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English-German translation for: road
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Dictionary English German: road

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NOUN   a road | roads
SYNO   road | route
traffic road {adj} [attr.] [e.g. accident, axis, casualty, deaths, hog]Verkehrs- [z. B. Unfall, Achse, Opfer, Tote, Rowdy]
road {adj} [attr.] [e.g. atlas, builder, charge, closure, condition]Straßen- [z. B. Atlas, Bauer, Gebühr, Sperrung, Zustand]
traffic road [outside a city, town or village]
Landstraße {f}
road <Rd.>
Straße {f} <Str.>
traffic A-Road [Br.]
Bundesstraße {f}
road [also fig.]
Weg {m} [Straße] [auch fig.]
traffic B-road [Br.]
Landstraße {f}
traffic road
Autostraße {f}
naut. road
Reede {f}
rail traffic travel road [railway] [Am.]
Bahn {f} [Eisenbahn]
traffic A road [Br.]Überlandstraße {f} [Fernstraße]
2 Words: Others
any road {adv} [esp. N.Engl.] [coll.] [anyway]sowieso
by road {adv} [by bus]mit dem Bus
by road {adv} [by car]mit dem Auto
automot. off-road {adj} [vehicle]geländegängig
automot. off-road {adj} [attr.]geländetauglich
transp. Road closed!Straße gesperrt!
automot. traffic road legal {adj} [Br.]für den Straßenverkehr zugelassen
automot. traffic road legal {adj} [Br.]mit Straßenzulassung [nachgestellt]
traffic TrVocab. road narrows [road sign]verengte Fahrbahn [Verkehrszeichen]
traffic TrVocab. road narrows [traffic sign]Engpass [Verkehrszeichen]
road-oriented {adj}straßenorientiert
road-weary {adj}reisemüde
traffic TrVocab. slippery road [road sign]Schleudergefahr [Verkehrsschild]
traffic TrVocab. uneven road [road sign]unebene Fahrbahn [Verkehrsschild]
traffic Untreated road! [road sign]Kein Streudienst! [Straßenschild, Warnschild]
2 Words: Verbs
to road-test sth. [fig.] [also: to road test]etw. (in der Praxis) erproben
to road-trip [Am.]einen Roadtrip unternehmen
2 Words: Nouns
traffic (paved) roadFahrstraße {f}
traffic transp. (road) congestionStraßenverstopfung {f}
traffic transp. (road) flyover [chiefly Br.]Straßenüberführung {f}
(road) graderStraßenhobel {m}
traffic (road) shoulderBankett {n}
constr. (road) shoulderBankette {f}
traffic (road) tollStraßenbenutzungsgebühr {f}
transp. (road) tollStraßennutzungsgebühr {f}
hist. travel (road) tollWegegeld {n} [veraltet]
transp. (road) tollWegzoll {m} [veraltet bzw. hist.]
access roadAuffahrt {f} [Straße]
traffic access roadEinfallstraße {f}
mining access roadFlözstrecke {f}
traffic access roadZubringerstraße {f}
traffic access roadZufahrtsstraße {f}
constr. traffic access roadZufahrtstraße {f} [Zufahrtsstraße]
access roadZufahrtsweg {m}
traffic access roadZugangsstraße {f}
constr. RealEst. traffic access road [especially within a property]Erschließungsstraße {f} [Zugangsstraße]
access-roadZufahrt {f}
traffic accommodation roadAnliegerweg {m}
accommodation roadZugangsstraße {f}
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A 2024-01-22: in relation to travelling ahead along the course of the road as well as in...
A 2023-03-11: Nobody applies salt to a road (heavily) covered with snow. It simply would...
Q 2023-03-07: nicht im Wörterbuch: untreated (road, pavement) [traffic] - glatt, nicht...
A 2021-10-05: Distinguish road traffic from network traffic
Q 2021-02-21: to keep the show on the road [IDIOM]
A 2018-12-31: Doesn't +von der Fahrbahn abkommen+ mean to leave the road entirely?
A 2018-01-17: slope / road: Gefälle; slope / curve (mathematics): Steigung / Anstieg
A 2017-10-19: Anschluss: from minor road to Autobahn (and vice versa)
A 2015-10-05: Maybe an arch reference to +Trolley Bed Road Park, NY+ (of all places, a p...
A 2015-10-05: Perhaps - there was an apple orchard down the road :-)
A 2015-09-13: Frage scheint sich erledigt zu haben. Es gibt ja auch die "road runners".
A 2015-09-04: Width of road
A 2015-09-03: narrow little road ....
A 2015-07-15: +dépanner+ in French ... What with too many cars having been fixed one way...
A 2015-07-13: Road rules
A 2015-07-02: would be transported through this area along this road.
A 2015-07-02: would be coming along the same road
Q 2015-07-02: ...are crossing form the same road
Q 2015-04-23: Frightened of North End Road, Fulham?
A 2015-04-03: Bones of contention: Ruairidh Duguid, 32 Dalzial Gardens; new address 12...

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