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English-German translation for: sec
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Dictionary English German: sec

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SYNO   sec | secant | unsweet | s | sec ... 
ADJ   sec | - | -
oenol. sec {adj} [dry]
oenol. sec {adj} [sparkling wine or champagne]
oenol. sec {adj} [sparkling wine or champagne]
sec [nachgestellt]
unit second <s, sec.>
Sekunde {f} <s, Sek.> [Sek. ist veraltet]
math. secant <sec>
Sekante {f} <sec>
jobs secretary <sec.>
Sekretär {m} <Sekr.>
math. secant <sec>
Sekans {m} <sec>
unit cusec [short for: cubic foot per second] <cu ft/s, ft3/sec, cfs>Kubikfuß {m} je Sekunde
2 Words: Others
oenol. demi-sec {adj} [sparkling wine or champagne]halbtrocken
oenol. demi-sec {adj} [sparkling wine or champagne]demi-sec
2 Words: Nouns
phys. superelastic collision <SEC>superelastischer Stoß {m}
gastr. triple secTriple Sec {m}
3 Words: Others
in a sec {adv} [coll.]sofort
just a secnur eine Sekunde
Wait a sec! [coll.]Warte eine Sekunde!
Wait a sec! [coll.]Wart' mal 'n Moment! [ugs.]
3 Words: Nouns
unit counts per second <c/s, c/sec, cps>Impulse {pl} pro Sekunde <Ips, Imp./Sek.>
unit cycles per second <cps, c/sec, c/s>Zyklen {pl} pro Sekunde <cps, c/sec, c/s>
unit feet per second <ft/s, ft/sec, fps>Fuß {pl} pro Sekunde
unit foot per second <ft/s, ft/sec, fps>Fuß {m} pro Sekunde
audio film unit inches per second <ips> <in/s> <in/sec>Zoll {pl} pro Sekunde
chem. size exclusion chromatography <SEC>Größenausschlusschromatographie {f}
geogr. South Equatorial Current <SEC>Südäquatorialstrom {m}
aviat. spoiler elevator computer <SEC>Spoiler-Steuerung {f}
4 Words: Others
Hang on a sec. [coll.]Wart' mal kurz. [ugs.]
4 Words: Nouns
admin. law stocks Securities and Exchange Commission [Am.] <SEC>US-Börsenaufsichtsbehörde {f}
econ. Securities and Exchange Commission <SEC>Bundesbörsenaufsichtsbehörde {f}
econ. Securities and Exchange Commission <SEC>Wertpapier- und Börsenaufsichtsbehörde {f}
fin. stocks Security and Exchange Commission <SEC> [Am.][US-Börsenaufsicht]
5+ Words: Others
Could you hold this for a sec? [coll.]Kannst du das (mal) kurz halten?
5+ Words: Verbs
law to constitute a violation of law within the meaning of sec. ...eine Rechtsverletzung nach §§ ... begründen
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Search time: 0.009 sec

Q 2017-11-17: New Tesla roadster: "plaid mode" - 1.9 sec 0-100 km/h
A 2016-08-05: Oh Mann, ich geb auf! https://books.google.de/books?id=ce_Bu0Zv-sEC&pg=PA1...
A 2016-05-21: Insomniac, would you cover your ears for a sec?
Q 2015-08-07: what is she talking about at sec. 8 ? Swedish Swimming Sarah Sjöström
A 2014-11-25: Ja. Für / über die Dauer von 3 Sekunden (engl.: for 3 sec)
A 2014-06-24: we count sec's: einundzwanzig, zweiundzwanzig, dreiundzwanzig, ...
Q 2013-02-22: What is he saying at 11 sec. ?
A 2012-02-17: Nope. Datenübertragungsrate indicates the speed of data transfer (e.g. MB/sec)
A 2011-12-07: http://sec.gov/comments/s7-14-10/s71410-156.pdf
A 2011-05-26: v = velocity (cm/sec)
Q 2010-10-12: Youtube "TAC - No Accident & The Wife" ------ video text from 45 sec needed!!!
A 2010-09-26: Ah, yes, thanks, wandle! "Section" it is. Generally abbreviated "sec." in ...
A 2010-07-01: http://www.sec.state.ma.us/cor/corpweb/corucc/uccinf.htm
A 2010-01-19: in US-English it seems to be lender and secondary lender; google term + SEC info
A 2009-11-27: A mournful U.S. 'whistle' at 00:16 - 00:40 sec. The tornado hits at 1:06 min.
A 2009-07-17: Die Franzosen haben das herrliche Wörtlein +pète-sec+
A 2008-11-08: Beispiel: (fps, f/s, f/sec)
A 2008-06-17: ~ Securities and Exchange Commission / SEC (US) http://www.sec.gov/
Q 2008-06-12: sec.
A 2008-04-22: overlooked it: (pursuant to sec. / in accordance WITH...)

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