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English-German translation for: revolution
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Dictionary English German: revolution

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NOUN1   a revolution | revolutions
NOUN2   revolution | -
SYNO   gyration | revolution | rotation
NOUN   die Revolution | die Revolutionen
SYNO   Putsch | Revolution | Staatsstreich ... 
Revolution {f}
phys. revolution <rev> [e.g. revolutions per minute]
Umdrehung {f} [z. B. Umdrehungen pro Minute]
pol. revolution
Umsturz {m}
Umwälzung {f}
revolution [radical change]
Umbruch {m}
astron. revolution
Umlauf {m}
Auflehnung {f}
2 Words: Others
pre-revolution {adj} [attr.]vorrevolutionär
2 Words: Nouns
agr. hist. agrarian revolutionAgrarrevolution {f}
agr. hist. agricultural revolutionAgrarrevolution {f}
hist. American RevolutionAmerikanische Revolution {f}
backstair revolutionAufstand {m} der Dienstboten
hist. Belgian RevolutionBelgische Revolution {f}
pol. bloodless revolutionunblutige Revolution {f}
pol. Bolivarian RevolutionBolivarische Revolution {f}
hist. pol. bourgeois revolutionbürgerliche Revolution {f}
hist. Brabant RevolutionBrabanter Revolution {f}
hist. Carnation RevolutionNelkenrevolution {f}
philos. Cartesian RevolutionCartesianische Revolution {f}
hist. pol. Cedar Revolution [Lebanon, 2005]Zedernrevolution {f} [Libanon, 2005]
hist. pol. color revolution [Am.]Farbrevolution {f}
hist. pol. colour revolution [Br.]Farbrevolution {f}
hist. pol. coloured revolution [Br.]Farbrevolution {f}
comm. econ. hist. Commercial Revolutionkommerzielle Revolution {f}
communications revolutionKommunikationsrevolution {f}
complete revolutionvöllige Umwälzung {f}
conservative revolutionkonservative Revolution {f} [im allgemeinen Sinn]
hist. Conservative Revolution [ideology]Konservative Revolution {f} [Ideologie]
econ. hist. sociol. consumption revolutionKonsumrevolution {f}
continuing revolutionständige Fortentwicklung {f}
astron. hist. Copernican revolution [also fig.]kopernikanische Wende {f} [auch fig.]
counter revolutionGegenrevolution {f}
cultural revolutionKulturrevolution {f}
hist. Diplomatic Revolution [1756]Renversement {n} des alliances [1756]
hist. double revolutionDoppelrevolution {f}
hist. dual revolution [1789-1848]Doppelrevolution {f}
hist. relig. ecclesiastical revolutionKirchenrevolution {f}
hist. pol. EDSA Revolution [People Power Revolution, Yellow Revolution; Phillipines]EDSA-Revolution {f} [friedliche Bürgerprotestbewegung auf den Philippinen]
ecol. ind. energy revolutionEnergiewende {f}
automot. tech. engine revolutionMotordrehzahl {f}
hist. English Revolution [1640-1660] [term preferred by Marxist historians to "English Civil War"]Englische Revolution {f}
hist. February RevolutionFebruarrevolution {f}
hist. French Revolution(die) Französische Revolution {f}
hist. Gentle Revolution [Czech Republic, 1989]Sanfte Revolution {f}
hist. pol. German Revolution [1918-19]Novemberrevolution {f} [1918-19]
hist. Glorious Revolution [England, 1688-1689]Glorreiche Revolution {f}
green revolutionAgrarrevolution {f}
agr. green revolutiongrüne Revolution {f}
econ. hist. pol. guild revolutionZunftrevolution {f}
hist. industrial revolutionIndustrierevolution {f}
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A 2016-08-04: ich habe noch Platten von Walter Carlos "Switched on Bach", "Barock Revolu...
A 2015-11-04: Aber, aber — das stiftet ja zur Revolution an! In der schönen neuen Wirtsc...
A 2015-10-10: PS: What has happened to all the Reds rotting under the beds? While decomp...
A 2015-06-15: The French, much later, fought for civil and human rights in their revolut...
A 2015-06-04: 3216 orders in France, then the French Revolution
A 2015-06-04: der Klerus war einer der drei Stände, die bei der französischen Revolution...
A 2014-04-12: im Wesen dieser Revolution
Q 2014-03-30: Text über Gerät zur Überwachung von Kettenverschleiß, Abgabe Mo. 31.03.201...
A 2013-07-25: Serfdom in the US of A? Another REVOLUTION is called for!
Q 2013-06-05: bürgerliche Revolution 1848
A 2013-04-09: Revolution of the common man
Q 2013-04-09: Peasant's War = Revolution des gemeinen Mannes
A 2012-09-08: "This is the night" from Lacrimosa's album "Revolution "
A 2012-05-04: the clue is "im JEWEILIGEN Land" - each revolution emerged independent...
Q 2011-11-18: A statecrafty revolution
Q 2011-10-30: If a revolution were to start today...
A 2011-04-18: What made this counter revolution possible, was ...
A 2011-01-08: Yet, what happened on Aug 1, 1981, was a cultural revolution, the emerging...
A 2010-10-08: All of you are kind / sort of nice people, but the revolution!
A 2010-09-13: The March revolution brings about the first bourgeois government formed by...

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