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English-German translation for: rounded
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Dictionary English German: rounded

Translation 1 - 43 of 43

English German
ADJ   rounded | more rounded | most rounded
VERB  to round | rounded | rounded ... 
rounded {adj} {past-p}
rounded {adj} {past-p}
rounded {adj}
rounded {adj}
drall [Backen]
rounded {adj} [well-rounded, complete]
rund [in sich abgerundet, vollkommen]
rounded {adj} {past-p}zugerundet
rounded {adj} [back of book]gewölbt [Buchrücken]
2 Words: Others
acc. commercially rounded {adj}kaufmännisch gerundet
completely rounded [piece of work]wie aus einem Guss [fig.]
half-rounded {adj}halbrund
naturally rounded {adj} [round gravel]rundgekullert [selten] [Kiesel]
rounded down {adj} {past-p}abgerundet
rounded off {adj} {past-p}abgerundet
rounded off {adj} {past-p}aufgerundet
rounded up {adj} {past-p} [gathered together, esp. animals or people treated with contempt]zusammengetrieben
rounded up {past-p} [price, figure]aufgerundet
well-rounded {adj}allseitig
well-rounded {adj}vielseitig
well-rounded {adj}wohlgerundet
well-rounded {adj}(in sich) abgerundet
well-rounded {adj} [developed]Allround-
well-rounded {adj} [judgment]ausgewogen [Urteil]
well-rounded {adj} [plump]mollig
2 Words: Nouns
rounded beardRundbart {m}
constr. furn. rounded edgeabgerundete Kante {f}
rounded figuregerundete Zahl {f}
rounded grooveRundnut {f}
rounded jarKugeltopf {m}
rounded shapeabgerundete Form {f}
rounded sumgerundeter Betrag {m}
3 Words: Nouns
mus. rounded binary formabgerundete zweiteilige Form {f}
5+ Words: Others
rounded to one decimal place {adj} [postpos.]auf eine Nachkommastelle gerundet
rounded to two decimal figuresauf zwei Dezimalstellen gerundet
tech. The dimensions indicated are rounded to the nearest metre. [Br.]Die angegebenen Maße sind auf volle Meter gerundet.
The price shall be rounded to four decimal places.Der Preis wird auf vier Dezimalstellen gerundet.
quote We are such stuff as dreams are made on, and our little life is rounded with a sleep. [Shakespeare, The Tempest]Wir sind solcher Zeug, woraus Träume gemacht werden, und unser kleines Leben endet sich in einen Schlaf. [Wieland]
5+ Words: Nouns
ling. phonet. near-close near-front rounded vowel [also: near-high near-front rounded vowel]gerundeter zentralisierter fast geschlossener Vorderzungenvokal {m}
Taxa/Species (Animals, Plants, Fungi)
bot. T
bot. T
bot. T
zool. T
zool. T
zool. T
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A 2020-12-20: I suppose "Mitte" means here: being well rounded, unbiassed, principled, etc.
A 2019-06-05: Wane - a rounded surface
A 2018-07-09: it is https://www.google.co.uk/search?biw=1065&bih=598&ei=2cpDW5WcGuue6ATH...
Q 2014-11-17: rounded images
Q 2013-12-13: rounded in excess
A 2012-12-04: "Pfundig" redux = mollig > well-rounded / zaftig.
A 2011-07-20: I Just Feel Like Rounded Up Cattle These Days
A 2011-04-20: In the alternative: well-rounded education
Q 2011-02-17: more well-rounded
A 2011-02-08: Spherical refers to the underside of the nut, which isn't flat, but rounde...
Q 2010-12-05: well-rounded personlity
A 2010-02-24: Well-rounded?
A 2010-02-24: The grain tastes spicy in a well-rounded manner
Q 2010-01-08: Equities rounded off the week with moderate gains *which* still left the m...
A 2009-06-13: All in all, the collection is well-rounded
A 2008-11-11: rounded to three decimal places
A 2008-11-11: rounded to integer per mill values
A 2008-11-11: The values are to be rounded to integer per mille values.
A 2008-10-16: The information established so far is rounded off by an initial CAD-based ...
A 2007-12-06: they created a well-rounded product, they made a perfect job of it

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