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English-German translation for: root
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Dictionary English German: root

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NOUN   a root | roots
VERB  to root | rooted | rooted ... 
SYNO   base | radical | root | root word ... 
root {adj} [attr.] [e.g. ball, extract, rot, treatment, canal]
Wurzel- [z. B. Ballen, Extrakt, Fäule, Behandlung, Kanal]
tech. root {adj} [attr.] [e.g. root rounding, root point]
Fuß- [Fußrundung, Fußpunkt]
to root
to root sth. [fig.] [implant]
etw.Akk. verankern [fig.] [fixieren, einpflanzen]
to root [Aus.] [NZ] [sl.]
ficken [vulg.]
to root [vulg.] [to perform sexual intercourse]
vögeln [vulg.]
to root [Aus.] [NZ] [sl.]
bumsen [vulg.]
to root [Aus.] [NZ] [sl.]
poppen [vulg.]
bot. math. med. root [also fig.]
Wurzel {f} [auch fig.]
Ursache {f}
math. root
Nullstelle {f}
root [fig.]
Ursprung {m}
ling. root
Stamm {m}
Haupt {n}
ling. root
Grundwort {n}
bot. root
Wurz {f} [regional] [sonst veraltet] [Wurzel]
comp. root [coll.] [root directory]
Stammverzeichnis {n}
mus. root
Grundton {m} [eines Akkords]
anat. bot. root
Radix {f} [Wurzel]
electr. tech. root [e.g. of an arc]Fußpunkt {m} [z. B. eines Lichtbogens]
2 Words: Others
at root {adv} [idiom]im Grunde [Redewendung]
hort. bare-root {adj}wurzelnackt
bot. ecol. root parasitic {adj}wurzelparasitisch
constr. root-proof {adj}wurzelfest
dent. root-treated {adj}wurzelbehandelt
2 Words: Verbs
to root aroundherumwühlen [ugs.] [Schwein]
sports to root for sb.mit jdm. mitfiebern
to root for sb. [Am.]jdn. anfeuern [z. B. durch Zurufe]
to root for sb. [coll.]jdm. die Daumen drücken [bei einem Wettkampf, Match etc.] [Redewendung]
to root for sth.nach etw.Dat. wühlen
to root outaufstöbern
to root outentwurzeln
to root out sb.jdn. aufspüren
for. hort. to root out sth.etw. ausroden [mit den Wurzeln ausgraben: größere Pflanzen, z. B. Bäume, Büsche]
to root out sth. [coll.]etw. ausgraben [ugs.]
to root upaufstöbern
to strike rootWurzeln schlagen
bot. to take rootanwachsen
to take rootanwurzeln
to take rootsich bewurzeln
to take root [also fig.]bekleiben [auch fig.] [veraltet]
bot. to take root [also fig.]Wurzeln schlagen [auch fig.]
idiom to take root [of an idea, belief, or system]Fuß fassen
idiom to take root [of an idea, belief, or system]sich etablieren
2 Words: Nouns
dent. (root) cementumWurzelzement {n}
ling. (word) rootWortwurzel {f}
bot. absorbing rootSaugwurzel {f}
bot. adventitious rootAdventivwurzel {f}
bot. adventitious rootBeiwurzel {f}
bot. adventitious rootNebenwurzel {f}
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Q 2016-12-06: THIS IS MY prayer to thee, my Lord-strike, strike at the root of penury in...
A 2016-10-27: Same root in English and German gives +climbing+ http://www.dwds.de/wb/e...
A 2015-10-22: PS: +perceptive+ has a Latin root, and having had Latin at school for eigh...
A 2015-08-10: The plants have their own root.
A 2015-07-22: oder kürzer: get down to the root to crack the problem
A 2015-07-22: you have to get down to the root of the trouble to crack the problem
A 2015-06-16: Interesting 2010 article about the author's ideas taking root in Spain.
A 2013-07-20: nerve root affection ??
A 2013-05-25: Lisa is right. "At the root" should refer to something mentioned in the te...
Q 2013-05-25: at the root
A 2013-05-04: root lodging > Standschwäche
A 2013-04-29: piliferous > behaart, haartragend; mit Haaren / piliferous layer ~ root ha...
A 2012-12-06: So anon was right. Same Westgermanic root...No loanword.
A 2012-11-21: ἀναγκ-αστικός , ή, όν, > compulsory, coercive [the hyphen combines the ro...
A 2012-04-10: Der Effektivwert (engl. root mean square, RMS) der Spannung Ueff ...
A 2011-12-12: Typo: (one Latin root + g [left over from 'oligarch']
A 2011-10-10: Suche "root types" Seite 84 Typ A ... E
A 2011-10-10: Never heard of a "tap root" in the dental context other than a comparison ...
A 2011-10-10: +conical root+ kommt in derselben Quelle überhaupt nicht vor
A 2011-10-10: Pfahlwurzel > tap root http://www.zahnwissen.de/frameset_lexi.htm

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