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English-German translation for: rope
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Dictionary English German: rope

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NOUN   a rope | ropes
VERB  to rope | roped | roped ... 
SYNO   to leash | to rope | to lasso ... 
Seil {n}
Strick {m}
naut. rope
Tau {n} [Leine, Seil]
Strang {m}
naut. rope
Reep {n} [nordd.]
naut. rope
Leine {f}
2 Words: Verbs
sports to jump rope [Am.]schnurspringen [österr.] [seilspringen]
games to jump rope [Am.]seilspringen
to rope downsich abseilen
to rope ineinfangen
to rope in(mit einem Seil) einfrieden
to rope offabsperren [mit Seilen]
to rope offmit einem Seil abgrenzen
to rope upanseilen
to skip rope [Am.]seilhüpfen
to skip rope [Am.]seilspringen
2 Words: Nouns
naut. tech. (rope) windlassSeilwinde {f}
naut. anchor ropeAnkertau {n}
awning ropeMarkisenseil {n}
sports battle ropeBattle Rope {n} [Fitness-Tau, Seil für Fitness-Training]
climbing belay ropeSicherungsseil {n}
bell ropeGlockenseil {n}
bell ropeGlockenstrang {m}
sports bungee ropeBungeeseil {n}
VetMed. calving ropeGeburtsstrick {m} [Kälber]
agr. VetMed. calving ropeKälberstrick {m}
tech. carrying ropeTragseil {n}
naut. check ropeSchricktau {n}
weapons cleaning ropeReinigungsschnur {f}
climbing climbing ropeKletterseil {n}
clothesline rope [Am.]Wäscheleine {f}
coir ropeKokosseil {n}
dead ropeTotseil {n}
double ropeDoppelseil {n}
tech. theatre emergency ropeNotauslösung {f} [für eisernen Vorhang]
escape ropeRettungsseil {n}
fastening ropeBefestigungsleine {f}
fastening ropeBefestigungsseil {n}
fiber rope [Am.]Faserseil {n}
fibre rope [Br.]Faserseil {n}
tech. guide ropeFührungsseil {n}
guide ropeSchlepptau {n}
tech. guiding ropeFührungsseil {n}
guy ropeAbspannseil {n}
guy rope [for use on tents]Zeltspannleine {f}
guy rope [tent]Zeltleine {f}
halter ropeHalfterstrick {m}
hangman's ropeHenkerseil {n} [Henkersseil]
hangman's ropeHenkersseil {n} [Henkerseil]
hangman's ropeStrang {m} [bei einer Hinrichtung]
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A 2018-09-22: Pay out can mean to let out more rope (or cable).
Q 2016-06-27: towing rope and sailing rope
A 2015-07-13: Rope
A 2015-07-11: Clothes line rope is not used in BE - just clothes line :-)
A 2015-07-11: Clothesline rope
A 2015-02-10: 144 mm / 5.6 inch diameter rope
Q 2015-02-09: rope, cord, - Strick, Seil,
A 2014-11-30: ... shoulders, drove a piton into the very front bottom of the rock overha...
Q 2012-12-15: the rope dangles from the opening of vagina to outside the body (Chinese E...
A 2012-07-13: @ufriend: Many questions, but never any context. Reminds me of the rope qu...
A 2012-04-27: Also called wire rope.
A 2012-04-03: rope
A 2011-09-22: If you don't mind slang, "goat rope" would work here.
A 2010-12-15: I've not found a good word for skipping (without a rope) in German,
A 2010-09-07: rope > same family
A 2010-09-02: Slack(UK)/down rope(US)/give(US)
A 2010-06-21: ... If they'd invest in an additional rope, they could reuse their equipme...
A 2010-05-14: looks like 'rope edging for playground mulch'.
A 2010-05-14: padded rope ring
A 2010-02-11: to give s.b. rope

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