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English-German translation for: salt
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Dictionary English German: salt

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NOUN1   a salt | salts
NOUN2   salt | -
VERB  to salt | salted | salted ... 
SYNO   common salt | salt | table salt ... 
to salt
FoodInd. to salt
FoodInd. to salt sth.
etw.Akk. pökeln
VetMed. to salt [dated] [to immunize]
to salt
to salt [scatter salt]Salz streuen
chem. gastr. salt
Salz {n}
drugs salt [sl.]
[Heroin in Pulverform]
mining saltweißes Gold {n} [fig. für: Salz]
2 Words: Others
containing salt {adj} [postpos.]salzhaltig
low-salt {adj} [attr.]salzarm
no-salt {adj}salzfrei
salt-caked {adj} {past-p}salzverkrustet
salt-containing {adj}salzhaltig
salt-encrusted {adj}salzverkrustet
salt-free {adj}salzfrei
salt-free {adj}salzlos
salt-insensitive {adj}salzunempfindlich
chem. salt-like {adj}salzartig
med. salt-poor {adj}salzarm
salt-reduced {adj}salzreduziert
biol. bot. salt-resistant {adj}salzresistent
med. salt-restricted {adj}salzarm
gastr. salt-rimmed {adj} [esp. glass]mit Salzrand [nachgestellt]
salt-sensitive {adj}salzempfindlich
biol. salt-sensitive {adj}salzsensitiv
chem. salt-soluble {adj}salzlöslich
salt-tanged {adj} [air, breeze]salzig [Luft, Brise]
salt-tanged {adj} [air]nach Salz schmeckend [Luft]
biol. bot. entom. salt-tolerant {adj}salztolerant
bot. salt-tolerant {adj}salzverträglich
2 Words: Verbs
FoodInd. to salt down [fish, meat]einsalzen
biochem. chem. to salt outaussalzen
to spill saltSalz verschütten
2 Words: Nouns
hist. jobs (salt) pannerPfänner {m} [Salzpfänner]
mining abraum saltAbraumsalz {n} [veraltend] [Kalium- und Magnesiumsalze]
chem. aluminium salt [Br.]Aluminiumsalz {n}
chem. amino saltAminosalz {n}
chem. ammonium saltAmmoniumsalz {n}
chem. aniline saltAnilinsalz {n}
aromatic saltRiechsalz {n}
gastr. baker's saltHirschhornsalz {n} [Backpulver]
bay saltMeersalz {n}
bay saltSeesalz {n} [Meersalz]
chem. benzalkonium saltBenzalkoniumsalz {n}
chem. beryllium saltBerylliumsalz {n}
med. bile saltGallensalz {n}
block salt [water softener]Blocksalz {n} [Wasserenthärter]
gastr. med. Bullrich salt [Bullrich Salz®, sodium bicarbonate]Bullrich-Salz {n} [Bullrich Salz®]
chem. cadmium saltCadmiumsalz {n}
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A 2023-03-11: Nobody applies salt to a road (heavily) covered with snow. It simply would...
A 2021-11-04: Nur nebenbei weil ich das gerade gefunden habe: "salt must remain salt"
A 2020-10-02: PS: The +posh+ efforts are to be taken with a generous pinch of salt. +val...
Q 2018-12-13: to hash with *a salt* http://www.dict.cc/?s=to+hash
A 2018-03-22: The ingestion of salt-containing food changes the blood salt concentration.
A 2017-04-26: Salt, et al.
A 2017-03-15: Goes to show that dictionaries must be taken with a pinch of salt or two
A 2016-07-08: Take what he says with a pinch of salt.
A 2016-05-03: Salt - The White Gold
A 2016-03-02: It's an excerpt taken from MOCK THE WEEK, so everything must be taken with...
A 2015-12-17: fine-cut salt
A 2015-10-18: Further suggestions (sometimes to be taken with a pinch / pound of salt)
A 2015-06-02: as a noun: the world of salt
A 2015-03-11: To be taken with a pinch of salt.
A 2015-01-22: http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Hulk+Smash (to be taken wi...
A 2014-12-28: Salzhaus (a) salt merchant's house (b) = Salzsudhaus > salt house
A 2014-12-28: salt house (then explain), or salt merchants' house, salt depot, salt ware...
A 2013-08-15: du kannst natürlich auch sagen: with a generous pinch of salt
A 2013-08-15: to put it mildly, with a pinch of salt
A 2012-11-25: rubbing salt into the wound

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