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English-German translation for: scanning
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Dictionary English German: scanning

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NOUN   scanning | -
VERB  to scan | scanned | scanned
scanning | scans
NOUN   das Scanning | die Scannings
scanning {adj} {pres-p}
scanning {adj} {pres-p}
Abfragen {n}
Abtasten {n}
Abtastung {f}
electr. tech. scanning
Scannen {n}
comp. scanningAbscannen {n}
comp. spec. scanningScanning {n}
scanningZeichenabtastung {f}
scanningZeichenerkennung {f}
educ. scanningselektives Leseverstehen {n}
comp. tech. scanning [e.g. of a file]Durchsuchung {f} [z. B. von einer Datei]
electr. tech. scanning [scanning procedure]Scanvorgang {m}
2 Words: Others
self-scanning {adj}selbstabtastend
2 Words: Nouns
bilateral scanningzweiseitige Abtastung {f}
character scanningKlarschriftlesen {n}
character scanningAbtasten {n} von Zeichen
electr. coarse scanningGrobabtastung {f}
med. MedTech. color scanning [Am.]Farbszintigraphie {f}
med. MedTech. colour scanning [Br.]Farbszintigraphie {f}
data scanningDatenabtastung {f}
dot-scanningRasterpunktlesen {n}
MedTech. nucl. electron scanningElektronenabtastung {f}
electronic scanningelektronische Abtastung {f}
helical scanningWendelabtastung {f}
comp. publ. tech. image scanningBildabtastung {f}
MedTech. impedance scanningImpedanz-Scanning {n}
electr. RadioTV interlaced scanningHalbbildverfahren {n} [Interlaced-Verfahren]
MedTech. interlaced scanningZeilensprungverfahren {n}
electr. RadioTV interlaced scanningZwischenzeilenabtastung {f}
tech. laser scanningLaserabtastung {f}
magnetic scanningmagnetische Rasterung {f}
mark scanningMarkierungslesen {n}
optical scanningoptische Abtastung {f}
parallel scanningParallelabtastung {f}
electr. phys. photoelectric scanningfotoelektrische Abtastung {f}
electr. phys. photoelectric scanninglichtelektrische Abtastung {f}
electr. RadioTV progressive scanningVollbildverfahren {n}
spec. progressive scanningprogressive Abtastung {f}
med. MedTech. radionuclide scanningRadionuklidscanning {n} [auch: Radionuklid-Scanning]
raster scanningRasterpunktabfühlung {f}
row scanningReihenabfragen {pl}
phys. spec. scanning angleScanwinkel {m}
tech. scanning antennaAbtastantenne {f}
scanning beamAblenkstrahl {m} [Fernsehen]
scanning beamAbtaststrahl {m}
scanning circuitAbtastschaltung {f}
MedTech. scanning depthAbtasttiefe {f}
scanning deviceAbtastgerät {n}
tech. scanning directionScanrichtung {f}
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A 2023-06-05: Here: Super-Abtastung <> super-scanning
Q 2018-11-11: Thin-Film Differential Scanning Calorimeter
A 2015-10-03: Typo or scanning mistake for +live.+
A 2015-06-28: a bit much for a scanning error.
A 2014-11-22: Optical scanning or old text or handwriting?
A 2011-02-21: scanning/recording
A 2010-07-17: scanning
A 2010-07-17: It says scanning here - http://www.dict.cc/?s=abfragen
A 2010-05-06: I understand it as scan/ scanning speed
A 2010-05-03: Just from a quick scanning of some Hanserecesse text, ot looks like "Kfm."...
A 2009-02-15: It's one of those quaint old German things I love. Can you send an email ...
A 2009-01-30: Scanning vibrating electrode technique (SVET)
A 2009-01-25: data collection; survey; polling; data scanning; observation; physical cou...
A 2008-10-19: scanning and skimming - njein .... drueberfliegen/scannen/sehen aber auc...
Q 2008-10-19: scanning and skimming
A 2008-09-02: scanning manner
Q 2008-09-02: scanning manner: plane, cylinder, sphere
Q 2008-08-31: receiving scanning probe
A 2008-02-12: Correct link - http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&rls=RNWE%2CRNWE%3A2006-2...
A 2008-02-12: Rasterelektronenmikroskop - scanning electron microscope

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