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English-German translation for: scan head
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Dictionary English German: scan head

Translation 1 - 50 of 2178  >>

NOUN   a scan head | scan heads
SEE ALSO  scanhead
MedTech. head scanKopfaufnahme {f} [Kopf-Scan]
optics tech. scan headScankopf {m}
Keywords contained
MedTech. scan of the headKopfaufnahme {f} [Kopf-Scan]
Partial Matches
MedTech. ultrasound heart scan <US heart scan>Echokardiogramm {n} <EKG>
MedTech. computed axial tomography scan <CAT scan>CAT-Scan {m}
med. nuchal translucency scan <NT scan>Nackentransparenzmessung {f} <NT-Messung>
tech. infrared scan <IR scan>Infrarotscan {m} <IR-Scan>
electr. RadioTV progressive scan <P-scan>Progressivscan {m} [ugs. für: progressive Scan]
MedTech. cardiac ultrasound scan <cardiac US scan>Echokardiogramm {n}
head-to-head {adv} [in a race or competition]Kopf-an-Kopf
sports to have a better head-to-head recordim direkten Vergleich vorne liegen
tech. flat-head socket head cap screwSenkschraube {f} mit Innensechskant
to scanabfragen
to scanabsuchen
to scanabtasten
comp. to scanein Bild abtasten
comp. to scaneinscannen
to scanrastern
to scanscannen
to scansequentiell abfragen
scanAbtasten {n}
scanAbtastung {f}
scanScan {m} [selten {n}]
A-scanA-Bild {n}
to scan dataDaten abfragen
med. MedTech. adrenal scanNebennierenscan {m}
engin. MedTech. phys. axial scanAxialscan {m}
comp. background scanHintergrund-Scan {m}
med. MedTech. bone scanKnochenscan {m}
MedTech. bone scanKnochenszintigrafie {f}
MedTech. bone scanKnochenszintigraphie {f}
MedTech. bone scanSkelettszintigrafie {f}
MedTech. bone scanSkelettszintigraphie {f}
electr. boundary scanGrenzpfadabtastung {f}
med. brain scanGehirnscan {m} {n}
med. brain scanHirnscan {m} {n}
med. CAT scanComputertomographie {f} [Untersuchung]
circuit scanKreisabtastung {f}
compensated scankompensierte Abtastung {f}
conical scankonische Abtastung {f}
MedTech. control scanVerlaufsscan {m}
MedTech. CT scanComputertomographie {f} [Untersuchung]
MedTech. CT scanCT-Schichtaufnahme {f}
dent. MedTech. dental scanDentalscan {m}
med. MedTech. DXA scanDXA-Messung {f}
MedTech. tech. dynamic scandynamischer Scan {m}
comp. full scanvollständiger Scan {m}
MedTech. genome scanGenomscan {m} [auch: Genom-Scan]
memory scanSpeicherabtasten {n}
MedTech. MRI scanMRT-Scan {m}
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