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English-German translation for: sentence of time served
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Deutsch - Englisch

Dictionary English German: sentence of time served

Translation 1 - 50 of 68878  >>

law sentence of time servedVerurteilung {f} zu der bereits in Haft verbrachten Zeit
Partial Matches
law sentence servedverbüßte Strafe {f}
served a sentence {past-p}verbüßt
sb. served a sentencejd. verbüßte
after having served his sentence {adv}nach Absitzen seiner Strafe [ugs.]
sth. has / had served its timeetw. hat / hatte ausgedient
law commencement of sentenceStrafantritt {m}
commutation of sentenceWandlung {f} der Strafe
law execution of sentenceStrafvollstreckung {f}
law mitigation of sentenceStrafmilderung {f}
law proclamation of sentenceUrteilsverkündung {f}
law pronouncement of sentenceUrteilseröffnung {f}
law reduction of sentenceStrafminderung {f}
law remission (of sentence)Straferlaß {m} [alt]
law sentence of deathTodesurteil {n}
law sentence of detentionHaftstrafe {f}
law sentence of imprisonmentGefängnisstrafe {f}
law suspension of sentenceStrafaussetzung {f}
law to pronounce sentence of deathden Stab brechen [fig.] [altertümlich]
law (conditional) deferral of sentence(bedingter) Strafaufschub {m}
law (sentence of) penal servitudeZuchthaus {n} [ugs. für.: Zuchthausstrafe] [veraltend]
ling. beginning of a sentenceSatzbeginn {m}
ling. beginning of the sentenceSatzanfang {m} [Anfang des Satzes]
commutation of a sentenceUmwandlung {f} eines Urteils
confirmation of a sentenceBestätigung {f} eines Urteils
construction of a sentenceAufbau {m} eines Satzes
law construction of a sentenceAuslegung {f} eines Gerichtsurteils
construction of a sentenceSatzkonstruktion {f}
ending of a sentenceSatzende {n}
ling. part of a sentenceSatzteil {m}
law passing of a sentenceAburteilung {f}
sense of a sentenceBedeutung {f} eines Satzes
law sentence of penal servitudeZuchthausstrafe {f} [veraltet]
sharpness of a sentenceHärte {f} einer Strafe
significance of a sentenceAusdruckskraft {f} eines Satzes
structure of a sentenceAufbau {m} eines Satzes
structure of a sentenceSatzbau {m} [Struktur eines Satzes]
structure of a sentenceSatzkonstruktion {f}
structure of the sentenceSatzbau {m} [Struktur des Satzes]
under sentence of death {adj} [postpos.]zum Tode verurteilt
to be under sentence of deathzum Tode verurteilt sein
law execution of a (prison) sentenceStrafvollzug {m}
ling. part of a / the sentenceSatzglied {n}
ling. at the beginning of a sentence {adv}am Satzanfang [am Anfang eines Satzes]
ling. at the beginning of the sentence {adv}am Satzanfang [am Anfang des Satzes]
at the end of this sentence {adv}am Ende dieses Satzes
carrying out (of a death sentence)Vollstreckung {f} (eines Todesurteils)
mil. served {adj} {past-p}abgedient
served {adj} {past-p}bedient
served {adj} {past-p}gedient
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