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English-German translation for: ruby
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Dictionary English German: ruby

Translation 1 - 75 of 75


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ADJ   ruby | more ruby | most ruby
NOUN   a ruby | rubies
SYNO   crimson | deep red | ruby
ruby {adj} [colour]
ruby {adj} [colour]
ruby {adj} [colour]
ruby {adj}
rubinen [poet. für: rubinfarben, -artig]
mineral. ruby [Al2O3]
Rubin {m} [roter Korund]
ruby [colour]
Rubinrot {n}
Stein {m} [einer Uhr]
2 Words: Others
gastr. Ruby (Murray) [Br.] [cockney rhyming slang: curry][Cockney Rhyming Slang für: Curry]
ruby-colored {adj} [Am.]weinrot
ruby-coloured {adj} [Br.]weinrot
ruby-red {adj}rubinrot
2 Words: Nouns
mineral. balas rubyroter Spinell {m}
Bohemian rubyböhmischer Rubin {m}
mineral. rough rubyungeschliffener Rubin {m}
ruby braceletRubinarmband {n}
geol. mining ruby depositRubinlagerstätte {f}
art ruby glassRubinglas {n}
tech. ruby laserRubinlaser {m}
ruby necklaceRubinkette {f}
ruby pendantRubinanhänger {m}
watches ruby pinHebelstein {m}
EU ruby red [RAL 3003]Rubinrot {n} [RAL 3003]
ruby ring [jewelry]Rubinring {m}
mineral. ruby sulphur [rather in older texts besides: realgar] [As4S4]Rubinschwefel {m} [eher in älteren Texten neben: Realgar]
mineral. uncut rubyungeschliffener Rubin {m}
3 Words: Nouns
brilliant-cut rubyRubin {m} im Brillantschliff
gold ruby (glass)Goldrubinglas {n}
EU pearl ruby red [RAL 3032]Perlrubinrot {n} [RAL 3032]
mineral. mining ruby silver ore [Ag3AsS3] [proustite]lichtes Rotgültigerz {n} [veraltet] [Proustit]
ruby wedding (anniversary) [40 years of marriage]Rubinhochzeit {f} [40 Jahre verheiratet]
4 Words: Others
of ruby-red color {adj} [Am.] [postpos.]rubinfarbig [rubinrot]
of ruby-red colour {adj} [Br.] [postpos.]rubinfarbig [rubinrot]
5+ Words: Nouns
comp. Ruby on Rails® <Rails, RoR> programming languageRuby-on-Rails-Programmiersprache {f} [Ruby on Rails®]
Fiction (Literature and Film)
lit. F Ruby RedRubinrot [Kerstin Gier]
Taxa/Species (Animals, Plants, Fungi)
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orn. T
Feel free to link to this translation! Permanent link: https://www.dict.cc/?s=ruby
Hint: Double-click next to phrase to retranslate — To translate another word just start typing!
Search time: 0.020 sec

Q 2012-11-03: He could return to his ruby-team = er konnte in sein Rugby-Team zurückkehren
A 2012-01-30: Don't get me wrong. I like Ruby.
A 2012-01-30: It could be any two syllable name beginning with R - Ruby was the first on...
A 2010-05-07: Ruby Murray (singer from the 50s) = curry
Q 2010-05-07: Ruby
A 2008-06-21: Ich zitiere ruby :
Q 2008-01-21: "Ruby jeweled movement for..." und "Jeweled movement for..."
A 2007-06-01: ruby^^
Q 2007-04-04: ruby - kaiser chiefs
A 2005-11-26: Um, the "newly / recently released" or just simply "new" album by Ruby
A 2005-11-26: or: the last album by Ruby {so far / to date}
A 2005-11-26: the latest album by Ruby
Q 2005-11-26: is the so far last album by Ruby

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