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Dictionary English German: rolling

Translation 1 - 50 of 233  >>


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NOUN   rolling | rollings
VERB  to roll | rolled | rolled
rolling | rolls
SYNO   rolling | wheeling | rolled | rolling ... 
rolling {adj} {pres-p}
rolling {adj} [landscape, countryside]
fin. rolling {adj}
naut. rolling {adj}
rolling {adj} {pres-p}
rolling {adj} [landscape]
tech. rolling
Walzen {n}
comp. rolling
Bilddurchlauf {m}
rolling [of wheels, trains, boats, waves, etc.; also of tea]
Rollen {n} [der Räder, des Zugs, des Bootes etc.; auch Tee]
rollingRollieren {n}
Unverified rolling [of a ship]Geschaukel {n} [ugs.] [eines Schiffes]
2 Words: Others
eye-rolling {adj} {pres-p}augenrollend
free rolling {adj}freirollend [nicht angetrieben]
gently rolling {adj}schwach bewegt
high-rolling {adj} [Am.] [attr.] [coll.]mit hohen Beträgen [nachgestellt]
high-rolling {adj} [Am.] [attr.] [coll.] [in gambling]mit hohen Einsätzen [nachgestellt]
rolling flat {adj}auswalkend
rolling flatauswellend
rolling outausrollend
rolling overrevolvierend
rolling upaufkrempelnd
2 Words: Verbs
to start rollinganrollen
to start rollingins Rollen kommen
2 Words: Nouns
(rolling) breakerRoller {m} [Brandungsrolle]
material tech. cold rollingKaltwalzen {n}
eye-rollingAugenrollen {n}
tech. first rollingerster Rollgang {m}
flax rollingFlachsbrechen {n}
tech. forge rollingReckwalzen {n}
tech. forge rollingSchmiedewalzen {n}
free rollingFreilauf {m}
material tech. hot rollingWarmwalzen {n}
cosmet. palm rolling [for dreadlocks]Palmrolling {n} [Reiben einer Haarsträhne zwischen den Handflächen, bis eine filzige Strähne (Dreadlock) entsteht]
naut. parametric rollingparametrisches Rollen {n}
med. pill-rolling [e.g. in Parkinson's disease]Münzenzählen {n} [Pillendrehen]
med. pill-rolling [e.g. in Parkinson's disease]Pillendrehen {n} [z. B. beim Parkinsonismus]
med. pill-rolling [e.g. in Parkinson's disease]Geldzählbewegung {f} (der Hand) [Münzenzählen, Pillendrehen]
rolling awayWegrollen {n}
mil. rolling barrageFeuerwalze {f}
tech. rolling bearingWälzlager {n}
electr. rolling blackoutLastabwurf {m}
constr. rolling bridgeRollbrücke {f}
rolling brushFarbroller {m}
rolling capitalBetriebskapital {n}
rolling cartRollwagen {m}
rolling chairKrankenrollstuhl {m}
rolling chairRollstuhl {m}
rolling circumferenceAbrollumfang {m}
electr. tech. rolling code [esp. in keyless entry systems]Rolling-Code {m}
electr. tech. rolling contactWälzkontakt {m}
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A 2022-04-02: Is +rolling+ employed here for the action of circular shaft sinking over o...
A 2022-04-02: Is +rolling+ employed here for the action of circular shaft sinking?
A 2022-04-01: Fachlicher geht's nimmer: +rolling exploratory shafts over holes+ > +zum E...
A 2022-03-31: rolling shaft > Rollwelle
A 2019-04-27: the down*s* - low grassy hills, undulating hillside ("the rolling hills ...
Q 2018-10-16: rolling date
A 2018-06-09: Warum sollte man "Rolling" nicht normal ausschreiben können?
A 2016-03-04: "The machinery is off and rolling. Measures are being applied, consequence...
A 2015-12-10: To stop things rolling off the edge?
Q 2015-07-15: was heisst average rolling 12 month data
Q 2014-07-16: The rolling shaft sealing technology and communication
A 2014-04-03: Well, it's a little more of a rolling run than a jerky walk.
Q 2014-02-27: Those were the days? Rolling Stones mystique back in 1994
A 2013-10-03: Shag is used for rolling as well, as it says in the wiki article.
A 2013-08-11: Rolling (A) drunk
A 2013-08-10: There's the phrase rolling drunk - http://oxforddictionaries.com/definitio...
A 2013-07-10: rolling program -> capacity planning on resources
Q 2013-07-10: rolling program plan which provides the visibility
Q 2013-03-03: rolling puff
A 2013-02-15: No, "net worth" was just a simplified and quick answer to get things rolli...

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