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English-German translation for: secondary
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Dictionary English German: secondary

Translation 1 - 50 of 514  >>

English German
ADJ   secondary | more secondary | most secondary
NOUN   secondary | secondaries
SYNO   secondary | secondary coil ... 
secondary {adj}
secondary {adj}
secondary {adj}
educ. secondary {adj} [school]
weiterführend [Schule]
secondary {adj}
secondary {adj} [subordinate]
secondary {adj}zweiten Ranges [nachgestellt]
secondary {adj}von zweiter Güte
secondary {adj} [e.g. address, home, illness, residence, vote]Zweit- [z. B. Adresse, Wohnung, Erkrankung, Wohnsitz, Stimme]
secondary {adj} [e.g. aim, aspect, character, effect, finding, income, stress]Neben- [z. B. Zweck, Aspekt, Figur, Wirkung, Befund, Verdienst, Akzent]
secondary {adj} [e.g. analysis, burial, care, caries, colour, forest, literature]Sekundär- [z. B. Analyse, Bestattung, Versorgung, Karies, Farbe, Wald, Literatur]
educ. secondary {adj} [e.g. education, school]Sekundar- [z. B. Ausbildung od. Bildung, Schule]
2 Words: Others
material tech. secondary metallurgical {adj}sekundärmetallurgisch
2 Words: Nouns
Boolean secondaryBoole'scher Sekundärausdruck {m}
Boolean secondaryboolescher Sekundärausdruck {m}
stocks secondary (issue)Platzierung {f} [bereits emittierter Wertpapiere]
stocks secondary (issue)Plazierung {f} [alt] [bereits emittierter Wertpapiere]
ling. secondary accent [less frequent, esp. in modern texts] [secondary stress]Nebenakzent {m}
secondary activitiesNebenaktivitäten {pl}
secondary addressSekundäradresse {f}
secondary addressZweitadresse {f}
secondary aimNebenabsicht {f}
secondary aimNebenzweck {m}
secondary airSekundärluft {f}
chem. secondary alcoholsekundärer Alkohol {m}
chem. secondary alcoholssekundäre Alkohole {pl}
chem. secondary alkanolsekundäres Alkanol {n}
chem. secondary alkanolssekundäre Alkanole {pl}
chem. secondary aminessekundäre Amine {pl}
med. secondary amyloidosis <SA>sekundäre Amyloidose {f}
med. secondary amyloidosis <SA>reaktiv-sekundäre Amyloidose {f} [selten]
acad. sociol. secondary analysisSekundäranalyse {f}
med. secondary antibody <SA>Sekundärantikörper {m} <SA>
psych. secondary appraisal <SA> [stress model by Lazarus]Sekundärbewertung {f} [Stressmodell von Lazarus]
psych. secondary appraisal <SA> [stress model by Lazarus]sekundäre Bewertung {f} [Stressmodell von Lazarus]
ling. secondary articulationsekundäre Artikulation {f}
secondary aspectNebenaspekt {m}
mil. secondary attackNebenangriff {m}
secondary avalancheSekundärlawine {f}
electr. secondary batteryAkku {m} [kurz für: Akkumulator]
electr. secondary batteryAkkumulator {m}
electr. secondary batterySekundärbatterie {f}
secondary beneficiarySekundärbegünstigter {m}
secondary benefits {pl}Sekundärnutzen {m}
ecol. secondary biotopeSekundärbiotop {n}
ecol. secondary biotopeSekundärhabitat {n}
secondary boycottindirekter Boykott {m}
secondary breakdownSekundärdurchbruch {m}
electr. secondary breakdownzweiter Durchbruch {m}
anat. secondary bronchi [Bronchi lobares, Bronchi secundarii]Sekundärbronchien {pl}
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A 2023-08-10: The OED fan who copies and pastes entries – secondary school level knowledge
A 2020-10-01: school leaving certificate awarded for the completion of secondary school
Q 2019-11-07: teaching legal studies in a secondary school
A 2018-06-22: Primary vs. secondary sources
A 2017-09-29: The problem with secondary school is...
A 2017-01-18: is relegated to a secondary position
A 2016-07-22: This entitles the student to enter the qualification phase of the upper se...
A 2015-06-16: It's "advanced secondary vocational education center" on the site at the link.
Q 2015-01-22: secondary operations
Q 2014-10-11: secondary, value added, and specific capital equipment specification
A 2014-07-17: The Concept of English Homework in Secondary Education. A Study on the Pre...
A 2014-07-17: ... in secondary school
A 2014-06-01: endorsement a secondary action
Q 2013-10-25: utilized to F,3PT100 in each secondary winding
A 2013-06-02: certificate of advanced secondary education
A 2013-03-20: Sorry - third syllable - +under+ being in fact dysyllabic - so it's /ˌʌndə...
A 2013-03-17: +gelassen+ instead of +lassen+ is typical of childlike speech, has become ...
A 2013-02-21: primary research, secondary research?
A 2012-09-09: GCSEs are the qualifications taken after 5 years of secondary school in En...
A 2012-06-10: GCSE stands for General Certificate of Secondary Education and ...

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secondary alcohols
secondary alkanol
secondary alkanols

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