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Dictionary English German: segregation

Translation 1 - 32 of 32


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NOUN1   a segregation | segregations
NOUN2   segregation | -
SYNO   segregation | sequestration ... 
NOUN   die Segregation | die Segregationen
Trennung {f}
Absonderung {f}
Segregation {f}
Abtrennung {f}
ind. material segregation
Entmischung {f}
biol. segregation
Auftrennung {f} [Trennung]
geol. ind. spec. segregation
Seigerung {f}
segregation [isolation]
Isolation {f}
2 Words: Nouns
age segregationAltersdiskriminierung {f}
spec. functional segregationFunktionstrennung {f}
gender segregationGeschlechtertrennung {f}
ecol. niche segregationNischensegregation {f}
racial segregationRassentrennung {f}
sociol. residential segregationresidentielle Segregation {f}
sports segregation arrangement [esp. in the football / soccer stadiums, stands]Trennungsmaßnahme {f} [bes. in Fußballstadien, auf den Tribünen]
segregation conceptAbgrenzungskonzept {n}
segregation lineSortierband {n}
sports segregation strategy [football / soccer]Kartenvergabestrategie {f} [im Fußball]
ind. material segregation zoneSeigerungszone {f}
law sociol. sex segregationgeschlechtliche Segregation {f}
law sociol. sex segregationgeschlechtliche Trennung {f} [Geschlechtertrennung]
educ. law sociol. sex segregation [sexual segregation]Geschlechtertrennung {f}
biol. spatial segregationräumliche Trennung {f}
ecol. waste segregationAbfalltrennung {f}
3 Words: Nouns
material grain boundary segregationKorngrenzenseigerung {f}
pol. politics of segregation [treated as sg. or (less often) pl.]Segregationspolitik {f}
econ. spec. segregation of dutiesFunktionstrennung {f}
4 Words: Nouns
biol. (Mendel's) law of segregation [Mendel's first law]Spaltungsgesetz {n} [veraltet] [Spaltungsregel]
biol. (Mendel's) law of segregation [Mendel's first law]Spaltungsregel {f} [zweite mendelsche Regel]
segregation at the source [waste management]Mülltrennung {f} an der Quelle
tech. segregation of bulk materialEntmischung {f} von Schüttgütern
segregation of the sexesGeschlechtertrennung {f}
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A 2014-12-02: "to end up segregation" ist falsch.
Q 2014-12-02: To end up the segregation...
Q 2007-10-19: segregation at the source (context: waste management)
A 2006-10-16: Yes ... "strict racial segregation"
Q 2006-05-19: segregation cell
A 2006-05-06: cultural segregation, culture rift
A 2005-12-18: The boycott was triggered by (the fining for violation of the segregation ...
A 2005-11-28: three federaL judges strike down that the bus segregation is illegal
Q 2004-10-11: segregation

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