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English-German translation for: saxophone mouthpiece
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Deutsch - Englisch

Dictionary English German: saxophone mouthpiece

Translation 1 - 52 of 52

NOUN   a saxophone mouthpiece | saxophone mouthpieces
mus. saxophone mouthpieceSaxophonmundstück {n} [auch: Saxophon-Mundstück]
Partial Matches
mus. saxophoneRotzkanne {f} [ugs.]
mus. saxophoneSaxofon {n}
mus. saxophoneSaxophon {n}
mus. alto saxophoneAltsaxofon {n}
mus. alto saxophoneAltsaxophon {n}
mus. baritone saxophoneBaritonsaxofon {n} [Rsv.]
mus. baritone saxophoneBaritonsaxophon {n}
mus. bass saxophoneBasssaxofon {n} [Rsv.]
mus. bass saxophoneBasssaxophon {n}
mus. contrabass saxophoneKontrabasssaxophon {n}
mus. sopranino saxophoneSopraninosaxophon {n}
mus. sopranissimo saxophoneSoprillo {n}
mus. soprano saxophoneSopransaxofon {n} [Rsv.]
mus. soprano saxophoneSopransaxophon {n}
mus. tenor saxophoneTenorsaxofon {n} [Rsv.]
mus. tenor saxophoneTenorsaxophon {n}
mus. to play the saxophoneSaxophon spielen
mus. soprillo (saxophone) [sopranissimo saxophone]Soprillo {n} [kleinste reguläre Baugröße des Saxophons]
mus. mouthpieceInstrumentenmundstück {n}
sports mouthpieceMundschutz {m}
mouthpieceSprechmuschel {f}
(phone) mouthpieceTelefonmuschel {f} [Sprechmuschel]
mus. bassoon mouthpieceFagottmundstück {n} [auch: Fagott-Mundstück]
equest. Unverified bit mouthpieceStange {f} [Mundstück von Kandare]
mus. bugle mouthpieceWaldhornmundstück {n} [auch: Waldhorn-Mundstück]
mus. clarinet mouthpieceKlarinettenmundstück {n} [auch: Klarinetten-Mundstück]
mus. clarinet mouthpieceKlarinettenschnabel {m}
mus. flute mouthpieceFlötenmundstück {n} [auch: Flöten-Mundstück]
government mouthpieceSprachrohr {n} der Regierung
mus. mouthpiece bagMundstücktasche {f}
mus. oboe mouthpieceOboenmundstück {n} [auch: Oboen-Mundstück]
mus. recorder mouthpieceBlockflötenmundstück {n} [auch: Blockflöten-Mundstück]
telephone mouthpieceTelefonmuschel {f} [Sprechmuschel]
telecom. telephone mouthpieceTelephonmuschel {f} [alt]
mus. trombone mouthpiecePosaunenmundstück {n} [auch: Posaunen-Mundstück]
mus. trumpet mouthpieceTrompetenmundstück {n} [auch: Trompeten-Mundstück]
mus. tuba mouthpieceTubamundstück {n} [auch: Tuba-Mundstück]
mus. mouthpiece [also fig.]Sprachrohr {n} [auch fig.]
mus. mouthpiece receiver [trumpets]Mundstückaufnahme {f} [Trompeten]
phone's mouthpieceTelefonmuschel {f} [Sprechmuschel]
telephone's mouthpieceTelefonmuschel {f} [Sprechmuschel]
dent. saliva ejector mouthpieceSpeichelsauger-Mundstück {n}
mus. mouthpiece brush [wind instrument]Mundstückbürste {f} [Blasinstrument]
mus. mouthpiece cleaner [wind instrument]Mundstückreiniger {m} [Blasinstrument-Pflegemittel]
publ. official mouthpiece [of a government]offizielles Sprachrohr {n} [einer Regierung]
dent. mouthpiece for an oral doucheMundstück {n} für eine Munddusche
mus. mouthpiece cushion [for a wind instrument]Bissplättchen {n} [für das Mundstück eines Blasinstrumentes]
mus. mouthpiece patch [for a wind instrument]Bissplättchen {n} [für das Mundstück eines Blasinstrumentes]
dent. Unverified anti-snore mouthpiece [anti-snoring splint]Schnarcherschiene {f} [Anti-Schnarch-Schiene]
law mouthpiece [Am.] [sl.] [lawyer, esp. defense lawyer]Rechtsanwalt {m}
mouthpiece [e.g. on a wind instrument, a bridle, or a tobacco pipe]Mundstück {n}
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