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English-German translation for: selective
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Dictionary English German: selective

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ADJ   selective | more selective | most selective
selective {adj}
selective {adj}
selective {adj}
selective {adj}
selective {adj}
selective {adj}
selective {adj}
pingelig [ugs.]
2 Words: Others
age-selective {adj}altersselektiv
chem. directly selective {adj}echt-selektiv
electr. frequency-selective {adj}frequenzselektiv
phys. tech. mass-selective {adj}massenselektiv
more selective {adj}trennschärfer
most selective {adj}trennschärfste
non-selective {adj}nichtselektiv
non-selective {adj}wahllos
electr. tech. spatially selective {adj}räumlich selektiv
2 Words: Nouns
biol. selective abilitySelektionsfähigkeit {f}
sociol. selective abortionselektive Abtreibung {f}
optics phys. selective absorptionselektive Absorption {f}
biol. med. selective advantageSelektionsvorteil {m}
selective advertisinggezielte Werbung {f}
MedTech. selective angiogramselektives Angiogramm {n}
med. selective angiographyselektive Angiografie {f}
MedTech. selective angiographyselektive Angiographie {f}
selective bibliographyAuswahlbibliographie {f}
zool. selective breedingZuchtwahl {f}
selective breedingselektive Züchtung {f}
selective buyinggezieltes Kaufen {n}
telecom. selective calling <selcall, SelCall>5-Ton-Folge {f} [Selektivruf]
selective circuitTrennkreis {m}
selective contractSelektivvertrag {m}
selective controlAnwahlsteuerung {f}
fin. selective defaultpartieller Zahlungsausfall {m}
selective distributionVertrieb {m} durch ausgewählte Kanäle
law selective enforcementselektive Strafverfolgung {f}
selective hedgeselektive Absicherung {f}
selective hedgingselektives Absicherungsgeschäft {n}
audio selective listeningselektives Hören {n}
selective measuregezielte Maßnahme {f}
selective measureselektive Maßnahme {f}
med. selective mutism <SM>elektiver Mutismus {m} <EM>
med. selective mutism <SM>selektiver Mutismus {m} <SM>
psych. selective perceptionselektive Wahrnehmung {f}
biochem. biol. selective permeabilityselektive Permeabilität {f}
selective process [much rarer than selection process]Auswahlprozess {m}
selective protectionselektiver Schutz {m}
selective readeranspruchsvoller Leser {m}
educ. selective school [e.g. grammar school][Schule mit Aufnahmebedingungen, z. B. Gymnasium]
selective service [Am.]Einberufung {f}
mil. selective service [Am.]Wehrdienst {m}
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A 2013-08-23: A selective exclude-function
Q 2013-06-23: Medizinischer E-Learning-Text, Abgabe Montag 11 Uhr, Sinn von "selective f...
Q 2013-04-26: selective regression
A 2012-02-06: Selective/optional
A 2011-07-07: Memory is selective and malleable
A 2011-03-31: Grammar school or selective school is better for Gymnasium,
A 2010-11-03: selective breeding ?
A 2010-08-27: The equivalent of Hochbegabtenzug in Australia is "selective High-school" ...
A 2010-08-20: In the U.S., "draft board." (Officially, "U.S. Selective Service Local Board.")
Q 2010-07-27: selective justice
A 2010-04-14: Platine funktioniert auf Deutsch ganz gut - mir geht's vor allem um das "s...
Q 2010-04-13: platting X (xy µm=z µ''): selective gold over nickel and ... tin/lead over...
A 2010-04-06: selective enforcement
A 2009-07-28: non-selective advertising
Q 2008-11-10: Distribution initially through the most selective on-trade outlets
A 2008-10-06: ...or selective consultation on specific problems.
A 2007-09-04: selective invitation to tender
A 2007-08-21: Adapted to suit the skin-specific pH value, selective care restores the ba...
A 2006-09-08: ??? selective autonomy
A 2006-08-18: Warum nicht? Oder: First and foremost, this study is about dealing with co...

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