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Dictionary English German: sailing

Translation 1 - 67 of 67

English German
NOUN1   a sailing [voyage] | sailings
NOUN2   sailing [sport, recreation etc.] | -
VERB  to sail | sailed | sailed
sailing | sails
SYNO   navigation | sailing | seafaring ... 
sailing {adj} {pres-p}
naut. sports sailing {adj} [attr.] [e.g. club, fleet, trip, vacation, yacht]
Segel- [z. B. Klub, Flotte, Törn, Urlaub, Jacht]
sailing {adj} {pres-p}
Segeln {n}
naut. sailing
Segelsport {m}
sports sailingSegelei {f} [ugs.]
2 Words: Others
sailing roundumschiffend
sailing throughdurchsegelnd
2 Words: Verbs
to go sailingsegeln gehen
2 Words: Nouns
sports land sailingStrandsegeln {n}
naut. sailing areaSegelrevier {n}
naut. sailing boat [Br.]Segelboot {n}
naut. sports sailing careerSegelkarriere {f}
sailing clubSegelklub {m}
sports sailing clubSegelverein {m}
educ. naut. sports sailing courseSegelkurs {m}
naut. sailing dateAbfahrtsdatum {n}
naut. sailing dateAbfahrtstag {m}
naut. sailing daySegeltag {m}
naut. sailing dinghySegeldingi {n}
naut. sailing dinghySegeljolle {f}
naut. sailing enthusiastSegelenthusiast {m}
sports sailing eventsSegelwettbewerbe {pl}
naut. sailing fleetSegelflotte {f}
naut. TrVocab. sailing holiday [esp. Br.]Segelurlaub {m}
travel sailing holidaysSegelferien {pl}
naut. sports sailing instructionsSegelanweisungen {pl}
educ. naut. sailing instructorSegellehrer {m}
sailing listAbfahrtsliste {f}
sailing listListe {f} der Schiffsabfahrten
naut. sailing maneuver [Am.]Segelmanöver {n}
naut. sailing manualSegelhandbuch {n}
naut. sailing outAbsegeln {n}
naut. sailing regattaSegelregatta {f}
naut. sailing rulesSegelregeln {pl}
sailing scheduleSegelliste {f}
sailing schoolSegelschule {f}
naut. sailing shipSegelschiff {n}
comm. sailing supplies {pl}Segelbedarf {m}
naut. sailing timeAbfahrtszeit {f}
naut. sailing time [time of ship's departure]Abfahrtzeit {f} [fachspr.] [Schiff]
naut. sailing tripSegeltörn {m}
sports travel sailing vacation [Am.]Segelurlaub {m}
naut. sailing vesselSegelschiff {n}
naut. sailing voyageSegeltörn {m}
naut. sailing yachtSegeljacht {f}
naut. sailing yachtSegelyacht {f}
naut. surface sailing [by a submarine]Überwasserfahrt {f}
3 Words: Others
keen on sailing {adj}segelbegeistert
idiom sth. is smooth sailing [sth. is progressing without difficulty]etw. läuft glatt [etw. verläuft ohne Schwierigkeiten]
3 Words: Verbs
to be plain sailing [fig.]eine klare / glatte Sache sein
to obtain sth. by sailing [e.g. a medal]sichDat. etw.Akk. ersegeln [e.g. eine Medaille]
to win sth. by sailing [e.g. a medal]sichDat. etw.Akk. ersegeln [e.g. eine Medaille]
3 Words: Nouns
day of sailingTag {m} der Abfahrt
International Sailing Federation <ISAF>Internationaler Segelverband {m}
naut. motor sailing yachtMotorsegelyacht {f}
naut. sailing cargo shipFrachtsegler {m}
naut. sports single-handed sailingEinhandsegeln {n}
smart sailing boatschmuckes Segelschiff {n}
snug sailing boatschmuckes Segelboot {n}
4 Words: Others
It is plain sailing.Es ist eine einfache Sache.
4 Words: Nouns
naut. estimated time of sailing <ETS>voraussichtliche Abfahrtszeit {f} [eines Schiffes]
sports racing rules (of sailing) <RR>Regattaregeln {pl}
5+ Words: Others
idiom From now on it's all plain sailing.Von jetzt an geht alles glatt.
It isn't such smooth sailing. [idiom]Das geht denn doch nicht so flott. [Redewendung]
5+ Words: Nouns
naut. round the world sailing tourWeltumseglung {f}
Fiction (Literature and Film)
lit. F Sailing to Byzantium [William Butler Yeats]Segeln nach Byzantium
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A 2017-03-25: Sailing ships
Q 2016-09-27: Sailing terminology
Q 2016-06-27: towing rope and sailing rope
Q 2015-07-02: Greece sailing in the wake of Austria 1796, 1802/05/11/16/68, Spain 1557/6...
A 2015-05-07: Plain sailing, once MichaelK had broken the ice
A 2013-02-03: how funny ..... I was thinking of sailing ...... what's the word I am loo...
A 2012-02-22: If you +want to avoid+ ... (19:16) \ if you like +sailing / cooking / re...
A 2011-02-08: http://sailing.about.com/od/typesofsailboats/g/swingkeel.htm
A 2010-08-18: in sailing
A 2009-06-11: Sailing ships
A 2009-03-14: are sailing ... are welcoming them with their bright lights
A 2009-01-23: +list price+ googles poorly for the UK - cf. sailing boat ~ sailboat (US) ...
A 2008-09-07: Good luck and happy sailing!
Q 2008-05-03: Italian sailing expressions needed
A 2007-12-01: sea?? are you out sailing today, Korenlius?
A 2007-11-07: Cast off! - we're sailing on to new horizons
A 2007-07-13: einfach "sailing sport"
A 2007-04-15: sailing ships
A 2007-04-12: sailing mode?
A 2006-03-29: ? to watch the sailing pros in action

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