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English-German translation for: senses
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Dictionary English German: senses

Translation 1 - 62 of 62

English German
NOUN   a sense | senses
VERB  to sense | sensed | sensed
sensing | senses
sb. senses sth.
jdm. schwant etw. [ugs.]
Sinne {pl}
Gefühle {pl}
senses {pl} [right mind]
Verstand {m} [Vernunft]
senses [meanings]
Bedeutungen {pl}
2 Words: Nouns
five sensesfünf Sinne {pl}
anat. special sensesSinnesorgane {pl}
stylistic sensesStilgefühle {pl}
3 Words: Verbs
to captivate the sensesdie Sinne fesseln [fig.]
to have keen senseshellhörig sein
to indulge the sensesdie Sinne betören [geh.]
to lose one's sensesden Verstand verlieren
to recover one's senseswieder zu Bewusstsein kommen
to regain one's senseswieder zur Besinnung kommen
to regain one's senseswieder zur Vernunft kommen [Redewendung]
4 Words: Others
coming to one's senseszu Bewusstsein kommend
confusing to the senses {adj}sinnverwirrend
out of one's senses {adj}mall [ugs.] [nordd.] [fig.] [von Sinnen]
out of one's senses {adj}malle [ugs.] [nordd.] [fig.] [von Sinnen]
perceptible by the senses {adj}sinnlich wahrnehmbar
perceptible to the senses {adj} [postpos.]sinnlich wahrnehmbar
4 Words: Verbs
to appeal to all sensesalle Sinne ansprechen
to be in one's sensesseine fünf Sinne beisammen haben [Redewendung]
to bring sb. to his sensesjdn. zu Verstand bringen
to bring sb. to his sensesjdn. zur Vernunft bringen
to bring sb. to their sensesjdn. zur Besinnung bringen
to come to one's senses [idiom]Räson annehmen [veraltend] [Redewendung]
to come to one's senses [idiom]zu Sinnen kommen
to come to one's senses [idiom]zur Räson kommen [Redewendung]
to come to one's senses [idiom]zur Vernunft kommen [Redewendung]
to come to one's senses [idiom](wieder) zur Besinnung kommen
to focus one's senses on sth.seine Sinne auf etw. ausrichten
to get one's senses backwieder zur Vernunft kommen
to have lost one's senses [idiom]des Teufels sein [ugs.] [Redewendung]
4 Words: Nouns
deception of the sensesSinnentrug {m} [dichterisch] [Sinnestäuschung]
expansion of the sensesSinneserweiterung {f}
sharpness of the sensesSinnesschärfe {f}
trick of the sensesSinnestäuschung {f}
hist. relig. withdrawal of the senses [yogic technique]Zurückziehen {n} der Sinne [Yoga-Technik]
5+ Words: Others
mus. quote theatre ... my senses swim and swoon!... mir schwankt und schwindelt der Sinn! [Siegfried, Richard Wagner]
Are you out of your senses?Bist du noch (ganz) bei Sinnen?
Are you out of your senses? [old-fashioned]Hast du deinen Verstand verloren?
Have you lost your senses? [idiom]Bist du (denn) des Teufels? [ugs.] [Redewendung]
Have you taken leave of your senses? [dated] [idiom]Bist du des Teufels fette Beute? [veraltend] [Redewendung]
He has really taken leave of his senses.Er ist wirklich nicht mehr ganz bei Sinnen.
He has really taken leave of his senses.Er ist wohl von allen guten Geistern verlassen.
Nobody in his senses would ...Niemand, der bei Sinnen ist, würde ...
not in his right sensesnicht bei Verstand
lit. quote Oh thou, beloved of my twenty-seven senses, I love thine! [trans. Kurt Schwitters]O du, Geliebte meiner siebenundzwanzig Sinne, ich liebe dir! [Kurt Schwitters, An Anna Blume, 1920]
5+ Words: Verbs
to be in full possession of one's sensesvollsinnig sein [veraltet]
to be in one's (right) sensesbei (rechten) Sinnen sein [veraltend]
to be out of one's sensesaußer Sinnen sein [selten]
to be out of one's sensesvon Sinnen sein
to be out of one's senses [idiom]nicht (mehr) bei Sinnen sein [Redewendung] [nicht bei klarem Verstand sein]
to bring sb. to his / her senses [fig.]jdn. zur Einsicht bewegen [zur Vernunft bringen]
to come to one's right senses [idiom]zu Sinnen kommen
to have taken leave of one's senses [dated] [idiom]von allen guten Geistern verlassen sein [Redewendung]
to have taken leave of one's senses [idiom]des Teufels sein [ugs.] [Redewendung]
5+ Words: Nouns
a feast for the sensesein Fest {n} der Sinne
Fiction (Literature and Film)
lit. F Aphrodite: A Memoir of the Senses [Isabel Allende]Aphrodite. Eine Feier der Sinne
film F In the Realm of the Senses [Nagisa Ōshima]Im Reich der Sinne
art F Monument to the Five Senses [Lubo Kristek]Denkmal für die fünf Sinne
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A 2018-10-12: Disambiguation is needed, when terms are used in specialized senses not im...
Q 2018-07-08: Two untranslated senses of haben
A 2016-10-02: LINK; some suggestions: +wol+ > (here) +generally+ obtain only seldom; oth...
Q 2016-04-10: Hardly perceptible to the senses.
A 2014-09-13: "She seemed to have lost her senses finally ."
A 2013-11-01: "to come to one's senses" heißt eher "Vernunft annehmen"
A 2013-11-01: come to one's senses
A 2012-07-09: "Bestellung" can be used in both senses, just like "order" in English.
A 2011-04-18: he must have lost his senses temporarily / all of a sudden and he overlooked ...
Q 2010-02-24: engage your senses
A 2010-01-21: The etymology of sensible shows that it used to mean 'perceptible to the s...
A 2009-09-10: If the speaker wants the person on the ground to regain his senses, most l...
A 2009-07-16: senses open the world
A 2009-07-16: Senses open (up) the world.
A 2008-11-28: bolt-hole = hole in the ground into which an animal bolts when it senses danger.
A 2008-11-26: over acuteness of the senses
A 2008-07-31: experience the laws of nature with all five senses
A 2008-04-07: education involving impaired senses and development
A 2008-01-19: Careful! +Kolloquium+ and +colloquium+ share two senses but not the one re...
A 2007-11-07: Recanting: upon = on; -- used in all the senses of that word, with which i...

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