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English-German translation for: secretary
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Dictionary English German: secretary

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NOUN   a secretary | secretaries
SYNO   repository | secretary ... 
secretary [female]
Sekretärin {f}
pol. secretary [top-level government employee]
Minister {m}
furn. secretary
Sekretär {m} [Schreibschrank]
jobs secretary <sec.>
Sekretär {m} <Sekr.>
secretary [clerk, minute taker]
Schriftführer {m} [Protokollant]
pol. secretary [federal department head in USA] [female]Ministerin {f}
secretary [female]Schriftführerin {f}
secretary [keeper of minutes]Aktuar {m} [schweiz.] [Schriftführer]
2 Words: Others
secretary-like {adj}sekretärinnenmäßig
secretary-like {adj} {adv}sekretärmäßig
2 Words: Nouns
jobs (private) secretaryGeheimschreiber {m}
admin. jobs administration secretaryVerwaltungsangestellter {m}
admin. jobs administration secretary [female]Verwaltungsangestellte {f}
administrative secretaryVerwaltungssekretär {m}
administrative secretary [female]Verwaltungssekretärin {f}
admin. jobs agency secretaryAmtssekretär {m}
admin. jobs agency secretary [female]Amtssekretärin {f}
agr. pol. agriculture secretary [Am.]Landwirtschaftsminister {m}
allround secretaryAllroundsekretär {m}
allround secretary [female]Allroundsekretärin {f}
archives secretaryArchivsekretär {m}
archives secretary [female]Archivsekretärin {f}
assistance secretaryAssistenzsekretär {m}
assistance secretary [female]Assistenzsekretärin {f}
admin. jobs assistant secretaryAssistenzsekretär {m}
jobs assistant secretary [female]Assistenzsekretärin {f}
bilingual secretaryFremdsprachensekretär {m} [zweisprachig]
bilingual secretaryzweisprachiger Sekretär {m}
jobs ling. bilingual secretary [female]Fremdsprachensekretärin {f} [zweisprachig]
bilingual secretary [female]zweisprachige Sekretärin {f}
board secretaryVorstandssekretär {m}
board secretary [female]Vorstandssekretärin {f}
boss's secretary [coll.]Sekretär {m} des Chefs
boss's secretary [coll.]Sekretär {m} vom Boss [ugs.]
boss's secretary [coll.]Sekretär {m} vom Chef [ugs.]
boss's secretary [female] [coll.]Sekretärin {f} des Chefs
boss's secretary [female] [coll.]Sekretärin {f} vom Boss [ugs.]
boss's secretary [female] [coll.]Sekretärin {f} vom Chef [ugs.]
econ. pol. Business Secretary [Br.]Wirtschaftsminister {m}
jobs pol. cabinet secretaryKabinettssekretär {m}
certified secretarygeprüfter Sekretär {m} [in Deutschland veraltet: entspricht Sekretariatsfachkaufmann]
certified secretary [female]geprüfte Sekretärin {f} [in Deutschland veraltet: entspricht Sekretariatsfachkauffrau]
chairman's secretaryVorstandssekretär {m} [Sekretär des Vorstandsvorsitzenden]
chairman's secretary [female]Vorstandssekretärin {f} [Sekretärin des Vorstandsvorsitzenden]
jobs chief secretaryChefsekretär {m}
jobs chief secretary [female]Chefsekretärin {f}
clinic secretaryKliniksekretär {m}
clinic secretaryKlinik-Sekretär {m}
clinic secretary [female]Kliniksekretärin {f}
clinic secretary [female]Klinik-Sekretärin {f}
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A 2023-01-02: +legal secretary+ defined; they make between 20 and 45 grand a year ...
A 2023-01-02: Rechtsreferent > legal secretary / law clerk at the Court of Justice / leg...
Q 2021-02-26: secretary of state (of Alabama ... Wyoming)
A 2021-01-04: LINK > +Georgia Secretary of State+ > Oberster Urkundenbeamter (kommt der...
Q 2021-01-04: Was ist ein Secretary of State (USA) nun wirklich?
A 2018-12-21: Permanent secretary
Q 2018-12-20: Permanent secretary
A 2018-01-15: (09:23) geht es los mit einem +town party committee secretary;+ ist das mö...
A 2017-07-23: Functions of the Nevada Secretary of State http://nvsos.gov/sos
A 2017-07-23: > +ermächtigte Behörde (Secretary of State)+ Das ist rechtlich korrekt un...
A 2017-07-23: http://www.dict.cc/?s=secretary+of+state
Q 2017-07-23: secretary of state
A 2017-07-03: Perhaps highfaluting jargon for +Schriftführer > secretary+ as you suggest...
A 2013-02-06: didn't read spiegel link - Fach-politiker = Business Secretary, Environ...
Q 2013-01-23: The Secretary General shall especially care
Q 2011-12-21: Third Secretary in the legal division of the Ministry of foreign affairs o...
Q 2011-05-09: Secretary
A 2011-03-17: +Home Secretary+ is UK, in Germany the thing is called +Minister of the In...
Q 2011-02-08: Children's secretary
A 2010-11-30: Secretary of State

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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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