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English-German translation for: scrape
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Dictionary English German: scrape

Translation 1 - 50 of 89  >>

English German
NOUN   a scrape | scrapes
VERB  to scrape | scraped | scraped ... 
SYNO   to come up | to scrape | to scrape up ... 
to scrape
to scrape
to scrape
to scrape
to scrape
to scrape (sth.)
(etw.Akk.) schrappen [landsch.] [bes. nordd.]
hist. ind. to scrape sth. [hides, in order to remove the flesh before tanning]
etw. aasen [veraltet] [Gerberjargon] [Felle oder Häute abschaben, vom Fleisch reinigen]
to scrape
schurren [nordd.]
dent. to scrapeZahnstein entfernen
med. Unverified to scrape sth. [one's knee, skin]sichDat. aufschürfen [das Knie, die Haut]
med. to scrape sth. [one's skin, knee, etc.]sichDat. etw.Akk. schürfen [die Haut, das Knie, etc.]
Kratzer {m}
med. scrape
Schramme {f}
med. scrape
Schürfwunde {f}
scrape [difference of opinion]
Meinungsverschiedenheit {f}
med. tech. scrape
Ausschabung {f}
hist. scrape [archaic] [obsequious bow]
Kratzfuß {m}
2 Words: Verbs
to scrape aroundherumkratzen
zool. to scrape aroundherumscharren
to scrape awayabkratzen
to scrape bootsStiefel bürsten
to scrape byentlangschrammen
to scrape bysich vorbeizwängen
to scrape by [idiom]gerade über die Runden kommen [Redewendung]
to scrape offabkratzen
to scrape offwegkratzen
to scrape offsich abkratzen lassen
to scrape outauskratzen
to scrape outausschaben
to scrape pastvorbeischrammen
to scrape shoesSchuhe abkratzen
to scrape sth. awayetw.Akk. wegkratzen
to scrape sth. offetw. abschaben
to scrape sth. off [skin](sichDat.) etw.Akk. abscheuern [Haut]
gastr. to scrape sth. out [eyes of potato, bad parts]etw. ausschneiden [schlechte Stellen]
to scrape sth. togetheretw. zusammenscharren [Laub, Mist, auch Geld]
to scrape throughknapp hindurchkommen
to scrape through sth. [e.g. an exam]durch etw.Akk. mit knapper Not durchkommen [z. B. eine Prüfung]
to scrape togetherzusammenkratzen
to scrape together [leaves]zusammenharken
to scrape together [leaves]zusammenrechen
to scrape together [people, support]organisieren
to scrape together [people]zusammenbringen
to scrape upaufkratzen
med. Unverified to scrape upaufschürfen
to scrape upzusammenkratzen
to scrape up [money]auftreiben [ugs.]
to scrape up [support]organisieren
to stone-scrapeschroppen
2 Words: Nouns
med. womb scrapeAusschabung {f} (der Gebärmutter)
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A 2023-11-23: Reverso is a trawler. Scrape the internet. Run the word/phrase through d...
Q 2017-06-01: make and scrape
Q 2015-07-09: Greece in quite a scrape
A 2015-02-14: Datenextraktion > data scraping (websites) - - - to scrape content (singul...
Q 2015-02-13: to "scrape" contents from a website
A 2013-02-21: in Nöten sein > to be in a scrape; die Not (here) > the quandary
A 2012-02-11: it means: to live scrooge-like, not necessarily in order to scrape a livin...
A 2011-01-03: Translation and original text (as splendidly supplied by wandle) - either ...
A 2009-08-31: scrape marks
A 2009-03-11: to scrape a third ...
A 2009-03-11: To scrape (not scrap) - to only just manage something
Q 2009-01-09: Swiss banking in a scrape: Pressured by I.R.S., UBS Is Closing Secret Accounts
A 2008-09-05: Hmmm....dann also "scrape off/away" to scrape off/away around the fingers?
A 2008-09-05: scrape off/away ... ?? abschuerfen ist nicht die Taetigkeit mit anderen ...
A 2008-03-19: wahrscheinlich to scrape up / he scraped himself up (sonst macht es keinen Sinn)
Q 2008-02-25: scrape loading?
Q 2007-08-28: scrape raw
A 2007-04-10: http://www2.dict.cc/?s=scrape+by
A 2007-01-11: scrape off, tear off, rip off
A 2006-06-17: You only just scrape past the mark... :)

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