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English-German translation for: sector
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Dictionary English German: sector

Translation 1 - 50 of 438  >>

English German
NOUN   a sector | sectors
SYNO   sector | sphere
comm. sector
Branche {f}
sector [area, field]
Bereich {m} [selten {n}] [Sektor, Sachgebiet]
Sektor {m}
econ. sector
Sparte {f}
econ. sector
Markt {m} [Branche]
Zweig {m}
mil. sector
Abschnitt {m}
math. sector
Ausschnitt {m}
Zuständigkeitsbereich {m}
sector [prison]
Trakt {m} [Gefängnis]
sectorStreckenbereich {m}
sectorTeilabschnitt {m}
sectorTeil {m} einer Fläche
sectorTeil {m} einer Strecke
sectorTeil {m} einer Zuständigkeit
sports sector [in the football / soccer stadium]Zuschauersektor {m} [Bereich im Stadion]
2 Words: Others
econ. cross-sector {adj}branchenübergreifend
cross-sector {adj}sektorübergreifend
multi-sector {adj} [attr.]spartenübergreifend
econ. sector-independent {adj}branchenunabhängig
econ. sector-oriented {adj}branchenorientiert
econ. sector-specific {adj}branchenspezifisch
econ. sector-specific {adj}sektorspezifisch
2 Words: Nouns
additional sectorZusatzsektor {m}
admin. econ. administrative sectorVerwaltungssektor {m}
agr. econ. agrarian sectorAgrarbereich {m}
agr. econ. agrarian sectorAgrarsektor {m}
agr. econ. agricultural sectorAgrarbereich {m}
agr. econ. agricultural sectorAgrarbranche {f}
agr. econ. agricultural sectorAgrarsektor {m}
agr. econ. agricultural sectorLandwirtschaft {f} [Landwirtschaftssektor]
agr. econ. agricultural sectorLandwirtschaftssektor {m}
agricultural sectorlandwirtschaftlicher Bereich {m}
agr. agriculture sectorAgrarsektor {m}
alternate sectorErsatzsektor {m}
hist. American Sectoramerikanischer Sektor {m}
automot. automobile sectorKraftfahrzeugbereich {m}
automot. econ. ind. automobile sector [Am.]Kraftfahrzeugsektor {m}
automot. econ. ind. automobile sector [esp. Am.]Automobilsektor {m}
automot. econ. ind. automotive sectorAutomobilbranche {f}
aviat. econ. aviation sectorLuftfahrtsektor {m}
sports away sectorGästesektor {m}
bad sectorfehlerhafter Sektor {m}
comp. bad sectorschadhafter Sektor {m}
econ. banking sectorBankensektor {m}
fin. banking sectorBankgewerbe {n}
fin. banking sectorBankwesen {n}
agr. ecol. biogas sectorBiogassektor {m}
biotech. econ. biotech sector [short: biotechnology sector]Biotech-Branche {f} [kurz für: Biotechnologiebranche]
biotech. econ. biotechnology sectorBiotechnologiebranche {f}
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A 2018-10-24: In other words, the +civil service+ means bureaucracy and the +public sect...
A 2018-10-24: The +public sector,+ though, does not really correspond to +öffentlicher D...
A 2016-08-16: Alternatively +public sector consumption (Staatsverbrauch)+
A 2016-04-22: ... performance in the sector, i.e. agricultural production
A 2015-04-16: public sector https://www.oeffentlicherdienst.gv.at/fakten/oesterreich/i...
A 2014-09-25: ? in the TLRO sector
Q 2014-07-17: technology sector
A 2014-07-11: There has been an increasing trend towards private-sector self-regulation
Q 2014-07-11: Private -> private sector?
A 2014-06-10: Recte: ... communicationS sector
A 2014-06-10: ? disseminators in the media and communication sector
A 2014-05-01: Oops. segment, not sector.
A 2014-05-01: engaging in new business activities or ceasing business activities in a ce...
Q 2014-03-24: Text über Entwicklung des Bausektors, Abgabe Di. 25.03.2014, 18 Uhr - wie ...
Q 2013-12-13: public sector workers
A 2013-07-26: (industrial) sector
A 2013-05-08: +low-wage sector+ seems to be perfectly acceptable
A 2012-09-05: skilled crafts / skilled craft sector
A 2012-06-06: What is criticised most about using CT's in the dental sector is..
A 2012-04-02: this is not allgemein but financial accounting of the real estate sector

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