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English-German translation for: runway
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Dictionary English German: runway

Translation 1 - 50 of 93  >>


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NOUN   a runway | runways
SYNO   rail | rails | runway | track
NOUN   die Runway | die Runways
aviat. runway [for take-offs]
Startbahn {f}
aviat. runway
Piste {f}
cloth. runway [at a fashion show]
Laufsteg {m}
aviat. runway [for landings]
Landebahn {f}
aviat. runway
Flugzeugpiste {f}
aviat. TrVocab. runway
Rollfeld {n}
astronau runway
Rollbahn {f}
ind. runway
Fahrbahn {f} [beim Kran]
ind. runway
Laufbahn {f} [beim Kran]
Wildbahn {f}
aviat. runway
Runway {m} {f}
zool. runway
Wildwechsel {m}
sports runway
Anlaufbahn {f}
zool. runway
Wechsel {m} [Wildwechsel]
aviat. runway [airport]
Flughafenpiste {f}
aviat. runwayStart- und Landebahn {f}
mus. theatre runway [stage component]Bühnensteg {m}
2 Words: Nouns
aviat. (runway) thresholdLandeschwelle {f}
sports aerial runwaySeilrutsche {f}
aviat. asphalt runwayAsphaltpiste {f}
aviat. concrete runwayBetonlandebahn {f}
aviat. concrete runwayBetonpiste {f}
aviat. concrete runwayBetonstartbahn {f}
aviat. concrete runwayzementierte Startbahn {f}
tech. crane runwayKranbahn {f}
curtain runwayVorhangschiene {f}
aviat. grass runwayGraspiste {f}
aviat. grass runwayGras-Start- und Landebahn {f}
grooved runwayBelag {m} mit Rillen
aviat. main runwayHauptlandebahn {f}
aviat. main runwayHauptstart- und -landebahn {f}
aviat. makeshift runwayBehelfslandebahn {f}
rail overhead runwayStahlhängebahn {f}
aviat. paved runwaybefestigte Piste {f}
aviat. paved runwaybefestigte Start- und Landebahn {f}
runway approachLandebahnanflug {m}
runway assignmentLandebahnzuweisung {f}
runway assignmentStartbahnzuweisung {f}
EU tech. runway beam [EN 13001; cranes]Laufbahnträger {m} [EN 13001; Kranbau]
runway conditionPistenzustand {m}
aviat. runway conditionsLandebahnbedingungen {pl}
aviat. runway designatorLandebahnkennung {f}
aviat. runway excursionunbeabsichtigtes Verlassen {n} der Start- oder Landebahn
runway floodlightPistenfeuer {n}
aviat. runway funnelLandeschneise {f}
aviat. runway incursionStörung {f} auf der Start- oder Landebahn
aviat. runway intersectionPistenkreuzung {f}
aviat. Unverified runway lengtheningPistenverlängerung {f} [schweiz.]
aviat. runway lightLandebefeuerung {f}
aviat. runway lightLandefeuer {n}
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Q 2012-07-15: runway
A 2011-04-15: In this context: "...hold short of runway 12" > "...halten sie vor der Sta...
Q 2010-11-18: runway-friendly
A 2006-10-06: Over and Under - Layers Rule (the Runway)?
A 2005-04-22: Maybe: runway?

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