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English-German translation for: sally
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Dictionary English German: sally

Translation 1 - 40 of 40


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NOUN1   a sally | sallies
NOUN2   sally [MDA] | -
VERB  to sally | sallied | sallied ... 
SYNO   sally | sortie | sallying forth ... 
to sally
aufbrechen [sich auf den Weg machen]
to sally
to sally
to sally [set off, hit the road]sich auf den Weg machen
sally [fig.]
Geistesblitz {m}
Ausbruch {m} [von Wut, Zorn]
travel sally [excursion]
Ausflug {m}
sally [attempt]
Versuch {m}
mil. sally
Ausfall {m}
drugs sally [sl.] [MDA]MDA {n}
2 Words: Nouns
Aunt Sally [Br.]Schießbudenfigur {f}
Aunt Sally [Br.] [fairground stall]Schießbude {f}
Aunt Sally [Br.] [fairground stall]Wurfbude {f}
Aunt Sally [Br.] [fig.]Zielscheibe {f} des Spotts
Aunt Sally [Br.] [fig.]Zielscheibe {f} von Angriffen
hist. sally portAusfallstor {n}
hist. sally port [secure entryway as at a prison][Schleusenbereich, z. B. im Gefängnis]
hist. sally-port [archaic]Ausfallstor {n}
3 Words: Verbs
mil. to make a sallyeinen Ausfall machen
3 Words: Nouns
gastr. Sally Lunn breadSally-Lunn-Brot {n}
4 Words: Verbs
to sally forth to do sth.aufbrechen, um etw. zu tun
to sally forth to do sth.sich aufmachen, etw. zu tun
to sally out to do sth. [Am.]aufbrechen, um etw. zu tun
to sally out to do sth. [Am.]sich aufmachen, etw. zu tun
5+ Words: Others
Smack my ass and call me Sally, if ... [vulg.] [Am.]Also, ich fress einen Besen, wenn ...
Smack my ass and call me Sally! [Am.] [vulg.] [idiom]Das hätte ich nie gedacht!
idiom Why, stick me in a dress and call me Sally, if ...Also, ich fress einen Besen, wenn ...
Fiction (Literature and Film)
film F When Harry Met Sally... [Rob Reiner]Harry und Sally
Taxa/Species (Animals, Plants, Fungi)
bot. T
bot. T
bot. T
bot. T
bot. T
bot. T
bot. T
bot. T
bot. T
bot. T
bot. T
bot. T
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A 2019-08-14: Anything critical of multiculturalism provokes simplistic shying at an Aun...
Q 2019-03-25: sally vs. weeping willow - is there a difference?
A 2015-06-20: Da legst di nieder, Sally
A 2014-02-18: Sally Ann
Q 2014-02-18: Sally Ann
A 2013-02-05: Sally [Aus.]:
A 2013-02-05: Sally
A 2013-02-05: Sally is probably a 'local' name for willow, as willows are the Salix family.
A 2011-10-20: Sally, it seemed, was about nothing else [than setting limits].
A 2010-04-22: Aunt Sally means 'easy target'
Q 2010-04-22: Aunt Sally (of an industry)
A 2010-02-19: Smack my ass and call my Sally
A 2010-02-08: sehr empfehlenswert: Der Spielfilm "Tango Lesson" von Sally Potter. Fantas...
A 2009-08-14: In other words, it's the Aunt Sally syndrome. The hero valiantly knocks do...
A 2008-09-19: sally port
A 2008-07-25: Im Soundtrack zu "Harry&Sally", wenn ich nicht irre,
Q 2006-11-05: before i sally out
A 2005-11-04: Thanks Bugfoot and Sally
A 2005-10-29: Thanks Bugfoot and Sally
A 2005-10-29: @Sally

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