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English-German translation for: seminar
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Dictionary English German: seminar

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NOUN   a seminar | seminars
NOUN   das Seminar | die Seminare
SYNO   Bildungsmaßnahme | Kurs | Kursus ... 
acad. educ. seminar
Seminar {n}
educ. workshop [class or series of classes]
Seminar {n} [Workshop, Kurs]
acad. educ. tutorial [class conducted by a tutor]
Seminar {n} [kleine Gruppe]
educ. seminar
Lehrgang {m}
educ. relig. seminary
Seminar {n} [Priesterseminar]
acad. educ. department [university]
Seminar {n} [Institut]
acad. educ. seminar
Lehrveranstaltung {f}
acad. seminary [Am.]
Seminar {n} [Universität]
educ. relig. seminary [protestant theology]Theologisches Seminar {n} [protestantisch]
educ. Internet webinar [Am.]Web-Seminar {n}
2 Words: Others
educ. seminar-like {adj}seminaristisch
2 Words: Nouns
educ. advanced seminarHauptseminar {n}
acad. educ. block seminarBlockseminar {n}
acad. educ. block seminarBlockveranstaltung {f}
compact seminarKompaktseminar {n}
comm. customer seminarKundenseminar {n}
archi. constr. design seminarEntwurfsseminar {n}
educ. final seminarAbschlussseminar {n}
grief seminarTrauerseminar {n}
educ. industrial seminarIndustrieseminar {n}
integration seminarIntegrationsseminar {n}
educ. introductory seminarEinführungsseminar {n}
educ. management seminarFührungsseminar {n}
practical seminarPraxisseminar {n}
research seminarForschungsseminar {n}
comm. educ. sales seminarVerkaufsseminar {n}
seminar announcementSeminarankündigung {f}
seminar contents {pl}Seminarinhalt {m}
educ. seminar courseSeminarkurs {m}
seminar documentSeminarunterlage {f}
seminar facilitatorSeminarleiter {m}
seminar facilitator [female]Seminarleiterin {f}
educ. seminar groupSeminargruppe {f}
seminar houseFreizeithaus {n} [Seminarhaus, Haus für Freizeiten]
educ. acad. seminar lectureSeminarvortrag {m}
acad. educ. seminar paperHausarbeit {f} [Seminararbeit]
educ. seminar paperSeminararbeit {f}
educ. seminar paperStudienarbeit {f}
educ. seminar placeSeminarplatz {m}
seminar preparationSeminarvorbereitung {f}
educ. seminar roomSeminarraum {m}
seminar secretary [female]Seminarsekretärin {f}
educ. seminar titleSeminartitel {m}
acad. specialist seminar [academic institute or conference, not a class]Fachseminar {n} [Bildungseinrichtung oder Fachkonferenz]
technology seminarTechnologieseminar {n}
educ. trainer seminarAusbilderseminar {n}
3 Words: Verbs
acad. educ. to hold a seminarein Seminar abhalten
educ. to hold a seminarein Seminar veranstalten
3 Words: Nouns
acad. educ. advanced (graduate) seminarOberseminar {n}
brown-bag seminar[Seminar, bei dem das Essen von zu Hause mitgebracht wird]
brown-bag session [Am.] [coll.] [also: brownbag session, brown bag session]Brownbag-Seminar {n} <BBS>
hands-on seminarSeminar {n} mit praktischer Arbeit
acad. hist. Institute of HistoryHistorisches Seminar {n}
educ. introductory seminar courseProseminar {n}
educ. managerial training seminarFührungsseminar {n}
acad. educ. philos. seminar in philosophyPhilosophieseminar {n}
acad. educ. philos. seminar in philosophyPhilosophie-Seminar {n}
4 Words: Nouns
acad. ling. Institute of English StudiesEnglisches Seminar {n}
acad. Institute of German StudiesGermanistisches Seminar {n}
list of seminar participantsSeminarteilnehmerliste {f}
acad. seminar for doctoral studentsDissertantenseminar {n} [österr.]
educ. seminar for doctoral studentsDoktorandenseminar {n}
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Q 2020-08-04: graduate seminar professor (USA)
Q 2016-07-18: Problems with my seminar project
A 2016-02-02: ja genau, seminar, nur wofür genau?
A 2015-12-10: ... and as a rejoinder roped him in to do a seminar paper on the relations...
Q 2014-10-27: Seminar
A 2014-06-09: It's just a topic in a seminar paper
A 2013-12-21: seminar / conference centre ...
Q 2013-03-28: Title of a Seminar
A 2013-01-07: Stimmt, ein Seminar wird nicht "einberufen." Aber es gibt Einberufer in di...
A 2013-01-07: Ein Seminar ist eine Lehrveranstaltung und wird ebensowenig wie eine Vorle...
A 2013-01-07: +convener / convenor+ & +seminar+ seems to relate to academia; so ddr may ...
Q 2012-08-12: Retreat (spirituelles Seminar): das oder der Retreat?
A 2011-10-16: Ins Seminar.
A 2010-03-02: advanced market trading seminar
A 2010-03-02: advanced seminar on stock market
A 2010-02-14: as a writer and teacher seminar
A 2010-02-05: study / seminar / academic work ?
A 2010-01-16: Beamertisch > beamer table, Gruppentische > grouped tables, Kinobestuhlung...
A 2010-01-10:
A 2009-12-16: Yep, but "Scheine" are certifications that you passed a certain course or ...

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