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English-German translation for: seat
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Dictionary English German: seat

Translation 1 - 50 of 520  >>

English German
NOUN   a seat | seats
VERB  to seat | seated | seated ... 
SYNO   place | seat | to induct | to invest ... 
to seat sb.
jdn. hinsetzen
to seat sb.
jdn. setzen
dent. tech. to seat sth.
etw. einpassen
tech. to seat
einschleifen [z. B. Sitz von Ventilen]
dent. tech. to seat sth.
etw. einsetzen [einpassen]
furn. to seat sth. [provide with seats]
etw. bestuhlen
to seat sb. [arrange for sb. to sit somewhere]
jdn. platzieren [einen Sitzplatz zuweisen]
Sitz {m}
Sitzplatz {m}
Platz {m} [Sitzplatz]
engin. seat
Aufnahme {f}
automot. seat
Sitzbank {f} [Motorrad]
Sitzgelegenheit {f}
Sitzfläche {f}
furn. seat
Bank {f} [Sitzbank]
Amtssitz {m}
tech. seat
Passung {f} [Sitz]
cloth. seat [of trousers]
Boden {m} [einer Hose]
seatAuflager {n}
seat [stone setting]Steinauflage {f} [Edelsteinfassung]
2 Words: Others
automot. back-seat {adj} [attr.]Rücksitz-
six-seat {adj} [attr.]sechssitzig
2 Words: Verbs
to seat onaufliegen
to seat oneselfPlatz nehmen [sich setzen]
to seat oneselfsich setzen
2 Words: Nouns
pol. (parliamentary) seatMandat {n} [Parlamentssitz]
furn. adjustable seatverstellbarer Sitz {m}
administrative seatVerwaltungssitz {m}
aviat. aircraft seatFluggastsitz {m}
aviat. airline seatFlugzeugsitz {m}
aviat. TrVocab. aisle seatGangplatz {m}
aisle seatPlatz {m} am Gang
aisle seatSitz {m} am Gang
ancestral seatStammsitz {m} [Stammhaus einer Adelsfamilie]
baby seatKindersitz {m}
automot. baby seat [booster seat]Babysitz {m}
automot. back seatFond {m}
automot. back seatFondsitz {m}
automot. back seatRückbank {f}
automot. back seatRücksitz {m}
back seat [fig.]unbedeutende Stellung {f} [Rangordnung]
bike banana seatBananensattel {m}
bath seatBadehocker {m}
bathtub seatBadewannensitz {m}
bead seat [of rim]Wulstsitz {m} [Felge]
tech. bearing seatLagersitz {m}
automot. bench seatSitzbank {f}
automot. bench seatdurchgehende Sitzbank {f}
bike bicycle seatFahrradsattel {m}
bike bicycle seatFahrradsitz {m}
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A 2020-01-30: with your pants glued to the seat ??? - (fesselt dich an dan Sitz)
Q 2020-01-30: seat of your pants
Q 2019-06-11: seat map
A 2018-02-19: Im Auto ist es wohl eher der "seat", nicht der "chair".
A 2017-11-16: seat
Q 2017-11-16: Please take a seat over here.
A 2015-09-30: Clearly a lout with no manners — he ought to have insisted on offering her...
A 2015-08-20: So, the problem is that he reserved his seat, not that he drove away the o...
A 2014-10-29: Sorry, seat taken!
A 2014-10-02: but if a valve seat is sticky there is some foreign matter (e.g. oil etc. ...
Q 2014-08-19: The influencing factors on the quality of the roller bearing seat processing
A 2014-05-14: You would look for a free or empty seat, but ask if the seat is taken (I a...
Q 2014-05-14: free/open seat
A 2014-03-31: "glued to the seat acceleration" geht auch
A 2014-03-31: kick in the / your back (acceleration), stuck to the seat (acceleration)
Q 2014-01-15: supporting seat (aus dem Patent)
Q 2013-05-16: Wie sagt man 'to put the baby in the bouncer seat'
A 2013-03-10: (parliamentary) seat is in.
A 2013-03-09: ebenso fehlen: seat - Parlamentssitz, Wahlkreis; swing seat ( = marginal s...
Q 2013-03-09: fehlt im Wörterbuch: marginal seat - unsicherer Wahlkreis

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