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Dictionary English German: say

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NOUN   a say | says
VERB  to say | said | said ... 
SYNO   to say | to suppose | to read | to say ... 
say {adv} [coll.]
say {adv}zum Beispiel <z. B.>
say ... {adv}sagen wir mal ...
Say, ...Sag mal, ...
to say sth.
etw.Akk. meinen
to say sth. [convey specified information or instructions (text, act, etc.)]
etw.Akk. besagen [Text, Gesetz etc.]
to say sth.
etw.Akk. aussprechen
Mitspracherecht {n}
the say [power of final decision]das Entscheidungsrecht {n}
2 Words: Others
I say!Ach was!
I say! [idiom]Hören Sie mal! [Redewendung] [formelle Anrede]
I'd say ...Ich sag mal ... [ugs.]
I'd say ...Ich würde sagen ...
I'll say.So ist es.
Say ... ,Nehmen wir einmal an,
Say again?Wie bitte?
Say cheese! [idiom]Bitte lächeln!
Say what? [Am.] [coll.]Wie bitte? [ugs.]
Say what? [used to express surprise]Wie bitte?
Say when. [said when pouring a drink for sb.]Sag halt!
Say word? [coll.]Echt wahr? [ugs.]
they sayes heißt
they sayman sagt
Whaddaya say? [sl.]Was meinst du?
2 Words: Verbs
to say cheers [coll.]prosten
to say die [coll.] [idiom]aufgeben
to say farewellAbschied nehmen
to say firsteinleitend sagen
to say goodbyesich verabschieden
to say goodbyeAde / ade sagen
relig. to say gracedas Tischgebet sprechen
relig. to say KaddishKaddisch sagen
to say Mass [also: mass]die Messe halten
relig. to say Mass [also: mass]die Messe lesen
to say noablehnen
to say noverneinen
to say nothingschweigen
to say nothingnichts sagen
to say pleaseBitte sagen
to say pleasebitte sagen
to say sth. (to sb.)(jdm.) etw.Akk. sagen
to say sth. aloudetw.Akk. laut sagen
to say sth. firstetw.Akk. vorausschicken
to say sth. lightly [casually]etw.Akk. leichthin sagen
to say sth. slowlyetw.Akk. gedehnt sagen
to say sth. tartlyetw.Akk. in scharfem Ton sagen
to say sth. thoughtlesslyetw.Akk. dahinreden
to say sth. tiredlyetw.Akk. mit müder Stimme sagen
to say sth. unofficiallyetw.Akk. hinter vorgehaltener Hand sagen [Redewendung] [inoffiziell sagen]
to say uncle [Am.] [coll.]sichAkk. für besiegt erklären
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A 2024-05-25: This is why I say,
A 2024-02-19: dict. Eintrag "fire run" ?? I'd say "(firefighting / fire-brigade) ope...
Q 2024-02-08: How to say these in German? Thanks for letting ...
Q 2023-12-07: How to say it in german?
A 2023-10-09: I'd say: Die Stadt sieht aus wie kurz vor dem Kollaps / Zusammenbruch
Q 2023-08-13: Say it in English
A 2023-05-31: Right, but to run the dishwasher is a pretty conversational way to say tha...
A 2023-05-24: I would say "It is time to finally take action"
Q 2023-04-22: How do you say 80s music in german?
A 2023-04-20: I say modify.
A 2023-04-11: There we are: MW confirms my suggestion / 11:47, NOT +just a normal thing ...
A 2023-04-11: It's really not a "rhetorische Verkürzung," it's just a normal thing to sa...
A 2023-03-18: As a member of the younger generation, I might refer to a beanie as a hat,...
A 2023-02-25: We don't say "the evil" in numerous contexts where German speakers would s...
A 2023-02-21: I would say compared to.
A 2023-02-15: I will say, I find the "missing" function incredibly useful.
A 2022-10-20: I'd say "power of attorney for married couples"
A 2022-09-19: then I would say "to make arrangements" (for returning goods, for shipment...
A 2022-09-01: @polarjud: that's fair, 10 years is certainly hyperbole. Though I will say...
A 2022-01-02: In your gaga cocoon, you can say verrückt all day.

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