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English-German translation for: rotary
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Dictionary English German: rotary

Translation 1 - 50 of 248  >>

English German
NOUN   a rotary | rotaries
SYNO   rotary | rotary converter ... 
rotary {adj}
rotary {adj}
rotary {adj}
rotary {adj}
rotary {adj}kreisend
rotary {adj}umlaufend
rotary {adj}sich drehend
rotary {adj} [e.g. brush, compressor, head, microtome, motion, nozzle]Rotations- [z. B. Bürste, Kompressor, Kopf, Mikrotom, Bewegung, Düse]
traffic rotary [Am.]
Rondell {n} [Kreisverkehr]
2 Words: Nouns
mining (rotary) swivel [drilling rig]Spülkopf {m} [Bohrturm]
(rotary) tableBohrtisch {m}
(rotary) tillerBodenfräse {f}
tech. rotary actuatorSchwenkeinheit {f}
tech. Unverified rotary airlockZellenradschleuse {f}
telecom. rotary antennaDrehantenne {f}
telecom. rotary antennaRotationsantenne {f}
telecom. rotary antennadrehbare Antenne {f}
rotary ashtrayDrehaschenbecher {m}
tech. rotary atomizerRotationszerstäuber {m}
tech. rotary baseDrehfuß {m}
rotary beaconDrehfeuer {n}
rotary blowerDrehkolbengebläse {n}
tech. rotary blowerUmlaufgebläse {n}
tools rotary brushRotationsbürste {f}
rotary brush [tool, toothbrush]rotierende Bürste {f}
tech. rotary buttonDrehknopf {m}
tech. rotary buttonDrehregler {m} [Drehknopf]
rotary clotheslineSpinne {f} [Wäschespinne]
rotary clotheslineWäschespinne {f}
tech. rotary componentDrehkomponente {f}
tech. rotary compressorRotationskompressor {m}
chem. tech. rotary compressorRotationsverdichter {m}
rotary compressorUmlaufverdichter {m}
electr. tech. rotary control [knob, switch]Drehregler {m}
rotary converterDrehumformer {m}
electr. rotary converterrotierender Umformer {m}
rotary couplerDrehkoppler {m}
hort. rotary cultivatingFräsen {n} [mit Gartenfräse]
rotary cultivatorBodenfräse {f}
agr. rotary cultivatorEinachsschlepper {m}
agr. hort. tools rotary cultivatorFräse {f}
electr. rotary current [three-phase current]Drehstrom {m} [Dreiphasenwechselstrom]
tech. rotary cutterAusstecher {m} [z. B. für Gebäck od. Garnituren]
tech. textil. rotary cutterRollschneider {m}
tools rotary cutterRotationsschneider {m}
tech. rotary cutterumlaufendes Schneidwerkzeug {n}
telecom. rotary dialDrehwähler {m}
rotary dialNummernschalter {m}
rotary dialWählscheibe {f}
electr. rotary dischargerDrehfunkenstrecke {f}
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A 2017-06-11: rotary torso
Q 2016-10-19: Dreh/Drück-Knopf = rotary push button?
Q 2016-01-02: a three-axis variation of the rotary switch, three-axis variation information
A 2015-07-12: Zur "rotary washing line" usw.
Q 2015-05-26: rear roller rotary mower
Q 2014-07-03: rotary blade shaver
A 2012-01-04: abschlagen = cutting the paper when changing rolls in rotary press printing
A 2011-04-01: ? mud hole with rotary table drilling rig
Q 2011-04-01: rotary mud holes
Q 2011-03-28: rotary aviation
A 2011-02-27: http://german.alibaba.com/product-free/rotary-hex-broach-111710897.html
A 2010-11-08: rotary trimmer (office equipment)
A 2010-10-24: +rotary call+ scheint ein Anruf mit der Wählscheibe zu sein
Q 2010-10-22: bankable/ from the days/rotary call
A 2010-05-24: rotary drill(ing) machine
A 2008-10-27: rotary tumbler
A 2008-10-02: rotary feed (The dictionary LINK may be generally useful in your context)
A 2008-08-20: (rotary) swaging process > Rundkneten
A 2008-07-18: umlaufend = rotary??
A 2008-05-22: Sichter is correct, it's a 'classifier.' 'Rotary classifier' in this case.

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