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English-German translation for: rostral tympanic artery
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rostral tympanic artery in other languages:

Deutsch - Englisch

Dictionary English German: rostral tympanic artery

Translation 1 - 50 of 327  >>

VetMed. zool. rostral tympanic artery [arteria tympanica rostralis]vordere Paukenarterie {f}
Partial Matches
anat. med. anterior tympanic artery [Arteria tympanica anterior]vordere Paukenarterie {f}
anat. superior tympanic artery [Arteria tympanica superior]obere Paukenhöhlenarterie {f}
anat. left anterior descending (coronary) artery <LAD artery> [Ramus interventricularis anterior]Ramus interventricularis anterior {m} <RIVA>
dent. med. rostral {adj}rostral
anat. zool. rostral boneRostralknochen {m}
anat. zool. rostral plateRostralplatte {f}
zool. rostral spineRostralstachel {m}
zool. rostral (scale) [Scutum rostrale]Rostrale {n} [Kopfschuppe der Schlangen und anderer Schuppenkriechtiere]
zool. rostral (scale) [Scutum rostrale]Rostralschild {m} [bei Schlangen und anderen Schuppenkriechtieren]
zool. rostral (scale) [Scutum rostrale]Scutum rostrale {n} [Kopfschuppe der Schlangen und anderer Schuppenkriechtiere]
VetMed. rostral commissure [Commissura rostralis]rostrale Kommissur {f} [des Gehirns]
biol. rostral migratory stream <RMS>rostraler Wanderungsstrom {m}
anat. tympanic {adj}Mittelohr-
med. tympanic {adj}tympanisch
med. tympanic {adj}tympanitisch
anat. tympanic bonePaukenbein {n}
anat. tympanic cavityPauke {f} [kurz für: Paukenhöhle, Paukenraum]
audio med. tympanic reflexTrommelfellreflex {m}
anat. VetMed. tympanic ringTrommelfellring {m}
med. MedTech. tympanic thermometerTrommelfellthermometer {n} [österr., schweiz., ugs. auch {m}]
audio MedTech. tympanic tubePaukenröhrchen {n} <PR>
audio tympanic membrane impedanceTrommelfellimpedanz {f}
audio med. tympanic membrane injuryTrommelfellverletzung {f}
audio med. tympanic membrane traumaTrommelfelltrauma {n}
anat. tympanic canal [Scala tympani]Paukentreppe {f}
anat. tympanic cord [Chorda tympani]Paukensaite {f}
anat. audio VetMed. tympanic membrane [Membrana tympani]Paukenfell {n} [Trommelfell]
anat. tympanic membrane [Membrana tympani]Trommelfell {n}
anat. tympanic nerve [Nervus tympanicus]Nervus tympanicus {m}
anat. tympanic nerve [Nervus tympanicus]Paukenhöhlennerv {m}
anat. tympanic part [Pars tympanica]Paukenteil {n}
anat. tympanic plexus [Plexus tympanicus]Paukengeflecht {n}
audio med. tympanic membrane perforation <TMP>Trommelfellperforation {f}
audio med. retraction of tympanic membraneTrommelfellretraktion {f}
anat. audio VetMed. tympanic muscle [Musculus tensor tympani]Trommelfellspanner {m}
anat. audio VetMed. tympanic muscle [Musculus tensor tympani]Trommelfellspannmuskel {m}
audio med. injury of (the) tympanic membraneTrommelfelltrauma {n}
audio med. paracentesis of the tympanic membraneTrommelfelldurchstechung {f}
audio med. paracentesis of the tympanic membraneTrommelfellinzision {f}
audio med. paracentesis of the tympanic membraneTrommelfellschnitt {m}
anat. tympanic cavity [Cavum tympani / Cavitas tympanica]Paukenhöhle {f}
med. tympanic effusion [otitis media with effusion]Paukenerguss {m}
anat. tympanic space [Cavitas tympanica, Cavum tympani]Paukenraum {m}
anat. zool. (inferior) tympanic canaliculus [Canaliculus tympanicus (inferior)]Paukenhöhlenkanälchen {n}
anat. audio VetMed. secondary tympanic membrane [Membrana tympani secundaria]Rundfenstermembran {f}
audio med. excision of the tympanic membrane [myringectomy]operative Trommelfellentfernung {f} [Myringektomie]
audio med. surgical removal of the tympanic membraneoperative Trommelfellentfernung {f}
med. MedTech. tympanic membrane thermometer [less common] [tympanic thermometer]Trommelfellthermometer {n} [österr., schweiz., ugs. auch {m}]
audio med. paracentesis of the tympanic membrane [myringotomy, tympanostomy, tympanotomy]Trommelfellparazentese {f}
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