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English-German Dictionary

English-German translation for: scan-line algorithm
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scan-line algorithm in other languages:

Deutsch - Englisch

Dictionary English German: scan line algorithm

Translation 1 - 50 of 2734  >>

NOUN   a scan-line algorithm | scan-line algorithms
scan-line algorithmAbtastalgorithmus {m}
comp. scan-line algorithmBildzeilenalgorithmus {m}
comp. scan-line algorithmScanline-Algorithmus {m}
Partial Matches
comp. electr. scan lineBildzeile {f}
tech. line scan cameraZeilenkamera {f}
comp. math. Broyden-Fletcher-Goldfarb-Shanno algorithm <BFGS algorithm>Broyden-Fletcher-Goldfarb-Shanno-Algorithmus {m} <BFGS-Algorithmus>
comp. math. spec. ant colony optimization algorithm <ACO algorithm>Ameisenalgorithmus {m}
branch and bound algorithm <BB algorithm>Branch-and-Bound-Algorithmus {m} <BB- / B&B-Algorithmus> [Verzweigung und Schranke]
comp. Knuth-Morris-Pratt algorithm <KMP algorithm>Knuth-Morris-Pratt-Algorithmus {m}
math. stat. estimation-maximization algorithm <EM algorithm>EM-Algorithmus {m}
biol. Jukes-Cantor algorithm <JC algorithm>Jukes-Cantor-Algorithmus {m}
MedTech. ultrasound heart scan <US heart scan>Echokardiogramm {n} <EKG>
MedTech. computed axial tomography scan <CAT scan>CAT-Scan {m}
med. nuchal translucency scan <NT scan>Nackentransparenzmessung {f} <NT-Messung>
tech. infrared scan <IR scan>Infrarotscan {m} <IR-Scan>
electr. RadioTV progressive scan <P-scan>Progressivscan {m} [ugs. für: progressive Scan]
MedTech. cardiac ultrasound scan <cardiac US scan>Echokardiogramm {n}
comp. math. algorithmAlgorithmus {m}
math. algorithmRechenanweisung {f}
algorithmRechenregel {f}
math. algorithmVerfahren {n}
comp. math. algorithm developmentAlgorithmen-Entwicklung {f}
comp. math. algorithm developmentAlgorithmenentwicklung {f}
tech. allocation algorithmAllokationsalgorithmus {m}
comp. approximation algorithmApproximationsalgorithmus {m}
comp. assignment algorithmZuordnungsalgorithmus {m}
comp. math. basic algorithmzugrundeliegender Algorithmus {m}
biol. comp. BLAST algorithmBLAST-Algorithmus {m}
comp. checksum algorithmPrüfsummenalgorithmus {m}
QM classification algorithmKlassifikationsalgorithmus {m}
QM classification algorithmKlassifizierungsalgorithmus {m}
comp. combinatorial algorithmkombinatorischer Algorithmus {m}
comp. compression algorithmKompressionsalgorithmus {m}
comp. deterministic algorithmdeterministischer Algorithmus {m}
stat. distribution algorithmVerteilungsalgorithmus {m}
math. eigenvalue algorithmEigenwert-Algorithmus {m} [auch: Eigenwertalgorithmus]
math. eigenvector algorithmEigenvektor-Algorithmus {m}
comp. telecom. encryption algorithmVerschlüsselungsalgorithmus {m}
math. Euclidean algorithmeuklidischer Algorithmus {m}
biol. FASTA algorithmFASTA-Algorithmus {m}
math. greedy algorithmGreedy-Algorithmus {m}
stat. greedy algorithmGreedy-Verfahren {n}
comp. hash algorithmHash-Algorithmus {m}
math. Horner algorithmHorner-Schema {n}
math. Lanczos algorithmLanczos-Algorithmus {m}
phys. lattice algorithmGitter-Algorithmus {m} [auch: Gitteralgorithmus]
comp. educ. learning algorithmLernalgorithmus {m}
math. Luhn algorithmLuhn-Algorithmus {m}
Metropolis algorithmMetropolis-Algorithmus {m}
comp. minimax algorithmMinimax-Algorithmus {m}
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