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English-German translation for: rose
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Dictionary English German: rose

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NOUN   a rose | roses
VERB1  to rise | rose | risen ... 
VERB2  to rose | rosed | rosed ... 
NOUN   die Rose | die Rosen
sb./sth. rose [went up]
jd./etw. stieg
rose {adj} [colour]
pink {adj}
gastr. [cooked until soft and thickened but not set, esp. custard] {adj} {past-p}zur Rose abgezogen [Arbeitstechnik bei Eigelbmasse]
rose {adj} [attr.] [e.g. arch, bed, bush, fertilizer, oil, pattern]Rosen- [z. B. Bogen, Beet, Stock, Dünger, Öl, Muster]
sb. rosejd. stand auf
sb./sth. rose [soared, ascended]jd./etw. stieg auf
to rose sth. [literary] [make rosy] [sb.'s cheeks]
etw.Akk. röten [rosig anhauchen] [jds. Wangen]
to rose sth. [literary] [make rose coloured, esp. cheeks]etw.Akk. rosig überhauchen [poet.] [bes. Wangen]
to rose sth. [literary] [make rose-coloured, esp. cheeks]etw.Akk. rosig färben [bes. Wangen]
bot. T
Rose {f}
name Rose
Rosa {f}
rose [on a watering can]
Brause {f}
oenol. rosé
Rosé {m}
med. inflammation
Rose {f} [altertümlich]
hunting coronet [of antler]
Rose {f} [beim Geweih]
bot. T
wilde Rose {f}
hunting burr [of antler]Rose {f} [beim Geweih]
bot. T
bot. T
EU rose [RAL 3017]Rosé {n} [RAL 3017]
rose [shower head, watering can spout, etc.]Rosette {f} [z. B. am Duschkopf, an der Gießkanne]
2 Words: Others
rose red {adj}rosenrot
rose-cheeked {adj} [Am.] [attr.] [rose-colored cheeks]mit rosenroten Wangen [nachgestellt]
rose-colored {adj} [Am.]rosenfarben
rose-colored {adj} [Am.]rosenfarbig
rose-coloured {adj} [Br.]rosenfarben
rose-coloured {adj} [Br.]rosenfarbig
rose-cut {adj}mit Rosetteschliff [nachgestellt]
rose-like {adj}rosenartig
rose-like {adj}rosenhaft
rose-scented {adj}nach Rosen duftend
sb.'s hackles rosejdm. sträubte sich alles
sub rosa {adj} [confidential]unter der Rose [geh.] [vertraulich] [nachgestellt]
sub rosa {adv} [confidentially]unter der Rose [geh.] [vertraulich]
when sb. roseals jd. aufstand
when sb./sth. rose [soared, ascended]als jd./etw. aufstieg
2 Words: Nouns
bot. (little) roseRöschen {n}
hort. tools (rose) prunerRosenschere {f}
mineral. barite roseBarytrose {f}
mineral. baryte roseBarytrose {f}
gastr. oenol. blush (wine)Rosé {m}
bot. bush roseBuschrose {f}
archi. ceiling roseStuckrosette {f} [an Zimmerdecke]
compass roseWindrose {f}
damask roseRosarot {n}
mineral. desert rose [rosette formations of crystal clusters of gypsum or baryte]Wüstenrose {f} [Sandrose]
mineral. desert rose [selenite] [CaSO4·2H2O]Selenit {m}
hort. espalier roseSpalierrose {f}
hort. favorite rose [Am.]Lieblingsrose {f}
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A 2024-03-18: Kapriolen der KI: Eine Rose ist eine Rose ist eine Rose
A 2021-08-16: The Rose of Sharon is no rose
Q 2021-08-14: die Rose
A 2020-08-23: a rose is a rose?
Q 2019-07-07: die Rose pflücken (verhüllend)
A 2017-02-20: +Alpine rose+ would restrict it to the Alps, which would be botanically / ...
Q 2017-02-20: alpine rose (EN)
A 2016-11-02: The cost rose to ... / The cost rose by ...
A 2016-02-11: rose stocks - Rosenbüsche
A 2014-06-05: It means that the rose petals (I assume, rather than whole rose buds or fl...
A 2014-06-05: rosé
Q 2014-06-05: a delectable rose that is infused in gin
A 2014-05-07: Erinnert an "The Rose"
A 2013-06-04: Today this would be: The population in California +rose+ from ... in 1860 ...
A 2013-02-07: Die Arbeitslosenrate hat sich nahezu verfünffacht > the unemployment rate ...
Q 2012-10-02: Ergänzend zur letzten Frage: rose from, faced down
A 2012-07-12: usually: rose-tinted glasses
A 2012-06-27: Compass rose
Q 2011-11-27: to lay a rose / flowers
A 2011-02-05: It means that the Ruwenzori block was separated from a bigger structure in...

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