Herz-Chirurgie {f}
med. adult heart surgeryErwachsenen-Herz-Chirurgie {f}
jobs med. consultant surgeonFacharzt {m} für Chirurgie
med. robotic surgeryroboter-assistierte Chirurgie {f}
med. operating suiteChirurgie-Suite {f} [geh.] [Operationssaal]
med. surgical suiteChirurgie-Suite {f} [geh.] [Operationssaal]
med. MedTech. robot surgery [robotic surgery]Roboter-Chirurgie {f} [auch: Roboterchirurgie]
med. MedTech. gamma knife surgery <GKS>Gamma-Knife-Chirurgie {f} <GKC>
med. minimal invasive surgery <MIS>minimal-invasive Chirurgie {f} <MIC>
med. video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery <VATS>videoassistierte thorakoskopische Chirurgie {f} <VATS>
med. plastic surgeonFacharzt {m} für plastische Chirurgie
med. head and neck surgeryKopf- und Hals-Chirurgie {f}
med. plastic and reconstructive surgeryplastische und wiederaufbauende Chirurgie {f}
med. fast track surgery„Schnellspur“-Chirurgie {f} [perioperatives therapeutisches Konzept]
med. bandaid surgery [esp. Am.] [Band-Aid® surgery] [e.g. laparoscopy]minimalinvasive Chirurgie {f} [z. B. Laparoskopie]
med. minimally invasive surgery <MIS>Unter-Tage-Chirurgie {f} [ugs.] [selten]
MedTech. argon probe for open surgeryArgonsonde {f} zum Einsatz in offener Chirurgie
med. hepato-pancreato-biliary surgery <HPB surgery>Leber-, Gallen- und Pankreaschirurgie {f} <HPB-Chirurgie>
med. minimal invasive surgery <MIS>minimalinvasive Chirurgie {f} <MIC> [auch: minimal-invasive Chirurgie]
med. at the surgical ward {adv}auf der Chirurgie [in der chirurgischen Abteilung]
acad. med. Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery <MBBS> [esp. Br.]Bachelor in Medizin und der Chirurgie [Bachelor in Medizin und Chirurgie]
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• restriktive Chirurgie
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