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English-German Dictionary

English-German translation for: say a few choice words
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Deutsch - Englisch

Dictionary English German: say a few choice words

Translation 1 - 50 of 32234  >>

Keywords contained
to say a few choice words [to voice criticism]ein paar passende Bemerkungen machen [Kritik äußern]
Partial Matches
to ask sb. to say a few wordsjdn. um ein paar Worte bitten
in a few words {adv}in knappen Worten
in a few words {adv}in wenigen Worten
to answer in a few wordsin wenigen Worten antworten
a man of few wordsein Mann {m} weniger Worte [ein wortkarger Mann]
a man of few wordsein wortkarger Mann {m}
to address a few words of thanksein paar Dankesworte sprechen
to explain sth. in a few wordsetw.Akk. in drei Worten erklären [ugs.] [fig.]
a few words here and thereein paar Worte {pl} hier und da
He's a man of few words.Er macht nicht viel Worte.
choice of wordsWortwahl {f}
man of few wordsSchweiger {m}
woman of few wordsSchweigerin {f}
unfortunate choice of wordsunglückliche Formulierung {f}
unfortunate choice of wordsunglückliche Wortwahl {f}
wary in the choice of words {adj}behutsam in der Wahl der Worte
to say hurtful words to sb.jdn. mit Worten verletzen
a fewein paar
a few {adj} {pron}einige
a few minutes {adv} {noun}ein paar Minütchen {pl} [ugs.]
a few minutes {noun} {adv}ein paar Minuten {pl}
a few more {pron}ein paar mehr
a few more {pron}ein paar weitere
a few more {pron}noch ein paar
a few ofeinige von
a few times {adv}ein paarmal
a few times {adv}mehrmals
a very few {adj}ein paar wenige
a very few {adj}schon wenige
just a few {adj}schon wenige
only a few {adj}schon wenige
quite a feweine ganze Menge
quite a few {adj} {pron}einige
quite a few {adj}etliche
quite a few {adj}mancherlei
quite a fewreichlich viele
quite a fewziemlich viele
a chosen fewwenige Auserwählte {pl}
a few curlsein paar Locken {pl}
a few daysein paar Tage {pl}
a few dropsein paar Tropfen {pl}
a few minuteseinige Minuten {pl} Zeit
a few penceein paar Pennies {pl} [alt]
a few penceein paar Pennys {pl}
a few penniesein paar Pennies {pl} [alt]
a few penniesein paar Pennys {pl}
a few remarksein paar Bemerkungen {pl}
a few sampleseinige Muster {pl}
a few timeseinige Male {pl}
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