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English-German translation for: set-up
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Dictionary English German: set up

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VERB  to set up | set up | set up ... 
SYNO   to fix | to gear up | to prepare ... 
SEE ALSO  setup
setupSet-up {n}
to set sb. upjdm. eine Falle stellen
to set sb. up [coll.] [idiom] [to frame]jdm. die Schuld in die Schuhe schieben [Redewendung]
to set sb. up [for blame for sth.]jdm. etw.Akk. anhängen [etw. Übles zuschreiben] [ugs.] [pej.]
to set sb. up [restore to health]jdm. guttun [gesundheitlich]
to set sb. up [restore to health]jdm. gut tun [gesundheitlich] [alt]
to set sb. up [with sb. else]jdn. verkuppeln
to set sth. upetw.Akk. arrangieren [einrichten]
to set sth. upetw.Akk. aufbauen
tech. to set sth. upetw.Akk. einstellen
to set sth. upetw. anlegen [Kartei]
to set sth. up [a process, series of events]etw.Akk. auslösen
to set sth. up [constitute, shape]etw. bilden
to set sth. up [robbery etc.]planen [Überfall etc.]
comp. mil. tech. to set upaufrüsten
to set up [arm, equip]rüsten
to set up [arrange, contrive]einrichten
to set up [business etc.]eröffnen [Geschäft, Praxis, Kanzlei etc.]
to set up [cause]auslösen [verursachen]
to set up [constitute, found]konstituieren
to set up [establish]gründen
sports to set up [football]auflegen (für)
to set up [inquiry etc.]veranlassen [Untersuchung etc.]
to set up [meeting etc.]vereinbaren [Termin, Treffen]
to set up [position, constitute]aufstellen [Objekt, Rekord etc.]
to set up [prepare]vorbereiten
to set up sth.etw. arrangieren
to set up sth. [a process, series of events]etw.Akk. auslösen
to set up sth. [raise]anstimmen [Geschrei, Protest etc.]
set upSet-up {n}
tech. set-upAbstimmung {f}
set-upAnordnung {f}
set-upAufstellung {f}
set-upEinrichten {n}
set-upEinrichtung {f}
set-upKonstellation {f}
set-upOrganisation {f}
set-upSchaltung {f}
set-upSystem {n}
set-up [coll.]Falle {f}
set-up [coll.]abgekartetes Spiel {n} [ugs.]
set-up {sg} [circumstances]Verhältnisse {pl}
jobs to set up as sth.sich niederlassen als etw.
comm. to set up shop [idiom]ein Geschäft eröffnen
to set up shop [idiom]seine Zelte aufschlagen [Redewendung]
(experimental) set-upMessanordnung {f} (bei Experimenten)
administrative set-upVerwaltungsaufbau {m}
basic set-upGrundaufbau {m}
basic set-upGrundschaltung {f}
tech. experiment set-upVersuchsaufbau {m}
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A 2021-12-13: sputum culture set up
A 2020-01-20: Quote: The Financial Ombudsman Service was set up by Parliament as the off...
A 2016-06-27: eingerichtet - set up
A 2016-04-04: set up to meet our requirement. ? .... meet our needs. ?
A 2015-10-23: set up?
A 2015-10-22: that the western state be set up as a provisional entity
A 2015-05-26: to set up a comupter
A 2015-04-14: +panelists+ would only work if a panel were set up; +review panelists+ hav...
A 2015-03-11: to define a strategy, to set up a strategy ??
A 2015-03-08: wenn man nur die geschichtliche Entwicklung betrachtet: were set up
A 2015-03-08: have been set up
A 2015-03-08: many organizations ( = non-profit) / businesses ( = for profit) were set up
A 2015-02-25: Would you please set up an out-of-office message for NN reading "..."
A 2015-01-20: Not so illogical. The catering bill for n persons was higher than for (n -...
A 2014-11-30: "set up", "put up", "erect" a tent
A 2014-09-28: set up
A 2014-05-19: limited by version, type, case or machine configuratioin/set up
Q 2013-07-18: ... set up a small electric fan. Mosquitoes aren’t strong enough to fly th...
A 2012-11-07: Great! ;-) Where will they sell? Will they set up local shops? Or at your ...
A 2012-11-06: Right, either this or he/she set up the other filter to receive mails thro...

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