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English-German translation for: secure storage
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Dictionary English German: secure storage

Translation 1 - 61 of 61

vault [Am.] [secure storage place for valuables]Schatzkammer {f}
Partial Matches
safe {adj} [secure]ungefährdet
to indemnify [secure]sicherstellen
assured {adj} {past-p} [secure, promised]zugesichert
to steady [make secure]fest / sicher machen
to steady sth. [make secure]etw. sicherstellen
to bind sth. [secure the edge]etw. einfassen
to establish sth. [secure, make firm]etw. durchsetzen
to insure sth. [secure]etw.Akk. sicherstellen [sichern]
med. psychiatric ward [secure unit]geschlossene Abteilung {f} [ugs.]
centered {adj} [emotionally stable and secure] [Am.](emotional) gefestigt [ausgeglichen]
hist. relig. living [Br.] [ecclesiastical position with a secure income]Benefiziat {m}
pot [storage vessel]Gefäß {n}
archi. store [storage depot]Lagerhalle {f}
jobs perch [fig.] [high secure position]hohe feste Stellung {f} [Amt, Posten]
to bed down sth. [to secure or protect sth.]etw. [+Akk.] einbetten
archi. closet [room for storage]Abstellraum {m}
junkyard [Am.] [storage place]Trödellager {n}
gastr. hist. spicery [archaic] [spice storage]Gewürzkammer {f}
comp. data store [data storage]Datenspeicher {m}
comp. information storage [data storage]Datenspeicherung {f}
storage place [self-storage]Einlagerungsplatz {m}
comm. RealEst. self storage [self-service storage]Mietlager {n}
biochem. biol. storage lipid [energy storage]Speicherlipid {n} [Energiespeicher]
comp. track density [storage media]Spurdichte {f} [Speichermedien]
tech. water storage [storage in water]Nasslagerung {f}
to line up sb./sth. [idiom] [secure, make available]sichDat. jdn./etw. beschaffen
hist. sally port [secure entryway as at a prison][Schleusenbereich, z. B. im Gefängnis]
tech. to withdraw sth. [from storage]etw.Akk. ausspeichern
tech. injection [gas storage]Einpressung {f} [Einspeicherung bei Gastechnik]
engin. injection capacity [natural gas storage]Einpressleistung {f} [Gastechnik]
engin. injection rate [natural gas storage]Einpressleistung {f} [Gastechnik]
electr. accumulators [Br.] [storage batteries]Akkus {pl} [kurz für: Akkumulatoren]
temperature of storage [awkward for: storage temperature]Lagertemperatur {f}
to store sth. away [stock, put into storage]etw. einlagern
comp. disaster-proof storage [also: disaster proof storage]unfallgeschützter Datenspeicher {m}
engin. hydro. pumped storage plant [also: pumped-storage plant]Pumpspeicherwerk {n} <PSW>
to age sth. [allow to mature in storage]etw.Akk. ablagern lassen
comp. cellar principle [of state transition and storage allocation] [LIFO]Kellerprinzip {n}
glory hole [coll.] [dated] [small storage place]Besenkammer {f} [kleine Abstellkammer]
phys. tech. to inject sth. [natural gas storage]etw. einspeichern [bei Gasbefüllung von Erdgasspeichern]
electr. accumulator [Br.] [storage battery, large rechargeable cell]Akku {m} [kurz für: Akkumulator]
gastr. baggie [Am.] [coll.] [Baggies®] [transparent plastic bag, chiefly for food storage]Frischhaltebeutel {m}
baggies [Am.] [coll.] [Baggies®] [transparent plastic bags, chiefly for food storage]Plastikbeutel {pl} [Frischhaltebeutel]
jobs sociol. generation internship [young academics with low incomes and little prospect for a secure future]Generation {f} Praktikum
jimps [fluting; indentations on a shank for a more secure grip]Riffel {pl} [Riffelung, z. B. am Erl des Rasiermessers]
to seal sth. [secure sth., e.g. the victory, the championship]sichDat. etw. sichern [z. B. den Sieg, die Meisterschaft]
comp. Internet cloud [metaphor for decentralized data storage on the internet]Cloud {f}
electr. accumulator [Br.] [rechargeable battery, storage battery]Akkumulator {m}
comp. SD™ {adj} [Secure Digital]SD-™
paternoster warehouse [esp. Br.] [vertical warehouse storage management]Paternoster {m} [ugs.] [Paternosterlager, Vertikalumlauflager] [Fördertechnik]
ecol. ind. petrol interceptor [Br.] [e.g. for surface water in storage tank locations]Benzinabscheider {m} [z. B. für Oberflächenwasser an Tankstellen]
med. biobank [cryogenic storage facility]Biobank {f}
ecol. ind. petrol interceptor [Br.] [e.g. for surface water on oil tank storage locations]Mineralölabscheider {m} [z. B. für Oberflächenwasser an Tankstellen]
protected domain [of individual rights, on a storage medium, etc.]geschützter Bereich {m} [persönlicher Rechte, eines Speichermediums etc.]
to retain sb. [to secure the service of (a barrister / attorney / an expert) with a preliminary payment]jdn. beauftragen [(einen Anwalt / Sachverständigen) unter Zahlung eines Vorschusses in Dienst nehmen]
tech. tanks [large receptacles or storage chamber, esp. for liquid or gas]Tanks {pl} [z. B. Gastanks]
med. Andersen's disease [also: Andersen disease] [glycogen storage disease type IV]Andersen-Krankheit {f} [Glykogenose Typ 4]
archaeo. cleit [Scot.] [stone storage hut on islands of the St. Kilda archipelago]Cleit {m} [Steinbau als Speicher auf den Inseln des St.-Kilda-Archipels]
chem. transp. HazChem [hazardous chemical code system; warning plate system used in Australia, Malaysia, New Zealand and the UK for vehicles transporting hazardous substances, and on storage facilities]HazChem-Code {m} [gefährliche Chemikalien]
transp. CASTOR® [cask for storage and transport of radioactive material; tradename of the Gesellschaft für Nuklear-Service (company for nuclear services)]CASTOR® {m} [»Fass zur Lagerung und zum Transport radioaktiven Materials«; Markenname der GNS]
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