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English-German translation for: saw
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Dictionary English German: saw

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NOUN   a saw | saws
VERB1  to saw | sawed | sawed/sawn ... 
VERB2  to see | saw | seen ... 
SYNO   power saw | saw | sawing machine ... 
sb. saw
jd. sah
sb. saw
jd. erblickte
to saw (sth.)
(etw.Akk.) sägen
to saw sth.etw.Akk. sägen [durch Sägen herstellen]
tools saw
Säge {f}
saw [adage]
Sprichwort {n}
saw [proverb, maxim]
Spruch {m} [Sprichwort, Maxime]
saw [adage]
Weisheit {f} [Spruch]
2 Words: Others
saw-toothed {adj}gezähnt
2 Words: Verbs
to chain-saw sth.etw.Akk. kettensägen [selten]
to saw into sth.etw.Akk. ansägen
to saw out sth. [also: saw sth. out]etw.Akk. aussägen
to saw sth. downetw.Akk. absägen
to saw sth. down [a tree, etc.]etw. umsägen [einen Baum etc.]
to saw sth. offetw.Akk. absägen
to saw sth. outetw.Akk. heraussägen
to saw sth. upetw.Akk. zersägen
to saw through sth.etw.Akk. durchsägen
to saw up sth.etw.Akk. zersägen
to see-sawschaukeln
to see-saw [Br.] [e.g. stocks]schwanken [sich auf und ab bewegen, z. B. Aktienkurse]
2 Words: Nouns
med. tools amputation sawAmputationssäge {f}
tools back sawRückensäge {f}
tech. tools band sawBandsäge {f}
tech. tools band sawBandsägemaschine {f}
tools band-sawBandsäge {f}
tools belt sawBandsäge {f}
tools bench sawTischkreissäge {f}
tools bench sawTischsäge {f}
tools board sawFuchsschwanz {m} [zum Sägen von Trockenbauplatten]
med. bone sawKnochensäge {f}
tools bow sawBogensäge {f}
tools bow saw(kleine) Bügelsäge {f}
tools bow-sawBogensäge {f}
hort. tools branch sawAstsäge {f}
gastr. tools bread sawBrotsäge {f} [gezacktes Brotmesser]
tools buck-sawSpannsäge {f}
tools butcher's sawFleischersäge {f}
tools butcher's sawKnochensäge {f} [Fleischersäge]
tools butcher's sawMetzgersäge {f}
tools butcher's sawSchlachtersäge {f}
tools buzz saw [Am.]Kreissäge {f}
tools cabinet sawzweischneidige Handsäge {f}
tools chain sawFichtenmoped {n} [ugs.] [Kettensäge]
tools chain sawKettensäge {f}
chop sawKappsäge {f}
tools circular sawKreissäge {f}
cleaving sawSpaltsäge {f}
cold sawKaltsäge {f}
tools compass sawDurchbruchsäge {f}
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A 2023-11-21: I saw the comment attached to that entry
Q 2023-09-14: Derna flooding: THEY SAW IT COMING, DIDN'T THEY?
A 2020-09-04: I looked at the sources in the entry and saw the Lexico example as well ;-)
Q 2020-01-11: "The 19th century *saw* the emergence of..."
A 2018-11-22: ~ I challenge the 'science' of ph. to have determined my aunt's interpreta...
A 2018-11-17: Oops, yes, just saw that. Sorry.
A 2017-08-17: saw pit
Q 2017-05-13: Saw frame
A 2017-05-12: Thank you but I saw that ...
A 2016-11-11: sehen / sägen No, not sehen ..... I didn't see / saw
Q 2016-11-11: I didn't saw the legs off the table
A 2016-07-01: saw it - thanks
A 2016-04-21: Yes, I saw that mistake, and there are a couple of others.
A 2015-12-15: As a commis or assistant waiter, I saw how the chef sunk the fingers of sl...
A 2015-11-06: Also wenn ich es dann richtig verstanden habe, signalisiert dann also das ...
A 2015-06-14: @Lllama: Thanks to you, too! (I saw your answer just after my last answer...)
A 2015-04-08: pole saw / tree pruner / (tree) pruning saw
Q 2015-03-28: He not only saw the vehicles themselves
A 2015-01-22: I originally had belassen, but then read the question again and saw the ot...
A 2014-10-22: As soon as I saw him ...

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