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English-German translation for: returning
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Dictionary English German: returning

Translation 1 - 21 of 21

English German
VERB  to return | returned | returned
returning | returns
SYNO   returning | reversive | reverting
returning {adj} {pres-p}
returning {adj} {pres-p}
returning {adj} {pres-p}
returning {adj} {pres-p}retournierend
returning {adj} {pres-p}wiedergebend
Rückkehr {f}
2 Words
returning home {adj} {pres-p} [postpos.]heimgehend
returning home {adj} {pres-p} [postpos.]heimkehrend
returning floodRückflut {f}
returning homeHeimkehr {f}
pol. returning officer [Br.] [elections]Wahlleiter {m}
returning soldierKriegheimkehrer {m}
returning traveler [Am.]Reiserückkehrer {m}
med. travel returning vacationersFerienrückkehrer {pl}
3 Words
naut. red right returning [navigational mnemonic]rot rechts heimkehrend
pol. District Returning Officer <DRO> [Aus.] [Can.] [Ind.]Wahlkreisleiter {m}
hist. returning German soldiersdeutsche Kriegsheimkehrer {pl}
4 Words
reason for returning goodsGrund {m} der Rücksendung
5+ Words
I am returning the ... to you, carriage forward.Ich schicke die ... per Frachtnachnahme an Sie zurück.
We are returning your statement and would request you to amend it.Wir schicken Ihre Abrechnung mit der Bitte um Korrektur zurück. [kontextspezifisch]
Fiction (Literature and Film)
mus. F The Happy Farmer, Returning from WorkFröhlicher Landmann, von der Arbeit zurückkehrend [Robert Schumann]
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Q 2023-03-27: Please don't worry about returning the item!
A 2022-09-19: then I would say "to make arrangements" (for returning goods, for shipment...
A 2020-02-01: Returning the stubble > no-till farming
A 2016-10-07: Returning to Tiefenstrudel
A 2014-05-17: but it's about returning material after termination of an agreement -
A 2013-09-05: returning to Canada
A 2011-05-22: Years ago, returning from spring skiing, our Morris Minor developed a badl...
A 2011-03-03: Agree with HBW. I've always heard it as a positive "returning a favor." (B...
A 2011-01-26: Generally, it refers to returning money > Rückführung / Geldrückführung / ...
A 2010-11-25: The writer chose consistency over style: printing, putting, returning.
Q 2010-10-14: "Returning to your current streak."
A 2010-08-03: Returning customers
Q 2010-08-03: Werbe-/Techniktext (Newsletter) - "returning customers" unbekannt
A 2010-06-06: i am returning to this after a spell --- irrTURM? ich habe überhaupt erst ...
A 2010-05-11: Ta - it's about returning isn't it?
Q 2009-03-26: Returning slab board
A 2009-02-28: Now, returning to my previous topic, ....
A 2009-02-04: Make your reservation a.s.a.p.; Reserve space a.s.a.p.; Ensure your parti...
A 2008-10-02: http://www.google.de/search?hl=de&ie=ISO-8859-1&q=%22in+returning+to+norma...
A 2008-07-27: ..I am still at the hmm stage...6 more pages to do in 30 degrees...returni...

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