| English | German | |
Keywords contained |
| to savor sth. slowly [Am.] [also fig.] | sichDat. etw.Akk. auf der Zunge zergehen lassen [bes. fig.] [Redewendung] | |
Partial Matches |
| to savor sth. [Am.] [literary] | etw. würdigen [genießen] | |
| to say sth. slowly | etw.Akk. gedehnt sagen | |
| to savor [Am.] | auskosten | |
| to savor [Am.] | genießen | |
| gastr. to savor [Am.] | kosten | |
| to savor [Am.] | recht genießen | |
| gastr. oenol. to savor [Am.] | verkosten | |
| savor [Am.] | Geschmack {m} | |
| savor [Am.] [fragrance] | Wohlgeruch {m} [geh.] | |
| slowly {adv} | bedächtig | |
| slowly {adv} | gemach | |
| slowly {adv} | langsam | |
| slowly {adv} | počasi [österr.] [regional] [langsam] [gesprochen: podschasi] | |
| slowly {adv} | pomali [ostösterr.] [ugs.] [langsam] | |
| slowly {adv} | tranig [ugs.] [langsam] | |
| agonizingly slowly {adv} | quälend langsam | |
| traffic Drive slowly! | Langsam fahren! | |
| excruciatingly slowly {adv} | quälend langsam | |
| extremely slowly {adv} | wahnsinnig langsam [ugs.] | |
| more slowly {adv} | langsamer | |
| to burn slowly | langsam brennen | |
| to change slowly | sich langsam ändern | |
| gastr. to cook slowly | bei schwacher Hitze kochen | |
| naut. to sail slowly | kleine Fahrt machen | |
| to slowly kill sb. | jdn. langsam umbringen | |
| slowly but surely {adv} | langsam, aber sicher | |
| idiom Slowly but surely. | Mühsam ernährt sich das Eichhörnchen. [Langsam, aber sicher.] | |
| to come along slowly | daherschleichen [südd.] [österr.] [ugs.] | |
| transp. Unverified driving slowly [emergency vehicles] | Schonfahrt {f} | |
| rail slowly traveling train [Am.] | langsam fahrender Zug {m} | |
| a lot more slowly {adv} | viel langsamer | |
| to shake one's head (slowly) | den Kopf wiegen | |
| slowly {adv} [esp. of time, a river] | zäh [langsam, schleppend] | |
| TrVocab. Could you please speak more slowly? | Könnten Sie bitte langsamer sprechen? [formelle Anrede] | |
| proverb The mills of God grind slowly. | Gottes Mühlen mahlen langsam. | |
| The wheels of bureaucracy turn slowly. [fig.] | Die Mühlen der Bürokratie mahlen langsam. [fig.] | |
| The noose is slowly tightening on him. [idiom] | Die Schlinge um seinen Hals zieht sich langsam zu. [Redewendung] | |
| to give sb./sth. sth. [pain, joy, trouble, worry, problems] | jdm./etw. etw.Akk. bereiten [Schmerz, Freude, Mühe, Kummer, Probleme] | |
| to add sth. to sth. [attach, add in writing etc.] | etw.Akk. etw.Dat. beifügen [hinzufügen] | |
| to adopt sth. from sth. [e.g. words, or images] | etw.Akk. aus etw.Dat. entlehnen | |
| to dedicate sth. to sb./sth. [book etc., time, life] | jdm./etw. etw.Akk. widmen | |
| to direct sth. at sb./sth. [e.g. a comment] | etw.Akk. an jdn./etw. richten [z. B. einen Kommentar] | |
| to estimate sb./sth. at sth. [at a value, etc.] | jdn./etw. auf etw. schätzen [auf einen Wert etc.] | |
| to execute sth. in sth. [in metal, wood, ceramics, etc.] | etw.Akk. in etw.Dat. ausführen [Entwurf in Metall, Holz, Keramik etc.] | |
| to feed sth. on sth. [fig.] [one's eyes, soul] | etw.Akk. an etw.Dat. weiden [fig.] [geh.] | |
| to mix sth. with sth. [e.g. paint with water] | etw.Akk. mit etw.Dat. anmachen [durch Mischen, z. B. Farbe mit Wasser] | |
| to plate sth. (with sth.) [with a layer of metal] | etw.Akk. (mit etw.Dat.) überziehen [mit einer Schicht Metall] | |
| gastr. to spread sth. on sth. [e.g. butter on bread] | etw.Akk. auf etw.Dat. verstreichen [z. B. Butter auf Brot] | |
| gastr. to stir sth. (with sth.) [e.g. with a whisk] | etw.Akk. (mit etw.Dat.) verrühren [z. B. mit einem Schneebesen] | |
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