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English-German translation for: settings
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Dictionary English German: settings

Translation 1 - 37 of 37

English German
NOUN   a setting | settings
NOUN   das Setting | die Settings
Einstellungen {pl}
tech. settings
Einstellwerte {pl}
settings {pl} [of audio devices, mixing consoles, microphones, etc.]
Einpegeln {n} [Audiogeräte, Mischpulte, Mikrofone usw.]
2 Words: Nouns
comp. advanced settingserweiterte Einstellungen {pl}
comp. tech. telecom. alert settingsWarneinstellungen {pl}
tech. basic settingsGrundeinstellungen {pl}
ind. tech. burner settingsBrennereinstellungen {pl}
comp. photo. color settings [Am.]Farbeinstellungen {pl}
comp. configuration settingsKonfigurationseinstellungen {pl}
tech. console settingsKonsoleneinstellungen {pl}
tech. control settingsKontrolleinstellungen {pl}
tech. control settingsRegelungseinstellungen {pl}
tech. control settingsSteuerungseinstellungen {pl}
comp. custom settingsbenutzerdefinierte Einstellungen {pl}
comp. default settingsStandardeinstellungen {pl}
tech. default settingsWerkseinstellungen {pl}
factory settingsWerkseinstellungen {pl}
comp. tech. factory settings {pl}Werkszustand {m} [Werkseinstellungen]
comp. language settingsSpracheinstellungen {pl}
comp. location settingsStandorteinstellungen {pl}
machine settingsMaschineneinstellungen {pl}
film movie settings [camera settings]Filmeinstellungen {pl}
comp. tech. network settingsNetzwerkeinstellungen {pl}
comp. Internet telecom. notification settingsBenachrichtigungseinstellungen {pl}
photo. tech. picture settingsBildeinstellungen {pl}
gastr. place settingsGedecke {pl}
comp. previous settingsvorherige Einstellungen {pl}
Internet privacy settingsDatenschutzeinstellungen {pl}
comp. proxy settingsProxy-Einstellungen {pl}
mus. relig. psalm settingsPsalmenvertonungen {pl}
tech. settings menuEinstellungsmenü {n}
tech. system settingsSystemeinstellungen {pl} [auch: System-Einstellungen]
electr. temperature settings {pl}Temperatureinstellung {f}
3 Words: Verbs
audio comp. RadioTV to tweak the settingskleine Änderungen an den Einstellungen vornehmen
3 Words: Nouns
comp. Local Security Settings [Microsoft Windows]Lokale Sicherheitseinstellungen {pl}
washing machine settingsWaschprogramme {pl}
4 Words: Verbs
comp. electr. to restore to factory settingsWerkseinstellungen wiederherstellen
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A 2022-10-26: zum Selberbasteln: underlying economic / business / financial conditions /...
A 2018-07-21: Changing those settings has no impact
A 2017-01-25: The term +landscape+ goes back to the Renaissance; except for bucolic sett...
A 2016-06-23: http://www.dict.cc/?s=network+settings
A 2016-06-23: Please use these network settings....
A 2015-07-02: services / settings replacing hospital wards
A 2014-07-31: You might also want to check your search engine settings.
A 2014-02-28: Set/fix/change/enter the parameter settings - some possibilities.
A 2014-02-28: Possibly +these settings are only valid for the current job.+
A 2014-02-28: "The settings made" oder "the made settings"
A 2014-02-28: Theoretically, the second is better, but I don't think settings can be made.
Q 2014-02-28: "The settings made" oder "the made settings"
A 2014-01-20: Thank you for the advice with the Google Settings, that's indeed helpful!
A 2013-06-23: @gamby: I'll change my settings to allow that, give me a minute or so.
A 2011-12-15: Among older people, it would be considered offensive in most settings.
A 2011-10-24: settings
A 2011-09-20: I think there's something in the settings for your profile.
Q 2011-06-27: UI-Texte für Medizingerät (bis 15 Uhr zu liefern) - "Print Composing Defau...
A 2011-04-07: Can't think of the EN just now, but it could refer to (the literal) "count...
Q 2011-04-06: convention settings

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