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English-German translation for: rote Blutkörperchen
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Dictionary English German: rote Blutkörperchen

Translation 1 - 50 of 693  >>

NOUN   das rote Blutkörperchen/ein rotes Blutkörperchen | die roten Blutkörperchen/[ohne Artikel] rote Blutkörperchen
biol. erythrocytesrote Blutkörperchen {pl}
biol. red corpusclesrote Blutkörperchen {pl}
biol. med. red blood cells <RBCs>rote Blutkörperchen {pl} <RBK>
Partial Matches
biol. blood cellBlutkörperchen {n}
biol. blood corpuscleBlutkörperchen {n}
biol. corpuscleBlutkörperchen {n}
biol. erythrocyterotes Blutkörperchen {n}
biol. leucocytesweiße Blutkörperchen {pl}
biol. white corpusclesweiße Blutkörperchen {pl}
biol. leucocyte [esp. Br.]weißes Blutkörperchen {n}
biol. red blood cell <RBC>rotes Blutkörperchen {n} <RBK>
biol. med. white blood cells <WBCs>weiße Blutkörperchen {pl} <WBK>
biol. white blood cell <WBC>weißes Blutkörperchen {n} <WBK>
med. blood countZählung {f} der Blutkörperchen
med. blood sedimentation rate <BSR>Blutkörperchen-Senkungsgeschwindigkeit {f} <BKS> [auch: Blutkörperchensenkungsgeschwindigkeit]
leftie [female] [coll.]Rote {f}
pol. Red [female] [coll.] [Marxist / Communist etc.]Rote {f} [ugs.]
hist. Red ArmyRote Armee {f}
bot. gastr. beetrootRote Beete {f}
bot. gastr. beetrootRote Bete {f}
bot. betonyRote Betonie {f}
gastr. red beansrote Bohnen {pl}
gastr. red bean pasterote Bohnenpaste {f}
Red FlagRote Fahne {f}
pol. [socialist youth organisation in Austria and Switzerland]Rote Falken {pl}
hist. mil. Red GuardRote Garde {f}
gastr. red berry compoterote Grütze {f}
gastr. red berry pudding [compote]rote Grütze {f}
bricktop {sg} [coll.] [hum.] [red hair]rote Haare {pl}
red hair {sg}rote Haare {pl}
bot. redcurrants [fruits]rote Johannisbeeren {pl}
gastr. redcurrant jamrote Johannisbeerenkonfitüre {f}
hist. Red OrchestraRote Kapelle {f}
zool. ginger catrote Katze {f}
Khmer RougeRote Khmer {pl}
Red KhmerRote Khmer {pl}
philat. Red Mauritius [orange-red one penny stamp]rote Mauritius {f}
philat. Red PennyRote Mauritius {f}
entom. bloodworm [Chironomus cavazzae]Rote Mückenlarve {f}
law Red Notice [Interpol-United Nations Security Council Special Notice]Rote Notiz {f}
anat. red pulp of spleen [Pulpa rubra (splenica)]rote Pulpa {f}
copper noserote Säufernase {f}
gastr. red gooseberryrote Stachelbeere {f}
agr. bot. oenol. red grapesrote Trauben {pl}
red spotsrote Tupfen {pl}
bot. oenol. red grapesrote Weintrauben {pl}
acc. redrote Zahlen {pl}
red figuresrote Zahlen {pl}
biol. red cellrote Zelle {f}
entom. bloodworm [Chironomus cavazzae]Rote Zuckmückenlarve {f}
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