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Dictionary English German: setup

Translation 1 - 46 of 46

English German
NOUN   a setup | setups
SYNO   apparatus | setup | frame-up
Aufbau {m}
Einstellung {f}
Einrichtung {f}
Falle {f}
setupSet-up {n}
setup [coll.]abgekartetes Spiel {n} [ugs.]
tech. setup [for measurements, tests]Messplatz {m}
electr. RadioTV setup [pedestal]Schwarzabhebung {f}
2 Words: Nouns
telecom. call setupRufaufbau {m}
call setupAufbau {m} der Verbindung
computer setupComputerschaltung {f}
acad. tech. experimental setupVersuchsanordnung {f}
tech. experimental setup [also: experimental set-up]Versuchsaufbau {m}
tech. hardware setupHardwareaufbau {m}
tech. hardware setupHardwareeinrichtung {f}
measurement setupMessanordnung {f}
chem. tech. measurement setupMessaufbau {m}
tech. measurement setupMessplatz {m}
tech. measuring setupMessaufbau {m}
room setupRaumausstattung {f}
econ. market. sales setupVertriebsaufbau {m}
comp. setup assistantEinrichtungsassistent {m}
tech. setup cart [workshop, production, assembly department]Rüstwagen {m} [Werkstatt, Fertigung, Montageabteilung]
acc. ind. setup cost {sg}Rüstkosten {pl}
econ. setup costsEinrichtungskosten {pl}
acc. ind. setup costsRüstkosten {pl}
tech. setup diagramAufbaudiagramm {n}
tech. setup diagramEinstelldiagramm {n} [Einstellen von Parametern]
comp. tech. setup errorEinstellungsfehler {m} [z. B. bei Parametern]
tech. setup location [installation site]Aufstellort {m} [von Maschinen etc.]
tech. setup timeAufstellzeit {f}
setup timeEinrichtezeit {f}
comp. setup wizard [coll.]Einrichtungsassistent {m}
tech. test setupPrüfanordnung {f}
tech. test setupPrüfaufbau {m}
QM test setupTestanordnung {f} [Aufbau]
QM test setupTestaufbau {m}
acad. tech. test setupVersuchsaufbau {m}
tech. test setup [also: test set-up]Versuchsanordnung {f}
3 Words: Nouns
tech. (initial) setup modeEinrichtbetrieb {m}
tech. (initial) setup operationEinrichtbetrieb {m}
account number setupKontonummernaufbau {m}
electr. RadioTV black level setupSchwarzwertabhebung {f}
film RadioTV single-camera setupEin-Kamera-Verfahren {n}
tech. tool setup analysisRichtanalyse {f} [Einrichten Werkzeugmaschine]
4 Words: Nouns
MedTech. tech. short daily setup timekurze tägliche Rüstzeit {f}
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A 2018-08-14: Setup and mode of operation of a proof of concept
A 2015-01-20: Setup and checking out of a test bench ...
A 2014-09-28: setup vs. implement
Q 2014-05-01: Allgemeinsprachlicher Text, Abgabe Freitag 12 Uhr "Target organisational s...
Q 2012-04-18: a recipe for a setup
A 2011-08-01: "Ich habe ein Setup gemacht."
A 2011-06-28: The surgical setup
Q 2011-06-28: surgical setup
Q 2011-03-29: Setup...for a website
Q 2010-02-08: Terminal Resistor Setup
A 2009-10-27: As sb. mentoined in #470839 it rather should be 'notes' or 'hints' for the...
A 2009-10-23: You are right Joanne, ...set and ready to use, I think the use of 'setup' ...
A 2009-04-08: Nachtrag: "setup" ist "installieren"
A 2008-11-10: setup and deletion ???
A 2008-10-21: coffee setup ?
A 2008-08-11: +picture setup+ und +image setup+ sind faktisch austauschbar - also sollte...
Q 2008-04-20: Need help please. It's from a proposal about a trade fair booth (construct...
A 2007-12-09: setup / con game ???
A 2007-10-23: what's the whole sentence? setup devices usually have specific terms,
A 2007-09-10: Abbeypro are a UK setup, their terminology seems to be preferable to any D...

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