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English-German translation for: seldom
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Dictionary English German: seldom

Translation 1 - 19 of 19

English German
ADJ   seldom | more seldom/[rarely] seldomer | most seldom/[rarely] seldomest
SYNO   rarely | seldom
seldom {adj} [dated] [infrequent, rare]
seldom {adv}
seldom {adj} [dated] [rare]
2 Words
extremely seldom {adj} {adv}höchst selten
sports seldom troubled [of goalkeeper]selten in Bedrängnis
seldom-used {adj}verwaist [fig.]
very seldom {adv}nur selten
seldom event [dated] [rare]seltenes Ereignis {n}
seldom meeting [dated] [rare]seltenes Treffen {n}
3 Words
proverb Fools seldom differ.Zwei Dumme, ein Gedanke.
seldom if ever {adv}kaum je
seldom if ever {adv}so gut wie nie
to be seldom seenselten gesehen werden
4 Words
all too seldom heard {adj} {past-p}allzu selten gehört
proverb Barking dogs seldom bite.Hunde, die bellen, beißen nicht.
It's so seldom that ...Es kommt so selten vor, dass ...
proverb Misfortune seldom comes alone. [rare]Ein Unglück kommt selten allein.
5+ Words
proverb Love and understanding are seldom found together.Liebe und Verstand gehen selten Hand in Hand.
Fiction (Literature and Film)
lit. F So We Seldom Look on Love [Barbara Dowdy]Seltsam wie die Liebe
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A 2021-11-17: > Zuchi1, 16-11-2021 Except for the Roman jurists, the legal profession ha...
A 2018-12-13: seldom (ohne -ly, da bereits Adverb) = very rarely, almost never
A 2018-11-28: Wise men think alike BUT Fools seldom differ
A 2016-10-02: LINK; some suggestions: +wol+ > (here) +generally+ obtain only seldom; oth...
A 2013-11-10: +Seldom+ is used more rarely in English than +selten+ is in German :-)
Q 2013-11-10: Kann mir jemand erklären den Unterschied: rarely - seldom
Q 2013-11-09: rarely - seldom
A 2013-07-07: term still used in US, but seldom
A 2011-02-05: simple but seldom wretched ?
A 2010-07-26: Autorennsport - Autorensport : A single "n" seldom made such a difference...
A 2010-02-05: The adverb is +seldom+
A 2009-05-01: Somebody remarks that, they've never seen such a... if they think it is a ...
A 2009-02-25: sorry, but I'd write: "is used but seldom, as it offers less protection"
Q 2009-02-24: ...(a thingy) is used but seldom as it offers less protection
A 2008-04-03: evtl. auch: who seldom can be seen keeping still (on one spot)
A 2007-06-08: ..and my heart is seldom true...
A 2006-10-19: yerac....I understood perfectly....but as before, seldom faulten :-)
A 2006-10-10: 3 / 4 : LINX (BTW: in very rare cases - seldom is no adjective, it's an adverb!)
A 2006-09-26: how about "appear rather seldom on images in CARs"??
A 2006-09-22: that's what I also remember - but unfortunately I'm very seldom in doubt :-)))))

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