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English-German translation for: retain
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Dictionary English German: retain

Translation 1 - 38 of 38

English German
VERB  to retain | retained | retained ... 
SYNO   to continue | to keep | to keep on ... 
to retain
to retain
to retain sth.
etw. bewahren
to retain sth. [withhold, keep back]
etw.Akk. einbehalten
to retain
erhalten [behalten, beibehalten]
to retain
to retain sth.
etw. halten [behalten, festhalten]
to retain sth.
etw.Akk. aufbewahren
to retain sb./sth.
jdn./etw. zurückhalten
to retain
to retain
to retain
to retain sb. [to secure the service of (a barrister / attorney / an expert) with a preliminary payment]
jdn. beauftragen [(einen Anwalt / Sachverständigen) unter Zahlung eines Vorschusses in Dienst nehmen]
to retainbestehen lassen
law to retain sb.jdn. in seinen Diensten halten [veraltet]
Internet telecom. to retain sth. [data]etw. (auf Vorrat) speichern [Daten]
fin. to retain sth. [not distribute profits]etw.Akk. thesaurieren [fachsprachlich]
2 Words: Verbs
to retain controldie Kontrolle behalten
to retain custodydas Sorgerecht behalten
to retain employeesMitarbeiter binden
to retain informationInformationen speichern
to retain moneyGeld zurückbehalten
to retain paymentZahlung zurückhalten
to retain possessionin Besitz behalten
2 Words: Nouns
tech. retain plateHalteblech {n}
3 Words: Verbs
law to retain a lawyereinen Anwalt engagieren
to retain a sampleein Muster entnehmen
pol. to retain a seat [in parliament etc.]ein Mandat behalten
to retain in quarantineunter Quarantäne halten
to retain its shapeformbeständig sein
to retain the goodsdie Ware zurückhalten
sports to retain the leaddie Führung verteidigen
4 Words: Others
Bricks retain the heat.Ziegel halten die Wärme zurück.
4 Words: Verbs
to retain an old customeinen alten Brauch beibehalten
to retain facts in memoryFakten im Gedächtnis behalten
to retain the nominal capitaldas Grundkapital halten
5+ Words: Verbs
to retain an affinity with one's cultural rootseine Bindung zu seinen kulturellen Wurzeln erhalten
to struggle to retain one's composurenach / um Fassung ringen [vor Gefühlsausbruch]
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Q 2022-06-29: retain virtue morality‘s immersed attention
A 2022-05-28: May it not be bad legalese for +retain / reserve the right for you to use ...
A 2022-05-27: +retain the right+ HIER im Sinne von +reserve the right+
Q 2022-05-27: Retain
Q 2018-12-13: +keep+ or +retain+
A 2015-10-13: Retain the "Mr."
A 2015-09-30: +percent+ does retain an AE flavour
A 2014-04-22: retain is fine
A 2014-03-25: The values are all the same in the original, I overwrite the English terms...
A 2014-01-22: ... and retain its legal and economic independence
A 2013-11-22: of all those uncles on my mother's side, the oldest one, I retain ... in m...
A 2012-10-12: Even clearer: Retain your ticket until you have left the station
A 2012-10-12: Retain your ticket until you leave the station
A 2012-10-02: knows no bounds would retain the ambiguity
A 2011-07-21: Agree with Catesse: retain the distinction between natural sciences and hu...
A 2011-06-10: Retain information for future reference
A 2011-04-23: Please retain the HoF as such, but perhaps eliminate the weekly listing.
Q 2011-04-23: to retain interest for one's own account
Q 2011-03-03: Noch einmal "retain" - hier als "group retainers"
A 2011-03-03: Retain here - meaning 4 -

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