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English-German translation for: revenue
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Dictionary English German: revenue

Translation 1 - 50 of 160  >>

English German
NOUN   a revenue | revenues
SYNO   revenue | tax income | tax revenue ... 
Einkommen {n}
fin. revenue
Einnahme {f}
comm. revenue
Umsatz {m}
Ertrag {m}
revenue {sg}
Einkünfte {pl}
admin. revenue
Fiskus {m}
admin. fin. revenue [usually: the revenue] [department]
Finanzbehörde {f}
fin. revenue [from taxation]
Aufkommen {n} [von Steuern]
2 Words: Others
fin. revenue-neutral {adj}aufkommensneutral
2 Words: Nouns
fin. pol. (government) revenue {sg}Staatseinnahmen {pl}
fin. pol. (public) revenue {sg}öffentliche Einnahmen {pl}
fin. pol. (state) revenue {sg}Staatseinkünfte {pl}
fin. pol. (tax) revenueSteuereinkommen {n}
ad revenue [coll.]Werbeeinnahmen {pl}
econ. additional revenueZusatzeinnahme {f}
advertising revenueWerbeeinnahme {f}
econ. ancillary revenue {sg}Nebeneinkünfte {pl}
annual revenueJahreseinkommen {n}
annual revenueJahresertrag {m}
econ. annual revenueJahresumsatz {m}
arbitrage revenue {sg}Einkünfte {pl} aus Arbitragegeschäften
arbitrage revenue {sg}Einnahmen {pl} aus Arbitragegeschäften
average revenueDurchschnittserlös {m}
econ. average revenueDurchschnittsertrag {m}
RadioTV broadcasting revenue {sg}Rundfunk- und Fernsehgelder {pl}
casual revenueGelegenheitseinkommen {n}
chief revenueHaupteinkommen {n}
company revenueFirmeneinkommen {n}
customs revenue {sg}Zolleinnahmen {pl}
deferred revenueRechnungsabgrenzungsposten {m}
export revenueAusfuhrerlös {m}
comm. econ. export revenueExportumsatz {m}
comm. export revenue {sg}Exporteinnahmen {pl}
fee revenue {sg}Gebühreneinnahmen {pl}
econ. fin. fiscal revenue {sg}Steuereinnahmen {pl}
fin. fixed revenue {sg}feste Einkünfte {pl}
fin. pol. government revenue {sg}Staatseinkünfte {pl}
acc. gross revenueBruttoumsatz {m}
acc. gross revenue {sg}Bruttoeinnahmen {pl}
econ. fin. inland revenue {sg}Steuereinnahmen {pl}
fin. interest revenueZinsertrag {m}
fin. internal revenueSteueraufkommen {n}
econ. marginal revenueGrenzerlös {m}
marginal revenueGrenzertrag {m}
econ. fin. national revenueSteueraufkommen {n}
acc. net revenueNettoumsatz {m}
acc. fin. operating revenueBetriebsertrag {m}
fin. pol. public revenue {sg}Staatseinnahmen {pl}
quarterly revenueQuartalumsatz {m}
revenue authoritiesFinanzbehörden {pl}
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Q 2018-05-29: Her Majesty's Revenue and Customs
A 2017-03-17: I'd say: revenue from apportioned (passed on) overheads / costs
Q 2016-06-14: like for like revenue - dringende Pressemitteilung
A 2015-09-14: Trivia: +box office receipts+ easily beats +box office revenue+ but +theat...
A 2015-09-14: +revenue+ and the stage make awkward bedfellows.
Q 2014-05-02: Allgemeinsprachlicher Text, Abgabe Freitag 12 Uhr "revenue" = Umsatz oder ...
Q 2013-08-13: cost of lease revenue
A 2013-07-19: http://www.investopedia.com/terms/c/cost-of-revenue.asp
Q 2012-08-28: zero revenue model
A 2012-04-02: ? incidental expense revenue
A 2011-12-06: Eine Art +Umsatzgewinne+ (revenue ~ turnover)
Q 2011-12-06: revenue profits? ....Gewinne Danke!
A 2011-08-16: "Internal Revenue Service" (IRS) is the proper name of a U.S. *federal* agency.
A 2011-08-16: The offices, though, are called +Inland Revenue Offices+ - Quote
A 2011-08-16: The Inland Revenue (in the UK) is now called Revenue and Customs -
A 2011-08-16: FA Frankfurt (Inland Revenue Office / US: Internal Revenue Service )
A 2011-06-07: Bitte +Einkünfte aus Standardaufträgen > standard engagement revenue+ in d...
A 2011-06-07: standard engagement revenue
Q 2011-06-07: standard engagement revenue
A 2011-04-28: The comments in section D are meant to inform you of the way / about how t...

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