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English-German translation for: ripple
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Dictionary English German: ripple

Translation 1 - 74 of 74


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NOUN   a ripple | ripples
VERB  to ripple | rippled | rippled ... 
SYNO   riffle | ripple | rippling | wavelet ... 
to ripple
to ripple
to ripple
to ripple
murmeln [fig.]
to ripple
to rippleleicht wogen
to ripplesich kräuseln
Kräuseln {n} [Wasser]
electr. ripple
Welligkeit {f}
tech. ripple
Riffel {f}
ripple [water waves]
Kräuselwelle {f}
audio ripple
Brumm {m}
electr. tech. ripple
Restwelligkeit {f}
ripple [water, sand]
Rippel {f} [Wasser, Sand]
ripple [water waves]
Kabbelwelle {f} [Kräuselwelle, Rippel]
Riffel {f} [Flachskamm]
2 Words: Others
electr. ripple-free {adj}welligkeitsfrei
2 Words: Verbs
mil. to ripple fireschnell hintereinanderfolgend schießen
2 Words: Nouns
(flax) rippleFlachsriffel {f}
electr. residual rippleRestwelligkeit {f}
electr. ripple (voltage)Brummspannung {f}
textil. ripple clothZibeline {f} [angerauter Wollstoff]
electr. ripple componentWelligkeitsanteil {m}
electr. ripple content [IEC 60050]Wechselanteil {m} [IEC 60050]
ripple counterasynchroner Zähler {m}
electr. ripple currentBrummstrom {m}
electr. ripple currentRippelstrom {m} [überlagerter Wechselstrom]
electr. ripple currentWelligkeitsstrom {m}
electr. ripple currentwelliger Strom {m}
tech. ripple effectBrummverzerrung {f}
ripple effectWelleneffekt {m}
ripple effectsich allmählich ausbreitende Wirkung {f}
electr. ripple factorBrummfaktor {m}
electr. ripple factorWelligkeitsfaktor {m}
ripple filterStromglätter {m}
electr. ripple filterWelligkeitsfilter {m} [fachspr. meist {n}]
electr. ripple filter [smoothing filter]Glättungsfilter {n}
mil. ripple fireschnell hintereinander folgende Einzelschüsse {pl}
ripple frequencyBrummfrequenz {f}
electr. ripple frequencyWelligkeitsfrequenz {f}
ripple glassRiffelglas {n}
geol. ripple markRippelmarke {f}
electr. ripple percentageWelligkeitsgrad {m}
electr. ripple pickupBrummschleife {f}
electr. ripple qualityRestwelligkeit {f} [als Eigenschaft]
textil. ripple stitchZickzackstich {m}
material ripple structureWellenstruktur {f}
electr. ripple voltageBrummspannung {f}
electr. ripple voltageOberwellenspannung {f}
electr. ripple voltageWellenspannung {f}
electr. ripple voltageWelligkeitsspannung {f}
electr. engin. torque rippleDrehmomentwelligkeit {f}
electr. engin. torque rippleMomentenwelligkeit {f}
3 Words: Verbs
to ripple one's muscles [idiom]seine Muskeln spielen lassen [Redewendung]
3 Words: Nouns
geogr. geol. aeolian ripple marksWindrippeln {pl}
radio ripple controlFunkrundsteuerung {f}
electr. ripple control receiver <RCR>Rundsteuerempfänger {m}
electr. ripple control systemRundsteueranlage {f}
electr. ripple filter chokeGlättungsdrossel {f}
gastr. ripple ice creamverstrudeltes Eis {n}
gastr. ripple ice creamEis {n} mit Rippelung
ripple of laughterperlendes Gelächter {n}
gastr. smoked pork chopRipple {n} [schwäb. für: Kasseler]
4 Words: Verbs
to have ripple effects on sb./sth. [idiom]sich auch auf jdn./etw. auswirken [Dominoeffekt-artig]
4 Words: Nouns
a ripple of laughterein leises / gedämpftes Lachen {n}
geogr. geol. wave-formed ripple marksWasserrippeln {pl}
5+ Words: Nouns
electr. carry-ripple / carry ripple adderCarry-Ripple-Addierer {m}
electr. ripple-carry / ripple carry adderRipple-Carry-Addierer {m}
Taxa/Species (Animals, Plants, Fungi)
entom. T
entom. T
bot. T
bot. T
bot. T
bot. T
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A 2019-12-15: sunfun / (19:03) Kants Kategorischem Imperativ hast du doch viel mehr ents...
A 2011-11-13: Stylishly designed with high quality metal flecked facings, RIPPLE-Dispen...
Q 2010-12-19: booming ripple????
A 2008-06-12: ripple through
Q 2008-06-12: ripple
Q 2008-02-17: ripple, no load

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