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English-German translation for: robot
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Dictionary English German: robot

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NOUN   a robot | robots
SYNO   automaton | golem | robot
Roboter {m}
Automat {m}
traffic robot [S.Afr.] [coll.] [traffic light]
Ampel {f}
hist. socageRobot {m} [auch Robote] [österr.] [Frondienst]
2 Words: Others
MedTech. tech. robot assisted {adj}roboterunterstützt
MedTech. tech. robot-assisted {adj}robotergestützt
comp. tech. robot-based {adj}robotergestützt
tech. robot-guided {adj}robotergeführt
2 Words: Nouns
ind. assembly robotMontageroboter {m}
comp. tech. autonomous robotautonomer Roboter {m}
mil. battle robotKampfroboter {m}
tech. cleaning robotReinigungsroboter {m}
tech. cleanroom robotReinraumroboter {m}
tech. cleanroom robotReinraum-Roboter {m}
tech. collaborative robotkollaborativer Roboter {m}
domestic robotHaushaltsroboter {m}
astron. tech. exploration robotExplorationsroboter {m}
agr. feeding robotFütterungsroboter {m}
tech. gantry robotPortalroboter {m}
agr. tools harvesting robotErnteroboter {m}
tech. hexapod robotHexapod-Roboter {m}
engin. tech. household robotHaushaltsroboter {m}
tech. humanoid robothumanoider Roboter {m}
ind. industrial robotIndustrieroboter {m}
engin. ind. industrial robotindustrieller Manipulator {m} [Industrieroboter]
mil. killer robotKillerroboter {m}
hist. labour service [Br.]Robot {m}
tech. legged robotLaufroboter {m}
tech. linear robotLinearroboter {m}
tech. tools maintenance robotWartungsroboter {m}
astronau Mars robotMarsroboter {m}
agr. tech. milking robot [automatic milking system]Melkroboter {m}
mopping robotWischroboter {m}
MedTech. nurse robotPflegeroboter {m}
comp. med. nursing robotPflegeroboter {m}
ind. painting robotLackierroboter {m}
tech. palletising robot [Br.]Palettierroboter {m}
tech. palletizing robotPalettierroboter {m}
tech. polishing robotPolierroboter {m}
tech. research robotForschungsroboter {m}
tech. robot accessoriesRoboterzubehör {n}
tech. robot applicationsRoboteranwendungen {pl}
tech. robot armRoboterarm {m}
tech. robot cellRoboterzelle {f}
engin. tech. robot controlRobotersteuerung {f}
tech. robot couplingRoboterkupplung {f}
tech. robot designRoboterdesign {n}
tech. robot dogRoboterhund {m}
tech. robot fingerRoboterfinger {m}
tech. robot flangeRoboterflansch {m}
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Q 2020-01-06: Schimansky - something like Columbo? Or the guy off Mr Robot? Or what woul...
A 2015-06-16: He watches the robot starting to commit crimes. - as the robot starts ...
A 2014-08-14: Those robot trackers have an effect.
A 2014-06-24: Drones have already been hyped up as trusty robot companions - part of an ...
A 2014-01-02: Out of a 'robot' into a human being - seems to refer to people reduced by ...
A 2013-11-14: Robot?
A 2013-04-17: A mechanical project manager's job are mechanical projects (adjective and ...
A 2010-02-09: If you write "her" it sounds like you were talking about a female robot tu...
A 2009-06-02: where modern (robot) technology has [Edit:] led us so far, and may lead us...
A 2008-12-17: 'Robot' in GB and the ancient colonies
A 2007-11-25: welding torch of a welding robot
A 2007-05-29: harvester or harvester robot, maybe
A 2007-04-12: I'd go with LostJedi's "stacking robot":
A 2007-04-12: stacking robot?
A 2006-10-22: @ yerac: get your robot translator out to find out what I said :-)))
A 2006-10-06: The robot offers four modes of operation.
A 2006-10-06: The robot has four modes of operation.
A 2006-07-13: brushing robot
Q 2006-07-12: Buerstroboter- robot or automatic brusher (in die casting)?
A 2006-05-11: robot thing (no hyphen)

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